伊隆 马斯克经典语录英文_为什么伊隆麝香Neuroink将改变人类的未来

伊隆 马斯克经典语录英文

Elon Musk

伊隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)

-CEO of Tesla, and Space X.

-特斯拉和Space X的首席执行官。

-Creator of the future hyperloop.


- Investor in the boring company, Solar City, and Open AI.

-无聊的公司,Solar City和Open AI的投资者。

-3rd wealthiest man alive with a net worth of 85.5 billion USD.


This genius idealist has already made a massive impact on the advancement of human technology, and yet he is still finding new ways to transform the world. If he pulls off this next project he may go down as the single most important man in the 21st century.

这位天才的理想主义者已经对人类技术的发展产生了巨大影响,但他仍在寻找改变世界的新方法。 如果他完成下一个项目,他可能会成为21世纪最重要的人物。

On August 28th, 2020, Elon Musk presented the first look at his new neuralink.

2020年8月28日,埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)首次展示了他的新型神经墨水。

Image of the neuralink prototype from-maxim.com Neuroink原型的图像from-maxim.com

什么是神经墨水 (What is the neuralink)

The neuralink is a small brain implant that will create and manipulate neurons in your brain in order to solve health issues like addiction, blindness, depression, and many other brain-related issues. It can also connect your mind to gadgets like smartphones through Bluetooth technology.

Neuroink是一种小型的大脑植入物,可以创建和操纵大脑中的神经元,以解决健康问题,例如成瘾,失明,抑郁和许多其他与大脑有关的问题。 它还可以通过蓝牙技术将您的思想连接到智能手机等小工具。

In the demo, Elon describes the neuralink as access to all aspects of your brain. Pain, fear, sight, smell, hearing, and all other senses can be controlled and manipulated through the neuralink. He confidently believes that this neuralink can relieve issues like Alzheimer's, anxiety, autism, and almost all mental health issues. Not to mention this could be a breakthrough for neuroscience and figuring out every intricacy of the human brain.

在演示中,Elon将神经墨水描述为可以访问大脑各个方面的信息。 疼痛,恐惧,视力,气味,听力和所有其他感官都可以通过神经墨水进行控制和操纵。 他充满信心地相信这种神经墨水可以缓解阿尔茨海默氏症,焦虑症,自闭症和几乎所有心理健康问题。 更不用说这对于神经科学和弄清人脑的每一个复杂性都是一个突破。

Does this sound exactly like an episode of black mirror, yes! Does Elon find that as an issue, no!

这听起来完全像是一面黑镜子,是的! Elon是否认为这是一个问题,不!

wearable-technologies.com-Pig neuralink brain scan 猪神经墨水脑部扫描

它行得通吗? (Does it work?)

As far fetched as this idea sounds it’s already been made, and is being implanted in animals like pigs for testing. In the Demo, Elon brings out some pigs to reveal how they are doing with the neuralink. 1 of the pigs has a neuralink in its head and it’s been in there for about 2 months. The pig is very healthy, moves around energetically, drinks water, and even ran on the treadmill. While Elon didn’t exactly say what the neuralink is accomplishing inside the pig's head there are neurons being sent from the neuralink into the pig's brain. You can see with a spike graph Elon shows revealing the neurons as they appear.

这个想法听起来很牵强,它已经被制造出来了,并被植入猪等动物中进行测试。 在演示中,Elon带出了一些猪来揭示它们与神经墨水的关系。 其中1头猪的头部有神经墨水,并且在那里呆了大约2个月。 猪非常健康,精力旺盛,喝水,甚至在跑步机上奔跑。 尽管Elon并未确切地说出神经墨水在猪头内的作用,但神经元却从神经墨水发送到猪的大脑。 您可以看到带有尖峰图的Elon显示出了神经元出现的样子。

There was also a 2nd pig that had the neuralink inserted and removed. The pig according to Elon was,” very happy and healthy”, moving around just like he did before getting the neuralink at all. This pig proved that if for some reason you wanted to remove or get a new neuralink it can safely be removed.

还有第二只猪插入和取出了神经墨水。 根据埃隆的说法,这只猪“非常快乐,健康”,就像在完全获得神经墨水之前一样走动。 这头猪证明,如果您出于某种原因想要删除或获得新的Neuroink,可以安全地删除它。

Overall the pigs didn’t do much but show the insertion and removal of the neuralink is safe, but it is a great first step.


Photo from-Cnet.com-Neuralink insertion photos 照片来自-Cnet.com-Neuralink插入照片

你怎么把它放进去 (How do you put it in)

When it comes to the insertion of the neuralink Elon is certain that the only way it can be done correctly and safely is through automated robotic surgery. Human error is not an option when inserting the neuralink so they are also producing robot surgeons that can remove and insert the neuralink. The pig's test trial used robotic surgery. According to Elon, the human brain is roughly 10 mm thick the neuralink is about 5 mm. The surgery will remove 5mm of your skull and the neuralink will lie flat matching perfectly with the shape of your skull. It would leave a small scar but ultimately will be unnoticeable if you have hair.

当涉及到神经墨水Elon的插入时,可以肯定的是,正确,安全地完成它的唯一方法是通过自动机器人手术。 插入Neurokink时,人为错误不是一种选择,因此他们还会培养可以移除和插入Neurokink的机器人外科医生。 猪的试验使用机器人手术。 据埃隆说,人脑厚约10毫米,神经墨水约5毫米。 手术将去除头骨的5毫米,神经墨水将平躺,与头骨的形状完全匹配。 它会留下小疤痕,但如果留着头发,最终将不明显。

电池寿命如何? (What about battery life?)

The 0.9 prototype has about 1,000 channels which are way more than any current technology device (like an iPhone), has all-day battery life that will be charged overnight with a wireless charging device. Elon says you would charge it in the same way you charge a phone. Also, like an iPhone over time there will be upgraded versions of the neuralink produced after launching the first neuralink.

0.9原型具有约1,000个通道,这比任何现有技术设备(例如iPhone)都要多,并且具有全天的电池寿命,可以使用无线充电设备在夜间充电。 伊隆说,您将采用与手机充电相同的方式对其进行充电。 另外,随着时间的流逝,就像iPhone一样,在发布第一个Neuroink之后,将产生Neuroink的升级版本。

这是现实的吗? (Is this realistic?)

Now comes the big question is this idea actually achievable. Contrary to many people’s beliefs I believe in the neuralink. Of course, we might be years from actually having a functional one, but it’s a start. Tesla wasn’t always the amazing company it’s seen as now, before Elon became the CEO the company was going bankrupt. Yet Elon saw the vision of Tesla and made it one of the most famous motor vehicle companies in the world. Elon has proven himself as a very ambitious, and accomplished man. Many people believe he is spreading himself to thin, or trying to accomplish too many things at once. With Tesla, Space X, (his mission to start colonizing other planets) the hyperloop,( an evolved underground transportation system), and the neuralink, it’s easy to believe the man is not being realistic. However realistic people don’t change the world. The man obviously isn’t wasting any time in creating his vision and he already has developed a prototype. Elon has already proven he is more than capable of pursuing his ambitions and it’s important to remember he’s not alone. He is hiring hundreds of neurosurgeons, software developers, engineers, and everyone else he needs to create his vision. He’s not doing this on his own, and he certainly shouldn’t be taking all the credit.

现在来了一个大问题,这个想法实际上是可以实现的。 与许多人的看法相反,我相信Neuroink。 当然,距离实际拥有功能可能还需要数年,但这是一个开始。 特斯拉并不总是像现在这样令人赞叹的公司,在埃隆(Elon)成为首席执行官之前,该公司已经破产了。 然而,埃隆看到了特斯拉的愿景,并使其成为世界上最著名的汽车公司之一。 Elon证明自己是一个非常有雄心和成就的人。 许多人认为他正在分散自己,或者试图一次完成太多事情。 有了特斯拉,Space X(他的任务是开始在其他星球上定居),超环(一种不断发展的地下运输系统)和神经墨水,人们很容易相信这个人是不现实的。 但是现实的人不会改变世界。 这个人显然没有浪费任何时间来创造自己的愿景,他已经开发了原型。 Elon已经证明他有能力追求自己的雄心壮志,重要的是要记住他并不孤单。 他正在招聘数百名神经外科医师,软件开发人员,工程师以及创建愿景所需的其他人员。 他不是一个人做,而且他当然不应该全力以赴。

Photo from CNBC.com-Elon Musk 图片来自CNBC.com-Elon Musk

Like him or not though Elon Musk is creating the future. Rather than just talking about issues he is taking action to solve those real-world problems.

尽管埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)正在创造未来,但不管他与他是否一样。 他正在采取行动解决这些现实问题,而不仅仅是谈论问题。

He really is advancing the human race, and I couldn’t be more excited to witness it.


翻译自: https://medium.com/discourse/why-elon-musks-neuralink-is-going-to-change-the-future-of-mankind-70bcf2d169ea

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