mysql 存储过程使用游标实例



CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`%` PROCEDURE `get_driver_nearconsumer`(

    in_groupid int,

    in_serviceid int



declare temp_id int;

declare temp_x decimal(10,6);

declare temp_y decimal(10,6);

declare temp_c_x decimal(10,6);

declare temp_c_y decimal(10,6);
DECLARE done bool default FALSE;
DECLARE cur1 CURSOR FOR SELECT int_driver,dec_x,dec_y FROM ( select d.*, a.vc_name as grouparea_name , g.dec_x,g.dec_y,g.dt_sc ,c.dcount,dd.consumer_name,dd.vc_fadd,dd.vc_tadd,dd.int_service,dd.int_status from bi_driver d left join bi_gisdata g on g.int_mubiao = d.int_driver and g.int_type = 1 left join bi_grouparea a on a.int_grouparea = d.int_area left join (select count(1) as dcount,int_driver from bi_serviceinfo where int_status >-1 and int_status < 100 group by int_driver ) c on c.int_driver = d.int_driver left join (select int_service,consumer_name,vc_fadd,vc_tadd,int_driver,int_status from v_serviceinfo where int_service in (select int_service from bi_serviceinfo where int_status >-1 and int_status < 100 and ifnull(int_driver,0)>0 group by int_driver) ) dd on dd.int_driver = d.int_driver where int_area = in_groupid and g.dt_sc>DATE_ADD(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,INTERVAL -1 HOUR) ) cur_table;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS r_table ; CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE r_table select d.*, a.vc_name as grouparea_name , g.dec_x,g.dec_y,g.dt_sc ,c.dcount,dd.consumer_name,dd.vc_fadd,dd.vc_tadd,dd.int_service,dd.int_status ,g.dec_x as distance#添加一列记录距离 from bi_driver d left join bi_gisdata g on g.int_mubiao = d.int_driver and g.int_type = 1 left join bi_grouparea a on a.int_grouparea = d.int_area left join (select count(1) as dcount,int_driver from bi_serviceinfo where int_status >-1 and int_status < 100 group by int_driver ) c on c.int_driver = d.int_driver left join (select int_service,consumer_name,vc_fadd,vc_tadd,int_driver,int_status from v_serviceinfo where int_service in (select int_service from bi_serviceinfo where int_status >-1 and int_status < 100 and ifnull(int_driver,0)>0 group by int_driver) ) dd on dd.int_driver = d.int_driver where int_area = in_groupid and g.dt_sc>DATE_ADD(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,INTERVAL -1 Hour) ;
delete from r_table; set temp_c_x =(select dec_fx from bi_serviceinfo where int_service = in_serviceid ); set temp_c_y =(select dec_fy from bi_serviceinfo where int_service = in_serviceid); #select temp_c_x,temp_c_y;
OPEN cur1; fetchSeqLoop:Loop FETCH cur1 INTO temp_id,temp_x,temp_y; if done then leave fetchSeqLoop; else #select temp_id,temp_x,temp_y; update r_table set distance = f_getdistance(temp_c_x,temp_c_y,temp_x,temp_y) where int_driver = temp_id; end if; end Loop; CLOSE cur1;
select * from r_table where distance < 2000 order by distance; drop table r_table; END
