Warning: Deprecated privilege SYSDBA for command 'STARTUP' |
[oracle11@racnode1~]$ sqlplus "/ as sysasm" 创建ASMUSER,使用例如以下命令: SQL> CREATE USER ASMUSER IDENTIFIED BY ASMUSER1; SQL> GRANT SYSASM, SYSOPER TO ASMUSER; 使用ASMUSER连接ASM实例: [oracle@racnode1 ~]$ sqlplus "ASMUSER/ASMUSER as sysasm" SQL> select * from v$pwfile_users; USERNAME SYSDBA SYSOPER SYSASM ---------------------------- ----- ------- ------ SYS TRUE TRUE FALSE ASMUSER FALSE TRUE TRUE |
[oracle11@racnode1~]$ sqlplus " as sysoper" |
audit_sys_operations = TRUE _disable_instance_params_check = TRUE |
[oracle11@racnode1~]$ orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/asm/orapw+ASM1 \ password=oracle |
SQL> SELECT * FROM V$PWFILE_USERS; USERNAME SYSDB SYSOP SYSAS ------------------------------ ----- ----- ----- SYS TRUE TRUE FALSE |
V$ASM_ALIAS This view displays all system- and user-defined aliases. There is one row for every alias present in every diskgroup mounted by the ASM instance. The RDBMS instance displays no rows in this view. V$ASM_ATTRIBUTE This Oracle Database 11gview displays one row for each ASM attribute defined. These attributes are listed when they are defined in CREATE DISKGROUPor ALTER DISKGROUPstatements. DISK_REPAIR_TIMERis an example of an attribute. V$ASM_CLIENT This view displays one row for each RDBMS instance that has an opened ASM diskgroup. V$ASM_DISK This view contains specifics about all disks discovered by the ASM instance, including mount status, disk state, and size. There is one row for every disk discovered by the ASM instance. V$ASM_DISK_IOSTAT This displays information about disk I/O statistics for each ASM client. If this view is queried from the database instance, only the rows for that instance are shown. V$ASM_DISK_STAT This view contains similar content as the V$ASM_ DISK, except V$ASM_DISK_STATreads disk information from cache and thus performs no disk discovery. This view is primarily used for quick access to the disk information without the overhead of disk discovery. V$ASM_DISKGROUPV$ASM_DISKGROUPdisplays one row for every ASM diskgroup discovered by the ASM instance on the node. V$ASM_DISKGROUP_STAT This view contains all the similar view contents as the V$ASM_DISKGROUP, except that V$ASM_DISK_STATreads disk information from the cache and thus performs no disk discovery. This view is primarily used for quick access to the diskgroup information without the overhead of disk discovery. V$ASM_FILE The V$ASM_FILEview displays information about ASM files. There is one row for every ASM file in every diskgroup mounted by the ASM instance. In a RDBMS instance, V$ASM_FILEdisplays no rows. V$ASM_OPERATION This view describes the progress of an influx ASM rebalance operation. In a RDBMS instance, V$ASM_OPERATIONdisplays no rows. V$ASM_TEMPLATE This view contains information on user- and systemdefined templates. V$ASM_TEMPLATEdisplays one row for every template present in every diskgroup mounted by the ASM instance. In a RDBMS instance,V$ASM_TEMPLATEdisplays one row for every template present in every diskgroup mounted by the ASM instance with which the RDBMS instance communicates |
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