simulate windows touch input




Local $retval = _SimulateTouch(10, 1000, 300, 300)

MsgBox(0, "", $retval)

; #INDEX# =======================================================================================================================

; Title .........: _SimulateTouch

; AutoIt Version : 3.3.6

; Description ...: Simulate touch action. The function can work on minimum supported client: windows8[desktop apps only] and minimum supported server: windows server 2012[desktop apps only]

; Author(s) .....:

; Dll(s) ........: user32.dll

; Parameters.....: $TouchTimes-----------Touch times;

;                   $TouchInterval--------Touch Interval;

;                   $TouchCoordinates_x---Touch coordinates x;

;                   $TouchCoordinates_y---Touch coordinates y

; returns........: int  touch success times

; Requirements ..:

; ===============================================================================================================================

Func _SimulateTouch($TouchTimes, $TouchInterval, $TouchCoordinates_x, $TouchCoordinates_y)

    Local $intRetVal = 0    ;record the touch success time

    If Not _IsConsistTouch() Then        ;check if the pc support touch action

        Return $intRetVal


    Local $int_Touch_Count_MAX = 10    ;the fingercount


    $TouchInit = DllCall("User32.dll", "BOOL", "InitializeTouchInjection", "int", $int_Touch_Count_MAX, "DWORD", $TOUCH_FEEDBACK_DEFAULT)

    Local $TOUCH_MASK_CONTACTAREA = 0x00000001

    Local $TOUCH_MASK_ORIENTATION = 0x00000002

    Local $TOUCH_MASK_PRESSURE = 0x00000004

    Local $POINTER_FLAG_UP = 0x00040000

    Local $POINTER_FLAG_DOWN = 0x00010000

    Local $POINTER_FLAG_INRANGE = 0x00000002

    Local $POINTER_FLAG_INCONTACT = 0x00000004

    Local $POINTER_FLAG_UPDATE = 0X00020000

    Local $tag_POINTER_INPUT_TYPE = 0x00000002


    Local $tag_TOUCH_FLAGS_NONE = 0x00000000


    Local $POINT_TOUCH_TYPE = 0x00000002    ;PT_TOUCH

    Local $ptPixelLocation_x = $TouchCoordinates_x

    Local $ptPixelLocation_y = $TouchCoordinates_y

    Local $tag_POINTER_INFO = "struct;struct;int pointerType;" & _

                                    "int pointerId;" & _

                                    "int frameId;" & _

                                    "int pointerFlags;" & _

                                    "hwnd sourceDevice;" & _

                                    "hwnd hwndTarget;" & _

                                    "struct;int ptPixelLocation_x;" & _

                                    "int ptPixelLocation_y;endstruct;" & _

                                    "struct;int ptHimetricLocation_x;" & _

                                    "int ptHimetricLocation_y;endstruct;" & _

                                    "struct;int ptPixelLocationRaw_x;" & _

                                    "int ptPixelLocationRaw_y;endstruct;" & _

                                    "struct;int ptHimetricLocationRaw_x;" & _

                                    "int ptHimetricLocationRaw_y;endstruct;" & _

                                    "dword dwTime;" & _

                                    "int historyCount;" & _

                                    "int inputData;" & _

                                    "dword dwKeyStates;" & _

                                    "UINT64 PerformanceCount;" & _

                                    "int ButtonchangeType;endstruct;"

    Local Const $POINTER_TOUCH_INFO = $tag_POINTER_INFO & "int touchFlags;" & _

                                                    "int touchMask;" & _

                                                    "struct;int rcContact_left;" & _

                                                    "int rcContact_right;" & _

                                                    "int rcContact_top;" & _

                                                    "int rcContact_bottom;endstruct;" & _

                                                    "struct;int rcContactRaw_left;" & _

                                                    "int rcContactRaw_right;" & _

                                                    "int rcContactRaw_top;" & _

                                                    "int rcContactRaw_bottom;endstruct;" & _

                                                    "int orientation;" & _

                                                    "int pressure;endstruct;"


    DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "pointerType", $POINT_TOUCH_TYPE)    ;pointerType

    DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "pointerId", 0)    ;pointerId

    DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "ptPixelLocation_x", $ptPixelLocation_x)    ;ptPixelLocation

    DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "ptPixelLocation_y", $ptPixelLocation_y)    ;ptPixelLocation

    DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "touchFlags", $tag_TOUCH_FLAGS_NONE)    ;touchFlags

    DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "touchMask", $TOUCH_MASK)    ;touchMask

    DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "rcContact_left", $ptPixelLocation_x - 2)    ;rcContact

    DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "rcContact_right", $ptPixelLocation_x + 2)    ;rcContact

    DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "rcContact_top", $ptPixelLocation_y - 2)    ;rcContact

    DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "rcContact_bottom", $ptPixelLocation_y + 2)    ;rcContact

    DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "orientation", 90)    ;orientation

    DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "pressure", 32000)    ;pressure

    For $i = 1 To $TouchTimes Step 1

        DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "pointerFlags", $tag_POINTER_FLAGS)    ;pinterFlags

        ;DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "ptPixelLocation_y", 300-$i)    ;ptPixelLocation draw a line

        $aRet = DllCall('User32.dll', 'BOOL', 'InjectTouchInput', 'int', 1, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO))

        If $aRet <> 0 Then

            DllStructSetData($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO, "pointerFlags", $POINTER_FLAG_UP)    ;pinterFlags

            DllCall('User32.dll', 'BOOL', 'InjectTouchInput', 'int', 1, 'ptr', DllStructGetPtr($t_POINTER_TOUCH_INFO))

            $intRetVal += 1




    Return $intRetVal


;check if the pc support touch action


Func _IsConsistTouch()

    Dim $IsConsistTouch = GetSystemMetrics(94)    ;94 means SM_DIGITIZER

    Return $IsConsistTouch > 0 ? 1 : 0


Func GetSystemMetrics($iIndex)

    Local $aResult = DllCall("user32.dll", "int", "GetSystemMetrics", "int", $iIndex)

    If @error Then Return SetError(@error, @extended, 0)

    Return $aResult[0]

EndFunc   ;==>_WinAPI_GetSystemMetrics



using System;

using System.Collections.Generic;

using System.ComponentModel;

using System.Data;

using System.Drawing;

using System.Linq;

using System.Text;

using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace WindowsFormsApplication1



    public struct Rect



        public int left;


        public int top;


        public int right;


        public int bottom;


    public enum TOUCH_FLAGS { TOUCH_FLAGS_NONE = 0x00000000/*Indicates that no flags are set.*/ }

    public enum POINTER_FLAGS


        POINTER_FLAG_NONE = 0x00000000,

        POINTER_FLAG_NEW = 0x00000001,

        POINTER_FLAG_INRANGE = 0x00000002,

        POINTER_FLAG_INCONTACT = 0x00000004,

        POINTER_FLAG_FIRSTBUTTON = 0x00000010,

        POINTER_FLAG_SECONDBUTTON = 0x00000020,

        POINTER_FLAG_THIRDBUTTON = 0x00000040,

        POINTER_FLAG_OTHERBUTTON = 0x00000080,

        POINTER_FLAG_PRIMARY = 0x00000100,

        POINTER_FLAG_CONFIDENCE = 0x00000200,

        POINTER_FLAG_CANCELLED = 0x00000400,

        POINTER_FLAG_DOWN = 0x00010000,

        POINTER_FLAG_UPDATE = 0x00020000,

        POINTER_FLAG_UP = 0x00040000,

        POINTER_FLAG_WHEEL = 0x00080000,

        POINTER_FLAG_HWHEEL = 0x00100000



    public struct POINT


        public int x;

        public int y;


    public enum POINTER_INPUT_TYPE


        PT_POINTER = 0x00000001,

        PT_TOUCH = 0x00000002,

        PT_PEN = 0x00000003,

        PT_MOUSE = 0x00000004



    public struct POINTER_INFO


        public POINTER_INPUT_TYPE pointerType;

        public uint pointerId;

        public uint frameId;

        public IntPtr sourceDevice;

        public IntPtr hwndTarget;

        public POINT ptPixelLocation;

        public POINT ptHimetricLocation;

        public POINT ptPixelLocationPredicted;

        public POINT ptHimetricLocationPredicted;

        public POINTER_FLAGS pointerFlags;

        public uint dwTime;

        public uint historyCount;

        public uint inputData;

        public uint dwKeyStates;

        public ulong Reserved;



    public struct POINTER_TOUCH_INFO



         * Contains basic pointer information common to all pointer types.


        public POINTER_INFO pointerInfo;


         * Lists the touch flags.


        public TOUCH_FLAGS touchFlags;

        public uint touchMasks;


         * Pointer contact area in pixel screen coordinates. 

         * By default, if the device does not report a contact area, 

         * this field defaults to a 0-by-0 rectangle centered around the pointer location.


        public Rect rcContact;


         * A pointer orientation, with a value between 0 and 359, where 0 indicates a touch pointer 

         * aligned with the x-axis and pointing from left to right; increasing values indicate degrees

         * of rotation in the clockwise direction.

         * This field defaults to 0 if the device does not report orientation.


        public uint orientation;


         * Pointer pressure normalized in a range of 0 to 256.


        public uint pressure;


    public partial class Form1 : Form


        const int MAX_TOUCH_COUNT = 256;

        //Specifies default touch visualizations.

        const int TOUCH_FEEDBACK_DEFAULT = 0x1;

        //Specifies indirect touch visualizations.

        const int TOUCH_FEEDBACK_INDIRECT = 0x2;

        //Specifies no touch visualizations.

        const int TOUCH_FEEDBACK_NONE = 0x3;


        static extern bool InitializeTouchInjection(uint maxCount, int dwMode);


        static extern bool InjectTouchInput(int count, ref POINTER_TOUCH_INFO contacts);

        public Form1()




        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)


            bool flag = false;

            flag = InitializeTouchInjection(10, TOUCH_FEEDBACK_NONE);

            POINTER_TOUCH_INFO contacts = new POINTER_TOUCH_INFO();

            Rect touchArea = new Rect();

            touchArea.left = 200 - 2;

            touchArea.right = 200 + 2;

   = 200 + 2;

            touchArea.bottom = 200 - 2;

            contacts.pointerInfo.pointerType = POINTER_INPUT_TYPE.PT_TOUCH;

            contacts.touchFlags = TOUCH_FLAGS.TOUCH_FLAGS_NONE;

            contacts.rcContact = touchArea;

            contacts.orientation = 90;

            contacts.pressure = 32000;


            contacts.pointerInfo.ptPixelLocation.x = 200;

            contacts.pointerInfo.ptPixelLocation.y = 200;

            contacts.pointerInfo.pointerId = 1;

            flag = InjectTouchInput(1, ref contacts);//returned flag is false which means the injection fails!


            contacts.pressure = 0;

            if (flag)


                contacts.pointerInfo.pointerFlags = POINTER_FLAGS.POINTER_FLAG_UP;

                InjectTouchInput(1, ref contacts);





