英语流利说 Level5 Unit2 Part3-Business Terms

Business Terms


To merge, to combine or come together. 合并,合并或合并

Those two companies used to be competitors, but now they have merged into one company. 那两家公司过去是竞争对手,但现在合并成了一家公司。

When the two companies merged, many people were laid off. 这两家公司合并后,许多人被解雇了。

When the two companies merged,  some of their best people left and started another company. 当这两家公司合并时,一些最优秀的员工离开了,创办了另一家公司。

when two companies combine into one,it's called a merger.当两个公司合并成一个时,这也就是所谓的合并

To acquire, to buy or take position.获得,购买或占有。

Some big companies grow by acquiring other companies.一些大公司通过收购其他公司来发展。

One way to protect your business is to acquire your competitors.保护你的生意的一个方法就是收购你的竞争对手。

The best way to acquire a new skill is to find a great teacher or program and practice every day.获得一项新技能的最好方法是找一个好老师或者每天练习。

An agenda, a plan or a list of items to be discussed at a meeting. 会议议程要在会议上讨论的议程、计划或项目清单

The agenda for the meeting is still unclear. 会议议程仍不清楚。

What are the main points on the agenda for the meeting. 会议议程上的要点是什么?

He may have a hidden agenda that hides his real plans, so let's be careful what we say at the meeting. 他可能有一个隐藏的议程,隐藏了他的真实计划,所以让我们小心我们在会上说的话。

there are too many items on the agenda,so we need to cut it down and focus on fewer things. 有太多的议程项目,所以我们需要切割(分解项目)并且聚焦(专注)较少的事情上

A contract, a written document that defines the rules in a relationship. 合同,定义关系中规则的书面文件。

A contract isn't usually useful until things begin to go badly in a relationship. 在一段关系开始变得糟糕之前,合同通常是没用的。

According to our contract, their first payment is due next week. 根据我们的合同,他们的第一笔付款将于下周到期。

It took a long time to agree on a contract because their lawyers kept finding issues that kept us apart. 他们花了很长时间才就一份合同达成一致,因为他们的律师一直在寻找把我们分开的问题。

The contract was too much in their favor, so we didn’t sign it.合同对他们太有利了,所以我们没有签。

Assets and liabilities, assets are what you own and liabilities are what you owe. 资产和负债,资产是你所拥有的,负债是你所欠的。

Knowing the assets and liabilities of a company helps determine a company's value. 了解公司的资产和负债有助于确定公司的价值。

The company had more liabilities than assets so we decided not to invest. 公司负债比资产多,所以我们决定不投资。

They have to pay a huge tax penalty, so they have lost value due to the increase in their liabilities. 他们必须缴纳巨额税款,所以他们的价值由于负债的增加而损失。

One way to protect your business is to acquire your competitors. 保护你的生意的一个方法就是收购你的竞争对手。

Those two companies used to be competitors ,but now they have merged into one company. 那两家公司过去是竞争对手,但现在合并成了一家公司。

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