PostgreSQL 源码解读(108)- 后台进程#1(PGPROC数据结构)




 * Note: MAX_BACKENDS is limited to 2^18-1 because that's the width reserved
 * for buffer references in buf_internals.h.  This limitation could be lifted
 * by using a 64bit state; but it's unlikely to be worthwhile as 2^18-1
 * backends exceed currently realistic configurations. Even if that limitation
 * were removed, we still could not a) exceed 2^23-1 because inval.c stores
 * the backend ID as a 3-byte signed integer, b) INT_MAX/4 because some places
 * compute 4*MaxBackends without any overflow check.  This is rechecked in the
 * relevant GUC check hooks and in RegisterBackgroundWorker().
 * 注意:MAX_BACKENDS限制为2^18-1,
 *   这是因为该值为buf_internals.h中定义的缓存依赖的最大宽度.
 * 该限制可以通过使用64bit的状态来提升,但它看起来并不值当.
 * 如果去掉该限制,我们仍然不能够超过:
 *   a) 2^23-1,因为inval.c使用3个字节的有符号整数存储后台进程ID
 *   b) INT_MAX/4 ,因为某些地方没有任何的溢出检查,直接计算4*MaxBackends的值.
 * 该值会在相关的GUC检查钩子和RegisterBackgroundWorker()函数中检查.
#define MAX_BACKENDS    0x3FFFF

/* shmqueue.c */
typedef struct SHM_QUEUE
    struct SHM_QUEUE *prev;
    struct SHM_QUEUE *next;

 * An invalid pgprocno.  Must be larger than the maximum number of PGPROC
 * structures we could possibly have.  See comments for MAX_BACKENDS.
 * 无效的pg进程号.
 * 必须大于我们可能拥有的最大的PGPROC数目.


 * Code outside of lwlock.c should not manipulate the contents of this
 * structure directly, but we have to declare it here to allow LWLocks to be
 * incorporated into other data structures.
 * lwlock.c外的代码不应直接操作这个结构的内容,
 *   但我们必须声明该结构体以便将LWLocks合并到其他数据结构中。
typedef struct LWLock
    uint16      tranche;        /* tranche ID */
    pg_atomic_uint32 state;     /* state of exclusive/nonexclusive lockers */
    proclist_head waiters;      /* list of waiting PGPROCs */
    pg_atomic_uint32 nwaiters;  /* number of waiters */
    struct PGPROC *owner;       /* last exclusive owner of the lock */
} LWLock;


PostgreSQL backend processes can't see each other's memory directly, nor can the postmaster see into PostgreSQL backend process memory. Yet they need some way to communicate and co-ordinate, and the postmaster needs a way to keep track of them.


 * Each backend has a PGPROC struct in shared memory.  There is also a list of
 * currently-unused PGPROC structs that will be reallocated to new backends.
 * 每个后台进程在共享内存中都有一个PGPROC结构体.
 * 存在未使用的PGPROC结构体链表,用于为新的后台进程重新进行分配.
 * links: list link for any list the PGPROC is in.  When waiting for a lock,
 * the PGPROC is linked into that lock's waitProcs queue.  A recycled PGPROC
 * is linked into ProcGlobal's freeProcs list.
 * links: PGPROC所在的链表的链接.
 *   在等待锁时,PGPROC链接到该锁的waiProc队列中.
 * 回收的PGPROC链接到ProcGlobal的freeProcs链表中.
 * Note: twophase.c also sets up a dummy PGPROC struct for each currently
 * prepared transaction.  These PGPROCs appear in the ProcArray data structure
 * so that the prepared transactions appear to be still running and are
 * correctly shown as holding locks.  A prepared transaction PGPROC can be
 * distinguished from a real one at need by the fact that it has pid == 0.
 * The semaphore and lock-activity fields in a prepared-xact PGPROC are unused,
 * but its myProcLocks[] lists are valid.
 * 注意:twophase.c也会为每一个当前已准备妥当的事务配置一个虚拟的PGPROC结构.
 * 这些PGPROCs在数组ProcArray数据结构中出现,以便已准备的事务看起来仍在运行,
 *   并正确的显示为持有锁.
 * 已准备妥当的事务PGPROC与一个真正的PGPROC事实上的区别是pid == 0.
 * 在prepared-xact PGPROC中的信号量和活动锁域字段没有使用,但myProcLocks[]链表是有效的.
struct PGPROC
    /* proc->links MUST BE FIRST IN STRUCT (see ProcSleep,ProcWakeup,etc) */
    SHM_QUEUE   links;          /* list link if process is in a list */
    PGPROC    **procgloballist; /* procglobal list that owns this PGPROC */
    PGSemaphore sem;            /* ONE semaphore to sleep on */
    int         waitStatus;     /* STATUS_WAITING, STATUS_OK or STATUS_ERROR */
    Latch       procLatch;      /* generic latch for process */
    LocalTransactionId lxid;    /* local id of top-level transaction currently
                                 * being executed by this proc, if running;
                                 * else InvalidLocalTransactionId */
    int         pid;            /* Backend's process ID; 0 if prepared xact */
    int         pgprocno;

    /* These fields are zero while a backend is still starting up: */
    //------------ 这些域在进程正在启动时为0
    //已分配的后台进程的backend ID
    BackendId   backendId;      /* This backend's backend ID (if assigned) */
    Oid         databaseId;     /* OID of database this backend is using */
    Oid         roleId;         /* OID of role using this backend */
    //该进程使用的临时schema OID
    Oid         tempNamespaceId;    /* OID of temp schema this backend is
                                     * using */
    bool        isBackgroundWorker; /* true if background worker. */

     * While in hot standby mode, shows that a conflict signal has been sent
     * for the current transaction. Set/cleared while holding ProcArrayLock,
     * though not required. Accessed without lock, if needed.
     * 如在hot standby模式,显示已为当前事务发送冲突信号.
     * 尽管不需要,设置/清除持有的ProcArrayLock.
     * 如需要,则在没有持有锁的情况下访问.
    bool        recoveryConflictPending;

    /* Info about LWLock the process is currently waiting for, if any. */
    //-------------- 进程正在等待的LWLock相关信息
    //等待LW lock,为T
    bool        lwWaiting;      /* true if waiting for an LW lock */
    uint8       lwWaitMode;     /* lwlock mode being waited for */
    proclist_node lwWaitLink;   /* position in LW lock wait list */

    /* Support for condition variables. */
    //-------------- 支持条件变量
    proclist_node cvWaitLink;   /* position in CV wait list */

    /* Info about lock the process is currently waiting for, if any. */
    //-------------- 进程正在等待的锁信息
    /* waitLock and waitProcLock are NULL if not currently waiting. */
    LOCK       *waitLock;       /* Lock object we're sleeping on ... */
    PROCLOCK   *waitProcLock;   /* Per-holder info for awaited lock */
    LOCKMODE    waitLockMode;   /* type of lock we're waiting for */
    LOCKMASK    heldLocks;      /* bitmask for lock types already held on this
                                 * lock object by this backend */

     * Info to allow us to wait for synchronous replication, if needed.
     * waitLSN is InvalidXLogRecPtr if not waiting; set only by user backend.
     * syncRepState must not be touched except by owning process or WALSender.
     * syncRepLinks used only while holding SyncRepLock.
     * 允许我们等待同步复制的相关信息.
     * 如无需等待,则waitLSN为InvalidXLogRecPtr;仅允许由用户后台设置。
     * 除非拥有process或WALSender,否则不能修改syncRepState。
     * 仅在持有SyncRepLock时使用的syncrepink。
    XLogRecPtr  waitLSN;        /* waiting for this LSN or higher */
    int         syncRepState;   /* wait state for sync rep */
    SHM_QUEUE   syncRepLinks;   /* list link if process is in syncrep queue */

     * All PROCLOCK objects for locks held or awaited by this backend are
     * linked into one of these lists, according to the partition number of
     * their lock.
     * 该后台进程持有或等待的锁相关的所有PROCLOCK对象链接在这些链表的末尾,
     *   根据棣属于这些锁的分区号进行区分.
    struct XidCache subxids;    /* cache for subtransaction XIDs */

    /* Support for group XID clearing. */
    /* true, if member of ProcArray group waiting for XID clear */
    bool        procArrayGroupMember;
    /* next ProcArray group member waiting for XID clear */
    pg_atomic_uint32 procArrayGroupNext;

     * latest transaction id among the transaction's main XID and
     * subtransactions
     * 在事务主XID和子事务之间的最后的事务ID
    TransactionId procArrayGroupMemberXid;
    uint32      wait_event_info;    /* proc's wait information */

    /* Support for group transaction status update. */
    //--------------- 支持组事务状态更新
    bool        clogGroupMember;    /* true, if member of clog group */
    pg_atomic_uint32 clogGroupNext; /* next clog group member */
    TransactionId clogGroupMemberXid;   /* transaction id of clog group member */
    XidStatus   clogGroupMemberXidStatus;   /* transaction status of clog
                                             * group member */
    //属于clog组成员的事务ID的clog page
    int         clogGroupMemberPage;    /* clog page corresponding to
                                         * transaction id of clog group member */
    XLogRecPtr  clogGroupMemberLsn; /* WAL location of commit record for clog
                                     * group member */

    /* Per-backend LWLock.  Protects fields below (but not group fields). */
    LWLock      backendLock;

    /* Lock manager data, recording fast-path locks taken by this backend. */
    //---------- 锁管理数据,记录该后台进程以最快路径获得的锁
    //每一个fast-path slot的锁模式
    uint64      fpLockBits;     /* lock modes held for each fast-path slot */
    //rel oids的slots
    Oid         fpRelId[FP_LOCK_SLOTS_PER_BACKEND]; /* slots for rel oids */
    //是否持有fast-path VXID锁
    bool        fpVXIDLock;     /* are we holding a fast-path VXID lock? */
    //fast-path VXID锁的lxid
    LocalTransactionId fpLocalTransactionId;    /* lxid for fast-path VXID
                                                 * lock */

     * Support for lock groups.  Use LockHashPartitionLockByProc on the group
     * leader to get the LWLock protecting these fields.
    //--------- 支持锁组.
    //          在组leader中使用LockHashPartitionLockByProc获取LWLock保护这些域
    PGPROC     *lockGroupLeader;    /* lock group leader, if I'm a member */
    dlist_head  lockGroupMembers;   /* list of members, if I'm a leader */
    dlist_node  lockGroupLink;  /* my member link, if I'm a member */


extern PGDLLIMPORT struct PGXACT *MyPgXact;





insert into t_wal_partition(c1,c2,c3) VALUES(0,'HASH0','HAHS0');

Session 1

(gdb) b XLogInsertRecord
Breakpoint 1 at 0x54d122: file xlog.c, line 970.
(gdb) c

Breakpoint 1, XLogInsertRecord (rdata=0xf9cc70 , fpw_lsn=0, flags=1 '\001') at xlog.c:970
970     XLogCtlInsert *Insert = &XLogCtl->Insert;


(gdb) p *MyProc
$3 = {links = {prev = 0x0, next = 0x0}, procgloballist = 0x7fa79c087c98, sem = 0x7fa779fc81b8, waitStatus = 0, procLatch = {
    is_set = 0, is_shared = true, owner_pid = 1398}, lxid = 3, pid = 1398, pgprocno = 99, backendId = 3, 
  databaseId = 16402, roleId = 10, tempNamespaceId = 0, isBackgroundWorker = false, recoveryConflictPending = false, 
  lwWaiting = false, lwWaitMode = 0 '\000', lwWaitLink = {next = 0, prev = 0}, cvWaitLink = {next = 0, prev = 0}, 
  waitLock = 0x0, waitProcLock = 0x0, waitLockMode = 0, heldLocks = 0, waitLSN = 0, syncRepState = 0, syncRepLinks = {
    prev = 0x0, next = 0x0}, myProcLocks = {{prev = 0x7fa79c09c588, next = 0x7fa79c09c588}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c598, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c598}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c5a8, next = 0x7fa79c09c5a8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c5b8, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c5b8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c5c8, next = 0x7fa79c09c5c8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c5d8, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c5d8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c5e8, next = 0x7fa79c09c5e8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c5f8, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c5f8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c608, next = 0x7fa79c09c608}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c618, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c618}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c628, next = 0x7fa79c09c628}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c638, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c638}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c648, next = 0x7fa79c09c648}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c658, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c658}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c668, next = 0x7fa79c09c668}, {prev = 0x7fa79be25e70, 
      next = 0x7fa79be25e70}}, subxids = {xids = {0 }}, procArrayGroupMember = false, 
  procArrayGroupNext = {value = 2147483647}, procArrayGroupMemberXid = 0, wait_event_info = 0, clogGroupMember = false, 
  clogGroupNext = {value = 2147483647}, clogGroupMemberXid = 0, clogGroupMemberXidStatus = 0, clogGroupMemberPage = -1, 
  clogGroupMemberLsn = 0, backendLock = {tranche = 58, state = {value = 536870912}, waiters = {head = 2147483647, 
      tail = 2147483647}}, fpLockBits = 196027139227648, fpRelId = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2679, 2610, 2680, 2611, 17043, 17040, 
    17037, 17034, 17031, 17028, 17025}, fpVXIDLock = true, fpLocalTransactionId = 3, lockGroupLeader = 0x0, 
  lockGroupMembers = {head = {prev = 0x7fa79c09c820, next = 0x7fa79c09c820}}, lockGroupLink = {prev = 0x0, next = 0x0}}

注意:lwWaiting值为false,表示没有在等待LW Lock

Session 2

(gdb) b heap_insert
Breakpoint 2 at 0x4df4d1: file heapam.c, line 2449.
(gdb) c
Program received signal SIGINT, Interrupt.
0x00007fa7a7ee7a0b in futex_abstimed_wait (cancel=true, private=, abstime=0x0, expected=0, 
    futex=0x7fa779fc8138) at ../nptl/sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/sem_waitcommon.c:43
43        err = lll_futex_wait (futex, expected, private);


(gdb) p *MyProc
$36 = {links = {prev = 0x0, next = 0x0}, procgloballist = 0x7fa79c087c98, sem = 0x7fa779fc8138, waitStatus = 0, 
  procLatch = {is_set = 1, is_shared = true, owner_pid = 1449}, lxid = 13, pid = 1449, pgprocno = 98, backendId = 4, 
  databaseId = 16402, roleId = 10, tempNamespaceId = 0, isBackgroundWorker = false, recoveryConflictPending = false, 
  lwWaiting = true, lwWaitMode = 0 '\000', lwWaitLink = {next = 114, prev = 2147483647}, cvWaitLink = {next = 0, prev = 0}, 
  waitLock = 0x0, waitProcLock = 0x0, waitLockMode = 0, heldLocks = 0, waitLSN = 0, syncRepState = 0, syncRepLinks = {
    prev = 0x0, next = 0x0}, myProcLocks = {{prev = 0x7fa79c09c238, next = 0x7fa79c09c238}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c248, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c248}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c258, next = 0x7fa79c09c258}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c268, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c268}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c278, next = 0x7fa79c09c278}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c288, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c288}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c298, next = 0x7fa79c09c298}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c2a8, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c2a8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c2b8, next = 0x7fa79c09c2b8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c2c8, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c2c8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c2d8, next = 0x7fa79c09c2d8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c2e8, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c2e8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c2f8, next = 0x7fa79c09c2f8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c308, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c308}, {prev = 0x7fa79be21870, next = 0x7fa79be21870}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09c328, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09c328}}, subxids = {xids = {0 }}, procArrayGroupMember = false, 
  procArrayGroupNext = {value = 2147483647}, procArrayGroupMemberXid = 0, wait_event_info = 16777270, 
  clogGroupMember = false, clogGroupNext = {value = 2147483647}, clogGroupMemberXid = 0, clogGroupMemberXidStatus = 0, 
  clogGroupMemberPage = -1, clogGroupMemberLsn = 0, backendLock = {tranche = 58, state = {value = 536870912}, waiters = {
      head = 2147483647, tail = 2147483647}}, fpLockBits = 196027139227648, fpRelId = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2655, 2603, 2680, 
    2611, 17043, 17040, 17037, 17034, 17031, 17028, 17025}, fpVXIDLock = true, fpLocalTransactionId = 13, 
  lockGroupLeader = 0x0, lockGroupMembers = {head = {prev = 0x7fa79c09c4d0, next = 0x7fa79c09c4d0}}, lockGroupLink = {
    prev = 0x0, next = 0x0}}

lwWaiting值为true,正在等待Session 1的LWLock.
lwWaitLink = {next = 114, prev = 2147483647},其中next = 114,这里的114是指全局变量ProcGlobal(类型为PROC_HDR)->allProcs数组下标为114的ITEM.

(gdb) p ProcGlobal->allProcs[114]
$41 = {links = {prev = 0x0, next = 0x0}, procgloballist = 0x0, sem = 0x7fa779fc8938, waitStatus = 0, procLatch = {
    is_set = 0, is_shared = true, owner_pid = 1351}, lxid = 0, pid = 1351, pgprocno = 114, backendId = -1, databaseId = 0, 
  roleId = 0, tempNamespaceId = 0, isBackgroundWorker = false, recoveryConflictPending = false, lwWaiting = true, 
  lwWaitMode = 1 '\001', lwWaitLink = {next = 2147483647, prev = 98}, cvWaitLink = {next = 0, prev = 0}, waitLock = 0x0, 
  waitProcLock = 0x0, waitLockMode = 0, heldLocks = 0, waitLSN = 0, syncRepState = 0, syncRepLinks = {prev = 0x0, 
    next = 0x0}, myProcLocks = {{prev = 0x7fa79c09f738, next = 0x7fa79c09f738}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f748, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09f748}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f758, next = 0x7fa79c09f758}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f768, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09f768}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f778, next = 0x7fa79c09f778}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f788, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09f788}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f798, next = 0x7fa79c09f798}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f7a8, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09f7a8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f7b8, next = 0x7fa79c09f7b8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f7c8, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09f7c8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f7d8, next = 0x7fa79c09f7d8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f7e8, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09f7e8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f7f8, next = 0x7fa79c09f7f8}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f808, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09f808}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f818, next = 0x7fa79c09f818}, {prev = 0x7fa79c09f828, 
      next = 0x7fa79c09f828}}, subxids = {xids = {0 }}, procArrayGroupMember = false, 
  procArrayGroupNext = {value = 0}, procArrayGroupMemberXid = 0, wait_event_info = 16777270, clogGroupMember = false, 
  clogGroupNext = {value = 0}, clogGroupMemberXid = 0, clogGroupMemberXidStatus = 0, clogGroupMemberPage = 0, 
  clogGroupMemberLsn = 0, backendLock = {tranche = 58, state = {value = 536870912}, waiters = {head = 2147483647, 
      tail = 2147483647}}, fpLockBits = 0, fpRelId = {0 }, fpVXIDLock = false, fpLocalTransactionId = 0, 
  lockGroupLeader = 0x0, lockGroupMembers = {head = {prev = 0x7fa79c09f9d0, next = 0x7fa79c09f9d0}}, lockGroupLink = {
    prev = 0x0, next = 0x0}}



What is the role of struct 'PGPROC' in PostgreSQL?

你可能感兴趣的:(PostgreSQL 源码解读(108)- 后台进程#1(PGPROC数据结构))