
听说微信改用了speex, 于是今天访问了speex网站:


发现从08年的Speex 1.2rc1之后,在2014年12月份和2015年1月份更新了两次



Speex is based on CELP and is designed to compress voice at bitrates ranging from 2 to 44 kbps. Some of Speex's features include:

  • Narrowband (8 kHz), wideband (16 kHz), and ultra-wideband (32 kHz) compression in the same bitstream
  • Intensity stereo encoding
  • Packet loss concealment
  • Variable bitrate operation (VBR)
  • Voice Activity Detection (VAD)
  • Discontinuous Transmission (DTX)
  • Fixed-point port
  • Acoustic echo canceller
  • Noise suppression

Note that Speex has a number of features that are not present in other codecs, such as intensity stereo encoding, integration of multiple sampling rates in the same bitstream (embedded coding), and a VBR mode; see our comparison page for more.


对于speex 1.2 rc1的说明是:

This release adds support for acoustic echo cancellation with multiple microphones and multiple loudspeakers. It also adds an API to decorrelate loudspeaker signals to improve multi-channel performance. In the bugfix department, there are fixes for a few bugs in the echo canceller, jitter buffer and preprocessor. At this point, the API for 1.2 should be stable and only a few very minor additions are planned

是支持双麦克回声抵消么? 很想测测看效果怎么样。。


不知道和后来的codec比,比如SILK, OPUS, EVS之间的效果怎么样?



