绘本讲师训练营【15期】9/21-- 阅读原创《I believe in you》


Today I will share one picture book which called . It's a very sweet and encouraging book for all our kids and us--the parents.

Now let me introduce it with you:

Here is the front cover,  mommy is so nice and sweet helping her boy to ride bicycle. Bird is singing in the tree and little animals puppy and butterfly surrounding with them, flowers are blooming colorfully. 

Every color is  warm and nice just like the feeling mommy and her child has.

绘本讲师训练营【15期】9/21-- 阅读原创《I believe in you》_第1张图片

Then let's begin the 1st page:

绘本讲师训练营【15期】9/21-- 阅读原创《I believe in you》_第2张图片

You came into our family with a big, big job to do, the one of growing up into the one and only you!

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Some days, it's super easy. And others? Kind of tough. Monday's "bring it on!” turns into Friday's "had enough!".

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Whether it' sunny or stormy, whether you're happy or blue. I'm here to say, without a doubt, that I believe in you!

绘本讲师训练营【15期】9/21-- 阅读原创《I believe in you》_第5张图片

When your project seems too hard, and you want to go to bed, I believe in your smart thinking to learn and grow instead.

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When the team you like says,"No, some other kid will play." I believe in your awesome skills to shine another way.

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When the monsters in your closet, seem too big for you to fights, I believe in your true courage to know it'll be all right.

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When you make a big mistakes or you choose a hurtful way, I believe in your stand-up truth to say what you should say.

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When the day dips up and down like a roller coaster ride, I believe in your quick laugh to love the lows and highs.

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When you look into the mirror and question who you are, I believe in your true beauty that shines through from you to me.

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When everyone else stands tall, looking so tough and strong, I believe in your brave spirit.

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When your best friends is unkind or doesn't wnat to play with you, I believe in your personality to find new friends who do!

绘本讲师训练营【15期】9/21-- 阅读原创《I believe in you》_第13张图片

When learning something new makes you want to stop and quit, I believe in your great attitude, to go and conquer it!

绘本讲师训练营【15期】9/21-- 阅读原创《I believe in you》_第14张图片

Your job of growing up takes hard work,I know, but each day is an adventure. Each problem helps you grow.

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And I want you to remember, I'm here to watch the ride. I believe in one amazing you with all my love and pride!

That' the whole story, mommy believes in her child anytime or anywhere or anything, I think the child have got much much courage and self-confidence from her mother. He is blest and lucky, hope all the mother to love their children in any cases.

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