4 phrases everyday-007


chance one’s arm 冒险

If you want to succeed, you have to chance your arm.

Kevin decides to chance his arm by starting his own business and hopes to get a return on the capital next year.

He considered the pros and cons of making the investment for a full week and then decided to chance his arm and hoped to get a return for his capital.

Chip on the shoulder 挑衅,愤愤不平的样子,盛气凌人,好打击争吵

Philip has been carrying a chip on the shoulder ever since he was given the sack.

Please get rid of that chip on your shoulder. I really wonder how your friends can get along with you.

get cold feet 畏缩,紧张,害怕

Fanny thought going to a movie was a good idea but she got cold feet when we suggested going to see a horror movie.

Richard was getting cold feet on the wedding day, he was so nervous because everything wasn’t ready.

Give someone the cold shoulder 冷落某人

Judy gave her boyfriend the cold shoulder because he forgot the time of their date.

Mark gets the cold shoulder from his neighbor probably because he always listens to the loud music at night.
