WPF Button样式模板

1 <!-- 按钮样式 -->
2 < Style TargetType = " Button " >
3 < Setter Property = " Foreground " Value = " Black " />
4 <!-- 修改模板属性 -->
5 < Setter Property = " Template " >
6 < Setter.Value >
7 <!-- 控件模板 -->
8 < ControlTemplate TargetType = " Button " >
9 <!-- 背景色 -->
10 < Border x:Name = " back " Opacity = " 0.8 " CornerRadius = " 3 " >
11 < Border.BitmapEffect >
12 < OuterGlowBitmapEffect Opacity = " 0.7 " GlowSize = " 0 " GlowColor = " {Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Path=(Button.Background).(SolidColorBrush.Color)} " />
13 </ Border.BitmapEffect >
14 < Border.Background >
15 < LinearGradientBrush StartPoint = " 0,0 " EndPoint = " 0,1.5 " >
16 < GradientBrush.GradientStops >
17 < GradientStopCollection >
18 < GradientStop Color = " {Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Path=(Button.Background).(SolidColorBrush.Color)} " Offset = " 0 " />
19 < GradientStop Color = " {Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource TemplatedParent}, Path=(Button.Background).(SolidColorBrush.Color)} " Offset = " 0.4 " />
20 < GradientStop Color = " #FFF " Offset = " 1 " />
21 </ GradientStopCollection >
22 </ GradientBrush.GradientStops >
23 </ LinearGradientBrush >
24 </ Border.Background >
25 <!-- 前景色及边框 -->
26 < Border x:Name = " fore " BorderThickness = " 1 " CornerRadius = " 3 " BorderBrush = " #5555 " >
27 < Border.Background >
28 < LinearGradientBrush StartPoint = " 0,0 " EndPoint = " 0,1 " >
29 < GradientBrush.GradientStops >
30 < GradientStopCollection >
31 < GradientStop Color = " #6FFF " Offset = " 0.5 " />
32 < GradientStop Color = " #1111 " Offset = " 0.51 " />
33 </ GradientStopCollection >
34 </ GradientBrush.GradientStops >
35 </ LinearGradientBrush >
36 </ Border.Background >
37 <!-- 按钮内容 -->
38 < ContentPresenter x:Name = " content " HorizontalAlignment = " Center " VerticalAlignment = " Center " Content = " {TemplateBinding Content} " >
39 < ContentPresenter.BitmapEffect >
40 < DropShadowBitmapEffect Color = " #000 " Direction = " -90 " ShadowDepth = " 2 " Softness = " 0.1 " Opacity = " 0.3 " />
41 </ ContentPresenter.BitmapEffect >
42 </ ContentPresenter >
43 </ Border >
44 </ Border >
45 <!-- 触发器 -->
46 < ControlTemplate.Triggers >
47 <!-- 鼠标移入移出 -->
48 < Trigger Property = " IsMouseOver " Value = " True " >
49 < Trigger.EnterActions >
50 < BeginStoryboard >
51 < Storyboard >
52 < DoubleAnimation To = " 6 " Duration = " 0:0:0.2 " Storyboard.TargetName = " back " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.BitmapEffect).(OuterGlowBitmapEffect.GlowSize) " />
53 < ColorAnimation To = " #AFFF " BeginTime = " 0:0:0.2 " Duration = " 0:0:0.2 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.Background).(LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[0].(GradientStop.Color) " />
54 < ColorAnimation To = " #3FFF " BeginTime = " 0:0:0.2 " Duration = " 0:0:0.2 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.Background).(LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[1].(GradientStop.Color) " />
55 </ Storyboard >
56 </ BeginStoryboard >
57 </ Trigger.EnterActions >
58 < Trigger.ExitActions >
59 < BeginStoryboard >
60 < Storyboard >
61 < DoubleAnimation Duration = " 0:0:0.2 " Storyboard.TargetName = " back " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.BitmapEffect).(OuterGlowBitmapEffect.GlowSize) " />
62 < ColorAnimation Duration = " 0:0:0.2 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.Background).(LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[0].(GradientStop.Color) " />
63 < ColorAnimation Duration = " 0:0:0.2 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.Background).(LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[1].(GradientStop.Color) " />
64 </ Storyboard >
65 </ BeginStoryboard >
66 </ Trigger.ExitActions >
67 </ Trigger >
68 <!-- 按钮按下弹起 -->
69 < Trigger Property = " IsPressed " Value = " True " >
70 < Trigger.EnterActions >
71 < BeginStoryboard >
72 < Storyboard >
73 < DoubleAnimation To = " 3 " Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " back " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.BitmapEffect).(OuterGlowBitmapEffect.GlowSize) " />
74 < ColorAnimation To = " #3AAA " Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.Background).(LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[0].(GradientStop.Color) " />
75 < ColorAnimation To = " #2111 " Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.Background).(LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[1].(GradientStop.Color) " />
76 </ Storyboard >
77 </ BeginStoryboard >
78 </ Trigger.EnterActions >
79 < Trigger.ExitActions >
80 < BeginStoryboard >
81 < Storyboard >
82 < DoubleAnimation Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " back " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.BitmapEffect).(OuterGlowBitmapEffect.GlowSize) " />
83 < ColorAnimation Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.Background).(LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[0].(GradientStop.Color) " />
84 < ColorAnimation Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.Background).(LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[1].(GradientStop.Color) " />
85 </ Storyboard >
86 </ BeginStoryboard >
87 </ Trigger.ExitActions >
88 </ Trigger >
89 <!-- 按钮失效 -->
90 < Trigger Property = " IsEnabled " Value = " False " >
91 < Setter Property = " Foreground " Value = " #B444 " />
92 < Trigger.EnterActions >
93 < BeginStoryboard >
94 < Storyboard >
95 < DoubleAnimation To = " 0 " Duration = " 0:0:0.3 " Storyboard.TargetName = " back " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.BitmapEffect).(OuterGlowBitmapEffect.GlowSize) " />
96 < DoubleAnimation To = " 1 " Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " content " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (ContentPresenter.BitmapEffect).(DropShadowBitmapEffect.Opacity) " />
97 < DoubleAnimation To = " -135 " Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " content " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (ContentPresenter.BitmapEffect).(DropShadowBitmapEffect.Direction) " />
98 < ColorAnimation To = " #FFF " Duration = " 0:0:0.3 " Storyboard.TargetName = " content " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (ContentPresenter.BitmapEffect).(DropShadowBitmapEffect.Color) " />
99 < ColorAnimation To = " #D555 " Duration = " 0:0:0.3 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.BorderBrush).(SolidColorBrush.Color) " />
100 < ColorAnimation To = " #CEEE " Duration = " 0:0:0.3 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.Background).(LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[0].(GradientStop.Color) " />
101 < ColorAnimation To = " #CDDD " Duration = " 0:0:0.3 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.Background).(LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[1].(GradientStop.Color) " />
102 </ Storyboard >
103 </ BeginStoryboard >
104 </ Trigger.EnterActions >
105 < Trigger.ExitActions >
106 < BeginStoryboard >
107 < Storyboard >
108 < DoubleAnimation Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " back " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.BitmapEffect).(OuterGlowBitmapEffect.GlowSize) " />
109 < DoubleAnimation Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " content " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (ContentPresenter.BitmapEffect).(DropShadowBitmapEffect.Opacity) " />
110 < DoubleAnimation Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " content " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (ContentPresenter.BitmapEffect).(DropShadowBitmapEffect.Direction) " />
111 < ColorAnimation Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " content " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (ContentPresenter.BitmapEffect).(DropShadowBitmapEffect.Color) " />
112 < ColorAnimation Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.BorderBrush).(SolidColorBrush.Color) " />
113 < ColorAnimation Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.Background).(LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[0].(GradientStop.Color) " />
114 < ColorAnimation Duration = " 0:0:0.1 " Storyboard.TargetName = " fore " Storyboard.TargetProperty = " (Border.Background).(LinearGradientBrush.GradientStops)[1].(GradientStop.Color) " />
115 </ Storyboard >
116 </ BeginStoryboard >
117 </ Trigger.ExitActions >
118 </ Trigger >
119 </ ControlTemplate.Triggers >
120 </ ControlTemplate >
121 </ Setter.Value >
122 </ Setter >
123 </ Style >
