灿烂千阳A Thousand Splendid Suns

灿烂千阳A Thousand Splendid Suns_第1张图片


Women should value their own value, don't be flowers as low as dust.



Afghan writer Khaled Husseni prefers to describe children of twelve or thirteen years old, this may because of his own experience in childhood when he migrated to France due to his father's job as a diplomat. In his view, this age is of a child who are approaching the adult world, and is about to lose innocence. It's an age on the verge of loss, which is also one of the themes of all his stories. Loss disperses people but also ties them together. His depiction of war and human nature is very detailed. In his three famous works, The Kite Runner, A Thousand Splendid Suns, And the Mountains Echoed, he describes the psychological changes and the fate of the protagonists under the war very well. In the A Thousand Splendid Suns, he portrays two female characters who stand and resist fate in the social background of the war and the inferiority of men and women in a exquisite and touching way.


I've read two of Husseni's works, The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns, and now I choose the latter as the object of my analysis. Not to say that it's superior to the other, but because of the description of these women's personality and fate really touched me.


The story is set in wartime Afghanistan and it is about two women with completely different fates met each other then supported each other. I also want to explain my feeling to this book starting with the two protagonists.ll


Mariam, illegal existence, lawful death .


Mariam had two names, Mariam, and Harami, the illegitimate child, and the latter seems to be more familiar and impressive than the previous one. For her mother was a humble servant, even if she was the daughter of the master of the house, she could only live in an isolated mud house with her mother. The author used a very detailed psychological description to show the world from the perspective of children. And the change in Mariam's feelings towards her "father" from unconditional trust and vision to disappointment after seeing the truth was also so classic. She used to believe that her father loved her and was willing to give her everything until she made the first "rebellion" of her life, fled to see him but eventually forced to marry, or we could say sent, to Rachid who was a rude shoemaker, a typical Afghan patriarchal, she even knew that her father was a coward. From then on, the rest of Mariam's life was left with misery, domestic violence, miscarriage and confinement, which made her learned what her mother had taught her, "Women only need to learn one skill, that is patience." at an easy rate. Fortunately she met the other protagonist in this book, Laila. From strangers to acquaintances, from hostility to support, she found her own sunshine and she at last made her second "rebellion" for Leila, to kill her husband. About her ending, as the book described, "Mariam listened to others for the last time. She knelt down and closed her eyes." This "illegal" Alami finally received a "legal" end.


Laila, the flower of stubbornness in the war .


Compared to Mariam, Laila's childhood and teenage years were too happy, a harmonious family, a decent life, and dear lover. The night beauty grew up with love, but was torn apart by the merciless flames of war. We would never believe that to destroy a family only needs a simple cold bomb. Her families all dead, her lover was forced away,  to protect herself and the children unborn she had to marry Rachid. In the process of getting along with Mariam, she understood the heart of a tortured woman and decided to work with her to survive. Unfortunately, she failed to save this poor woman. Fortunately, she survived and found her lost lover. At least because of her, Mariam, this Alami, continued to exist in this world, in another way.


Every time when author writes about how Rachid tortures his two wives, I feel so painful like I am experiencing the same thing. Perhaps it is because the author himself has experienced it so that he could depict the picture so truthfully, painfully and profoundly. People's feeling of pain is always stronger than happiness, such as in A Thousand Splendid Suns, it shows a cruel world we have never known, like a long picture across 30 years, slowly spreads out in front of you. However, we can see more than pain, as the book says, "One could not count the moons that shimmer on her roof, and the thousand splendid suns that hide behind her walls." For war-torn Afghanistan, the relationship between Mariam and Leila is the thousands beams of sunlight that can break through the haze. It is not just the awakening of women's consciousness, but also something beyond the body, an eternal soul. From then on, everything will be just as good as flowers blossom in the warm spring.

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