If I am a Wisp of Flower Fragrance

If I am a wisp of flower fragrance,

I will hid the love amid the flower,

Wait for a wind to blow it to girls'balconies,or their dream.

And only leave a wisp of fragrance in their black hair.

If I am a wisp of flower fragrance,

I will be the guiding light of the poets'life,

Tell them the beauty of the natural,

Tell them the secret of a crowd of stars,

Tell them the heartbeat of the ocean.

I will be in their ink and paper,

leave a wisp of fragrance.

If I am a wisp of flower fragrance,

I will be roaming,see all the world.

At least,I will sleep in the dream of a child.

Leave a wisp of fragrance,only for him.

你可能感兴趣的:(If I am a Wisp of Flower Fragrance)