Anonymous Delegate 匿名委托

In the above examples, we had to create a method that would be associated with a delegate. You can create a delegate, then, when you need to use, create a type of local implementation of a method and use it. In other words, you do not have to explicitly define a method prior to using the delegate. Such a method is referred to as anymous.

Before implementing an anonymous method, first declare the delegate you will use:




To create an anonymous method, declare a variable for the delegate and assign it the delegate keyword as if it were a method. That is, followed by parentheses and curly brackets that would represent the body of the method. In the body of the anonymous method, do whatever you want. Here is an example:



using System;

public delegate void Simple();

public class Program


    static int Main()


        Simple msg = delegate()


            Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Wonderful World of C# Programming!");



        return 0;




//Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation.  All rights reserved.

using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.Text;

namespace AnonymousDelegate_Sample


    // Define the delegate method.

    delegate decimal CalculateBonus(decimal sales);

    // Define an Employee type.

    class Employee


        public string name;

        public decimal sales;

        public decimal bonus;

        public CalculateBonus calculation_algorithm;


    class Program


        // This class will define two delegates that perform a calculation.

        // The first will be a named method, the second an anonymous delegate.

        // This is the named method.

        // It defines one possible implementation of the Bonus Calculation algorithm.

        static decimal CalculateStandardBonus(decimal sales)


            return sales / 10;


        static void Main(string[] args)


            // A value used in the calculation of the bonus.

            // Note: This local variable will become a "captured outer variable".

            decimal multiplier = 2;

            // This delegate is defined as a named method.

            CalculateBonus standard_bonus = new CalculateBonus(CalculateStandardBonus);

            // This delegate is anonymous - there is no named method.

            // It defines an alternative bonus calculation algorithm.

            CalculateBonus enhanced_bonus = delegate(decimal sales) { return multiplier * sales / 10; };

            // Declare some Employee objects.

            Employee[] staff = new Employee[5];

            // Populate the array of Employees.

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)

                staff[i] = new Employee();

            // Assign initial values to Employees.

            staff[0].name = "Mr Apple";

            staff[0].sales = 100;

            staff[0].calculation_algorithm = standard_bonus;

            staff[1].name = "Ms Banana";

            staff[1].sales = 200;

            staff[1].calculation_algorithm = standard_bonus;

            staff[2].name = "Mr Cherry";

            staff[2].sales = 300;

            staff[2].calculation_algorithm = standard_bonus;

            staff[3].name = "Mr Date";

            staff[3].sales = 100;

            staff[3].calculation_algorithm = enhanced_bonus;

            staff[4].name = "Ms Elderberry";

            staff[4].sales = 250;

            staff[4].calculation_algorithm = enhanced_bonus;

            // Calculate bonus for all Employees

            foreach (Employee person in staff)


            // Display the details of all Employees

            foreach (Employee person in staff)



        public static void PerformBonusCalculation(Employee person)


            // This method uses the delegate stored in the person object

            // to perform the calculation.

            // Note: This method knows about the multiplier local variable, even though

            // that variable is outside the scope of this method.

            // The multipler varaible is a "captured outer variable".

            person.bonus = person.calculation_algorithm(person.sales);


        public static void DisplayPersonDetails(Employee person)







