
《越狱》第二季实用口语<PrisonBreak season2>


You watch your tone with me,boy. 你说话小心点,小子。还有句叫watch your step=走路小心点,谨慎的意思。

Where is the silo? 地窖在哪里?

Well,we get to do something and it's not going to involve hurting anyone.

Besides,you're the one we can't turn our back on. turn one's back on=疏忽,抛弃

Then gas up the car. gas up=美国口语里的给汽车加汽油

It's just a long story,man. 这句可以翻译成一言难尽

Well,it's looks like we're going in the same direction. 看起来我们同路啊。

Can I hitch a ride? hitch a ride=要求(免费)搭车

I'll make it worth your while. make it worth one's while=酬谢某人

Got it.明白了。

And nobody's cracked it yet. 至今还没人解开过这个谜。crack现在有破解的意思,玩黑客的朋友肯定不陌生,呵呵。

Let's go say hi to him. 我们过去问个好。

You call cannot be completed as dialed. 您拨的号码是空号。

I'm assuming you're here because you have updates on Sara? 我想你到这里来是有了关于Sara的新动态? 请注意updates在口语里的用法。

Scofield sent her a message through the mail that phone number that was disconnected. Scofield给她留了个电话不过是打不通的。

You know,to be honest,uh,I was expecting to brief the present. 你知道,老实说我想跟总统亲自说明情况。 brief在这里用法请牢记。

As you can imagine. 就像你可以想象的。

She's always been busy. 她总是很忙的。

I've been working side-by-side with her for 15 years. 我在她身边工作15年了。

You'll take my advice and just stay on the sidelines for now. 你最好接受我的意见别在这里瞎搅和。 stay on the sideline=停留在边界线,for now=暂时,眼下

We'll go about transitioning you back into Caroline's life. 我们就会考虑让你调回到Caroline身边。 transition=转变,变调

Pleasure to meet you,Sir. 很高兴见到你。

Frankly,the biggest issue we have to address are the charges facing your daughter. 我们现在最该担心的还是对你女儿的指控。 address有从事,忙于的意思

Are you with me? 你在听吗?

Where you at? 你在哪儿?

When'd you learn about electricity? 你什么时候学了电工?

I used to steal copper wiring from transformer boxes. 我从前从变压器箱子里偷过铜线。

Sell'em on the docks,make a few bucks. dock=码头(美);make a buck=挣钱

Now it's just up to the kid.现在就等那小子回来了。

Did the call go through? 电话打通了没有? 呵呵打通没打通原来是这样问滴。

There were some discrepancies in the statement you filled 30 years ago. 资料记载你30年前的口供前后不一致。 discrepancy=差异,矛盾(这个做外贸的很熟悉吧,信用证里的不符点);statement=陈述(在比较正式的场合用这个单词,比如说I need to revise my statement.就表示我想修正我自己说过的话的意思了)

But on another occasion,you said it was 7:00P.M. on another occasion=在另一个场合

Full tanks both times? 两次都加满(油)了? 这个要结合剧情。

He wants me and my crew to get over here and fix that problem double-quick,double-time. double-quick=快速的,意接近于double-time;crew=全体人员

Well,the company will cover all costs. 我公司会承担一切费用。

One way or another,we'll be out of here today. 无论如何,我们今天会完工的。One way or another=无论如何

The thing is flawless. flawless=无瑕疵的,无缺点的

This job is a top priority. 这个工作非常重要。top priority=应予最优先考虑的事

We want to get this done as quickly and efficiently as possible. 我们得以最快最高效地完成。 这句不错,记下吧。

Thank you kindly. 真是太谢谢了。

Post a note on the message board. 在留言板上发话。

I don't want to say I told you so,but that was just not the girl for you. 我不想马后炮,但那女孩不适合你。

I'm certain of it. 当然愿意。

After he puches out? 下班后?

Let's be civil here. 我们还是礼貌点。civil=市民的,有礼貌的

I was just about to text you. 我正打算给你发消息呢。 传说中的短信。。。?

I mean,your cart's empty. 你的手推车还是空的。

It looks like we're back to square one. be back to square one=退回起点,从头再来

I'm going to get a hold of dad. 我想找下爸爸。

I don't have a meeting scheduled with my lawyer. scheduled=预定的

Is there something I can help you with? 我能帮你什么吗?

Would I have a moment,please? 我可以单独待会儿吗?

That's a hell of a good deal. 这买卖很划算。a hell of a用来加重语气的

You like jerky? jerky=牛肉干

Murder?Rape?Kidnapping?Sexual abuse?Child sexual abuse?Aggravated robbery. 谋杀?强奸?绑架?性虐待?猥亵儿童? 重度抢劫。 这个...这个...不说了吧。 Aggravate=加重

Why on earth would you break ... on earth=究竟

In case you decide to do something stupid like tip them off. tip off=向...泄露

I owe you a profound thanks,pretty. 我欠你一个深深的感谢。 profound=深刻的

And I sure as hell hope that you write back. 我非常期待你能回信。write back=回复

It does feel good to get stuff off your chest. 一吐为快。stuff是东西,off是离开,chest是胸膛,这句话真是妙啊!
