[SPS2010] 三个有关Sharepoint相关的服务的指令集


启动Sharepoint相关的服务 start.ps1

# Scripts written by Emmanuel Bergerat ([email protected]) on Oct. 20th 2009

# Start local SQL Services
"Starting Local SQL Services"
"MSSQL`$SHAREPOINT","SQLWriter","SQLAgent`$SHAREPOINT" | ForEach-Object {
    $servicePrior = get-service $_
    "$_ is " + $servicePrior.status + " and will be Started"
    Start-Service $_
    $serviceAfter = get-service $_
    "$_ is now " + $serviceAfter.status }
"=> Local SQL Services Started"
" "

# Start IIS
"Starting IIS"
"W3SVC" | ForEach-Object {
    $servicePrior = get-service $_
    "$_ is " + $servicePrior.status + " and will be Started"
    Start-Service $_
    $serviceAfter = get-service $_
    "$_ is now " + $serviceAfter.status }
"=> IIS is Started"
" "

# Start SharePoint 2010 Services
"Starting SharePoint Server 2010"
"SPTimerV4","DCLoadBalancer14","DCLauncher14","SPWriterV4","SPUserCodeV4","SPTraceV4","SPAdminV4","WebAnalyticsService" | ForEach-Object {
    $servicePrior = get-service $_
    "$_ is " + $servicePrior.status + " and will be Started"
    Start-Service $_
    $serviceAfter = get-service $_
    "$_ is now " + $serviceAfter.status }
"=> SharePoint Server 2010 is Started"
" "

# Start SharePoint Search
"Starting SharePoint Search 2010"
"OSearch14","SPSearch4" | ForEach-Object {
    $servicePrior = get-service $_
    "$_ is " + $servicePrior.status + " and will be Started"
    Start-Service $_
    $serviceAfter = get-service $_
    "$_ is now " + $serviceAfter.status }
"=> SharePoint Search 2010 is Started"
" "


停止Sharepoint相关的服务 stop.ps1

# Scripts written by Emmanuel Bergerat ([email protected]) on Oct. 20th 2009

# Stop IIS
"Stopping IIS"
"W3SVC" | ForEach-Object {
    $servicePrior = get-service $_
    "$_ is " + $servicePrior.status  + " and will be stopped"
    Stop-Service $_ -Force
    $serviceAfter = get-service $_
    "$_ is now " + $serviceAfter.status }
" "
# Stop SharePoint Search
"Stopping SharePoint Search 2010"
"OSearch14","SPSearch4" | ForEach-Object {
    $servicePrior = get-service $_
    "$_ is " + $servicePrior.status  + " and will be stopped"
    Stop-Service $_ -Force
    $serviceAfter = get-service $_
    "$_ is now " + $serviceAfter.status }
"=> SharePoint Search 2010 is STOPPED"
" "

# Stop SharePoint 2010 Services
"Stopping SharePoint Server 2010"
"SPTimerV4","DCLoadBalancer14","DCLauncher14","SPWriterV4","SPUserCodeV4","SPTraceV4","SPAdminV4","WebAnalyticsService" | ForEach-Object {
    $servicePrior = get-service $_
    "$_ is " + $servicePrior.status  + " and will be stopped"
    Stop-Service $_ -Force
    $serviceAfter = get-service $_
    "$_ is now " + $serviceAfter.status }
"=> SharePoint Server 2010 is STOPPED"
" "

# Stop local SQL Services
"Stopping Local SQL Services"
"MSSQL`$SHAREPOINT","SQLWriter","SQLAgent`$SHAREPOINT" | ForEach-Object {
    $servicePrior = get-service $_
    "$_ is " + $servicePrior.status  + " and will be stopped"
    Stop-Service $_ -Force
    $serviceAfter = get-service $_
    "$_ is now " + $serviceAfter.status }
"=> Local SQL Services STOPPED"
" "

手动Sharepoint相关的服务 config.ps1

# Scripts written by Emmanuel Bergerat ([email protected]) on Oct. 20th 2009

"Setting all SharePoint 2010 related services to Manual Startup:"
# SQL Services set to Manual Startup
"MSSQL`$SHAREPOINT","SQLWriter","SQLAgent`$SHAREPOINT" | ForEach-Object {
    Set-Service $_ -startuptype manual}
    "  - SQL Services set to Manual StartUp"

# IIS Service to Manual Startup
    Set-Service "W3SVC" -startuptype manual
    "  - IIS Service set to Manual StartUp"

# SharePoint services set to Manual Startup
"SPTimerV4","DCLoadBalancer14","DCLauncher14","SPWriterV4","SPUserCodeV4","SPTraceV4","SPAdminV4","WebAnalyticsService" | ForEach-Object {
    Set-Service $_ -startuptype manual}
    "  - SharePoint Services set to Manual StartUp"

# SharePoint Search set to Manual Startup
"OSearch14", "SPSearch4"| ForEach-Object {
    Set-Service $_ -startuptype manual}
    "  - SharePoint Search set to Manual StartUp"
" "
"All SharePoint 2010 related services are now set to Manual Startup"
