by Justin Searls
贾斯汀·塞尔斯(Justin Searls)
[A translation of this post is available in Chinese]
[这篇文章的翻译成中文 ]
Programmers often describe their ideal tools with adjectives like “powerful”, “feature-rich”, and “highly-configurable”. Few users are seen as wanting more from their computers than programmers.
程序员经常用“强大”,“功能丰富”和“高度可配置”等形容词形容自己的理想工具。 很少有用户比程序员更需要计算机。
This popular notion agrees with our general intuition that more capability intrinsically yields greater productivity. My lived experience suggests, however, that while capability is a prerequisite for productivity, the two hardly share a linear correlation. A dozen ways to do the same thing just results in time-wasting analysis paralysis. Apps packed with features to cover every conceivable need will slowly crowd out the tool’s primary use. Every extra configuration option that I delight in tweaking is another if-else branch in the system, requiring its developers to test more and change less, slowing the pace of innovation.
这种流行的观点与我们的一般直觉是一致的,即更大的能力本质上可以带来更高的生产率。 我的经验表明,尽管能力是生产力的先决条件,但两者几乎没有线性相关性。 十二种做同一件事的方法只会导致浪费时间的分析瘫痪 。 具有可满足所有可能需求的功能的应用程序将慢慢挤占该工具的主要用途。 我喜欢调整的每个额外配置选项都是系统中的另一个if-else分支,要求其开发人员进行更多的测试,并进行更少的更改,从而减慢了创新的步伐。
As a result, I’ve come around to a more nuanced view of productivity: that of a tenuous balance between friction and focus. “Friction” is the necessary turning of knobs on my tools in order to do work. “Focus” is the intentional ommission of knobs from tools to foster clear thinking. Any knowledge worker must balance their own creative action with thoughtful attention, and every software interface crystallizes an attempt at striking such a balance.
结果,我对生产率有了更为细致入微的看法:摩擦与焦点之间的微妙平衡。 “摩擦”是我的工具上的旋钮必须旋转才能完成工作。 “焦点”是故意省略工具以培养清晰思维的旋钮。 任何知识工作者都必须在周到的关注与自己的创造性行动之间取得平衡,并且每个软件界面都在试图实现这种平衡的过程中体现出具体的尝试。
I’ve owned all-but-one model iPhone, but I’m not doing much to celebrate our 10-year anniversary. The iPhone changed my life in countless ways, but its greatest long-term effect has been the dulling of my introspective and creative faculties. I’ve grown uncomfortable with boredom, consuming news at every idle moment. I’ve arranged for myself a menagerie of pull-to-refresh Skinner boxes, which have seriously affected how my brain regulates dopamine. On the rare occasion I manage to buckle down and focus, a notification will inevitably steal minutes of my attention with a mere ten-second context switch. It’s hard to discuss productivity in any serious way without acknowledging how much our tools and our brains have changed since 2007.
我拥有一部只有一部机型的iPhone,但我并没有做太多事情来庆祝我们的10周年纪念日。 iPhone以无数种方式改变了我的生活,但它最大的长期影响是我内省和创造力的减弱。 我对无聊感到不舒服,在每个空闲的时刻都在消耗新闻。 我为自己安排了一系列拉动刷新式Skinner盒子,这些盒子严重影响了我的大脑调节多巴胺的方式。 在极少数的情况下,我设法屈指可数,仅用十秒的上下文切换就不可避免地会导致一条通知窃取我几分钟的注意力 。 如果不承认自2007年以来我们的工具和头脑已经发生了多大变化,就很难以任何严肃的方式来讨论生产力。
For a while, I assumed working on a desktop computer would continue to provide refuge from this era of distraction, but then Apple went and brought all the fun Back to the Mac. And while it’s possible to opt-out of a lot of the things that make the Mac less productive, I can’t deny that the root problem is that my experience carrying an iPhone everywhere I go has changed me in profound ways.
有一阵子,我以为在台式计算机上工作将继续为这个分散注意力的时代提供庇护,但是苹果随后将所有乐趣带回了Mac 。 尽管有可能退出许多使Mac生产率降低的因素,但我不能否认根本问题是,我随身携带iPhone的经历已经深刻地改变了我 。
Here’s a depressing example. Desktop operating systems’ windowing features used to represent a net productivity boost — I could see two things at once, drag between them, and get more done in less time. But this stopped being the case at some point in the post-iPhone age. Here’s why: the mere absence of any windows in the corner of my screen will prompt my brain to think if I type ⌘-Space "tw"
, I could have Tweetbot fill that void on the left side of my desktop / soul. And every time, as if I’d entered some kind of fugue state, 30 minutes will have elapsed with me getting absolutely nothing done, leaving a mess of browser tabs open, and with an elevated heart-rate on account of feeling antagonized by an unkind rando on Twitter.
这是一个令人沮丧的例子。 台式机操作系统的窗口化功能过去曾代表着净生产率的提高-我可以同时看到两件事,在它们之间拖动,并在更短的时间内完成更多工作。 但是,在后iPhone时代的某些时候,情况不再如此。 原因如下:屏幕角落仅缺少任何窗口将促使我的大脑思考, 如果我输入⌘-Space "tw"
,我可以让Tweetbot填补我的桌面/灵魂左侧的空白 。 每次,就像我进入一种神游状态一样,我已经过去了30分钟,但我什么也做不了,打开了一堆浏览器选项卡,并且由于感到被敌人包围而心跳加快。 Twitter上的unkind rando。
Like many people, I’ve aspirationally purchased several iPads over the years thinking “maybe this time will be different.” And each time, it’s fallen short of enabling me to do real work. This most recent attempt, I’m happy to report, has finally been successful.
像许多人一样,这些年来,我渴望购买几台iPad,以为“也许这次会有所不同。” 而且每次都不足以使我能够进行实际工作。 我很高兴地报告,这一最近的尝试终于成功了。
I’ve been using an iPad exclusively for work for 4 weeks (switching over to the 10.5" iPad Pro once it came out), and I’ve gotten much more meaningful work done — coding included — than I normally do. My greatest concern is that my more expensive Macs are starting to collect dust.
我已经使用iPad专门工作了四个星期(一旦发布,便切换到10.5英寸iPad Pro),并且我已经完成了比平时更有意义的工作(包括编码)。是我更昂贵的Mac电脑开始收集灰尘。
This is a long post, but that's because I’m not only using the iPad to solve a simple tooling problem, I’m using it to solve a mental one as well. I’ve found there is no way to usefully distinguish our software tools from our thought processes: each informs and influences the other. So, yes, it’s easy for me to list off the tools I’m using and why they’re so great (and we’ll dispense with those in but a moment). But I also hope that by reflecting on my broader motivations, you might question some of your own preconceptions, as well.
这是一篇很长的文章,但这是因为我不仅在使用iPad解决一个简单的工具问题,而且还在使用它解决一个心理问题。 我发现无法有效地将我们的软件工具与我们的思维过程区分开来:彼此交流并相互影响。 因此,是的,对于我来说,很容易列出我正在使用的工具以及它们如此出色的原因(稍后我们将省去这些工具)。 但是我也希望,通过思考我更广泛的动机,您也可以质疑自己的一些成见。
If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking for some top-line summary of which apps I’m using to do what and whether it’s working out. Here’s a quick summary of how I’ve been working on an iPad all day:
如果您正在阅读本文,则可能正在寻找有关我正在使用哪些应用程序执行工作以及该程序是否运行良好的概要摘要。 以下是我整天如何使用iPad的简要摘要:
I’m currently using Apple’s whole kit-and-caboodle: 10.5" iPad Pro, AirPods, Apple Pencil, and Smart Keyboard
我目前正在使用Apple的整套工具 -10.5英寸iPad Pro,AirPods,Apple Pencil和智能键盘
I’ve found that virtually any painful-to-accomplish task can be automated away to some extent with the excellent (and recently Apple-acquired) Workflow app, so I’ve been pretty aggressive in creating an automated workflow as soon as I recognize a certain action is more awkward than necessary
I stick with Apple’s so-called “stock” apps pretty religiously, and find that maintaining a united front of Calendar, Mail, Reminders, Notes, and so on tends to lubricate the interactions between my devices, Siri, iCloud, and the apps themselves. They are by no means perfect, but a third-party replacement app would need to be impossibly remarkable to compensate for the loss of synergy. For more on this, Seth Clifford outlined reasoning similar to my own thoughts
我非常虔诚地坚持使用苹果所谓的“股票”应用程序,发现保持Calendar,Mail,Reminders,Notes等的统一外观往往可以润滑我的设备,Siri,iCloud和应用程序本身之间的交互。 。 它们绝不是完美的,但是第三方替换应用程序将必须非常出色才能弥补协同作用的损失。 对此, 塞思·克利福德 ( Seth Clifford)概述了与我自己的想法类似的推理
I also do a lot of manager-ey stuff, so in addition to spending a lot of my time in the aforementioned stock and iWork apps, I’m often using Zoom, Expensify, Pipedrive, MindNode, Nebo, Paper, and (sigh) Slack
我还做很多经理人的工作,因此,除了花大量时间在上述股票和iWork应用程序上之外,我还经常使用Zoom , Expensify , Pipedrive , MindNode , Nebo , Paper和(叹气) 松弛
I travel very light (I’ll go weeks with a 19L bag and less than 10 pounds of stuff), so a 1lb iPad is twice as appealing as a 2lb MacBook (much less my 4lb 15" MacBook Pro)
我的旅行非常轻便(我将带一个19 升的手提袋和不到10磅的东西去旅行数周),因此1 磅的 iPad的吸引力是2磅MacBook的两倍(比我的4磅15英寸MacBook Pro少得多)
A lot of my least-favorite single-page web apps have reasonably good iPad apps, so instead of tweeting about how glitchy their crappy JavaScript is, I’m experiencing less friction by using their iOS apps’ more accessible native UI controls
I’ve been “using” Unix for fifteen years, but never in earnest. When the going gets tough — maybe I don’t know a particular way to search for something, or maybe I need to move around large hunks of code — I immediately fall back on familiar graphical apps. The ability to command-tab to Atom or Gitx has enabled me to put off figuring out how to work effectively with the Unix toolchain. On iPad, I’m forced to do 100% of my work from the command line, and as a result I’ve finally taken the time to figure out or customize what I need to be productive
我已经“使用” Unix十五年了,但是从未认真地使用过。 当事情变得艰难的时候-也许我不知道一种特定的搜索方法,或者也许我需要四处浏览大量的代码-我立即回到熟悉的图形应用程序上。 命令制表到Atom或Gitx的能力使我不必花时间去研究如何有效地使用Unix工具链。 在iPad上,我被迫从命令行完成100%的工作,结果,我终于花时间确定或自定义需要提高工作效率的东西
I bought the LTE model and found that T-Mobile is currently offering a shockingly low $10 per month unlimited data plan when adding a tablet line to a postpaid subscription (it also includes 2GB of tethering and unlimited 256kbps international data). It was too good a deal to pass up, and the liberation of not caring about finding wi-fi when I’m traveling is a huge stress relief
我购买了LTE模型,发现T-Mobile当前在向后付费用户添加平板电脑线路时还提供了每月低至10美元的令人震惊的无限数据计划(它还包括2GB的网络共享和无限的256kbps国际数据)。 达成协议真是太过分了,而在我旅行时不去理会wi-fi的解放是一个巨大的压力缓解
I recommend using 1Blocker to block ads, tracker scripts, and entire web sites where you’re prone to distract yourself. A dozen times a day I will try to access twitter-dot-com on my iPad only to have 1Blocker prevent me
我建议使用1Blocker来阻止广告,跟踪脚本和容易分散您注意力的整个网站。 每天要尝试十二次,但我只会尝试使用1Blocker阻止我在iPad上使用twitter-dot-com
I disallow notifications for almost every app (exceptions being Messages and FaceTime, at the moment). I don’t even let apps like Mail & Slack display badges icons, because the presence of a red badge while I’m switching apps with ⌘-Tab
will stop me in my tracks and derail me from whatever I’m doing while I go and check it
我不允许几乎每个应用程序都发出通知(目前不包括Messages和FaceTime)。 我什至不让Mail&Slack之类的应用程序显示徽章图标,因为在我通过⌘-Tab
A few single-purpose utilities and extensions are indispensable to me, including Mail to Self, PiPifier, AnyFont, and Deliveries
一些单一用途的实用程序和扩展对我来说是必不可少的,包括Mail to Self , PiPifier , AnyFont和Deliveries
There are many competent prose editors, but Bear, Byword, and Editorial are my favorites
有很多称职的散文编辑,但我最喜欢Bear , Byword和社论
In addition to automating iOS applications, Workflow can also invoke arbitrary scripts via SSH and then parse the results and do things with them. I’ve got a near-fully automated CRM follow-up system in place now for the first time after years of complaining about it
除了使iOS应用程序自动化之外, Workflow还可以通过SSH调用任意脚本,然后解析结果并对其进行处理。 经过多年的抱怨,我现在已经有了一个几乎完全自动化的CRM跟踪系统
No, the iPad still doesn’t provide users any way to interface with the UNIX-ey bits under the hood, and any app that attempted to create such a shell would be rejected by Apple. The iPad Pro is more than capable of running ARM-based virtual machines, but there still isn’t any virtualization software available. Perhaps its 4GB of RAM would represent too low a ceiling.
不,iPad仍然无法为用户提供任何与引擎盖下的UNIX-ey接口交互的方式,任何试图创建这种外壳的应用都将被Apple拒绝。 iPad Pro不仅具有运行基于ARM的虚拟机的能力,而且还没有可用的任何虚拟化软件。 也许其4GB的RAM表示上限太低。
So, from that perspective, no, you can’t code on an iPad.
What you can do is what people have been trying for several years, which is connect to a remote device using a terminal app. While I could go full-cloud and spin up a Linode or Droplet, I’m fortunate to have an always-on iMac sitting at home that I can remote into, both on my LAN and (after setting up port forwarding on my home router) over the Internet. And with unlimited mobile data everywhere in the world, even on planes, this constraint is less and less constraining than ever.
您可以做的就是人们几年来 一直在尝试的事情,它可以使用终端应用程序连接到远程设备。 虽然我可以全天候运行并启动Linode或Droplet ,但很幸运的是,我可以在家中的局域网上(和在设置家庭路由器上的端口转发之后)远程访问始终在线的iMac,以便可以远程访问)。 而且,在世界各地( 甚至在飞机上)无限制的移动数据,这种约束比以往任何时候都越来越少。
In the past I’d tried to accomplish this workflow with Panic’s Prompt, but I found it unsuitable for “real” work. First, it only supports SSH, which doesn’t provide very durable connections — as soon as iOS suspends the Prompt instance to the background, its socket is closed and SSH needs to be reconnected. Additionally, Prompt doesn’t offer a way to re-bind an Escape key from any of the various escape-key-less MFi hardware keyboard cases or clamshells; this made terminal editors like Vim impossible to use.
过去,我曾尝试使用Panic的Prompt完成此工作流程,但我发现它不适用于“实际”工作。 首先,它仅支持SSH,而SSH不提供非常持久的连接-iOS将Prompt实例挂起到后台后,它的套接字就关闭了,需要重新连接SSH。 此外,Prompt还没有提供一种方法来从各种无逃逸键的MFi硬件键盘盒或翻盖中重新绑定逃生键; 这使得像Vim这样的终端编辑器无法使用。
And then came mosh. Mosh has emerged as a competent alternative to SSH for this sort of thing, and its connections are much more durable. It communicates over UDP and in practice demonstrates incredibly low latency, too. I’m connecting to my iMac with the Blink terminal, and it’s working better than Prompt ever did. Blink allows users to re-bind the caps-lock to escape and it’s no longer an issue when iOS kills the app in the background.
然后来到狂舞 。 Mosh已经成为SSH的有力替代者,它的连接更加持久。 它通过UDP进行通信,并且在实践中也显示出令人难以置信的低延迟。 我正在使用Blink终端连接到我的iMac,它的运行比Prompt更好。 眨眼可让用户重新绑定大写锁定以逃脱,当iOS在后台杀死该应用程序时,这不再是问题。
Blink is hardly perfect, but since mosh is distributed under the GPL, it’s open source itself. At the end of the day, all I care about is that it can maintain a connection, send the right keystrokes, and then get out of my way, and the combination of Blink & mosh do just that.
Blink并不完美,但是由于mosh是在GPL下分发的,因此它本身就是开源的 。 归根结底,我所关心的就是它可以维持连接,发送正确的击键,然后摆脱干扰,而Blink和mosh的结合就可以做到。
And that’s really all there is to know about how I’m using the iPad for work all day. It’s a surprisingly complementary marriage of the focused simplicity of iOS combined with the powerful complexity of command-line Unix.
这就是我整天如何使用iPad进行工作的全部知识。 这是iOS专注于简单性与命令行Unix强大复杂性的惊人补充互补。
Okay, and now for the more introspective bits, as promised above.
Reflecting on this experience, I realized that I don’t bother automating much on my Mac, because I know I can brute-force most activities without encountering too much pain. If I can accomplish a task in 5 seconds by mashing ⌘-C ⌘-Tab ⌘-L ⌘-V
to copy a URL and open it in my browser, I’ll (apparently) gladly repeat it dozens of times per day for 14 years without thinking to stop and find a way to reduce that friction further.
反思这种经验,我意识到我不必在Mac上进行过多的自动化,因为我知道我可以在不遇到太多痛苦的情况下强行执行大多数活动。 如果我可以通过将⌘-C ⌘-Tab ⌘-L ⌘-V
My experience trying to do work on iPad has been much different. If I’m trying to do something ordinary (like opening a URL), iOS tends to be even lower-friction than macOS out-of-the-box, which I appreciate. But where working on the iPad really shines, ironically, is in how terrifically painful it is to perform out-of-the-ordinary actions.
我尝试在iPad上工作的经历与众不同。 如果我想做一些普通的事情(例如打开URL),iOS的摩擦力甚至要比现成的macOS更低,我对此表示赞赏。 但是,具有讽刺意味的是,iPad真正发挥作用的地方在于执行异常动作是多么痛苦。
For example, let’s say I need something a bit unusual, like saving web sites as PDFs into a specific folder and annotating them in a Markdown file. The dozens of taps demanded by such a task introduce so much friction that I was compelled to automate it. It rarely occurs to me to automate anything in macOS, both because AppleScript/Automator pale in comparison to Workflow, but also because the macOS interface is just good enough that no one instance of that action warrants investing the time into automating the whole process.
例如,假设我需要一些不寻常的东西,例如将网站另存为PDF到特定的文件夹中,并在Markdown文件中对其进行注释。 这项任务要求数十个水龙头引入了太多的摩擦力,以至于我不得不将其自动化。 我很少在macOS中实现任何自动化,这不仅是因为AppleScript / Automator相较于Workflow而言是苍白的,而且还因为macOS界面足够好,以至于没有人愿意花时间来自动化整个过程。
I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on why this is. Regardless of whether this phenomenon is by design, it certainly comports with Apple’s marketing ethos that the answer to every problem is “more apps”. If you’re trying to do something, and the only options available to you are high-friction, it’s as if iOS is screaming at you, “go find or create an app that does what you want!”
我花了很多时间思考为什么会这样。 不管这种现象是否是设计使然,它都与苹果公司的营销理念相称,即每个问题的答案都是“更多应用程序”。 如果您正在尝试做某事,并且唯一可用的选项是高摩擦,就好像iOS在对您大喊大叫,“去寻找或创建可以满足您需求的应用程序!”
Trouble is, the locked-down, sandboxed nature of the first seven years of iOS releases put a bad taste in the mouths of most developers. For all the hype around apps from 2008 to 2013, a lot of what power users needed to be productive wasn’t possible within the constraints imposed by the operating system. In iOS, when some activity can’t be done elegantly, Apple has demonstrated a preference to ignore it completely than to risk half-assing it. This has served the majority of users far better than traditional desktop computers ever did, but they excluded people whose needs couldn’t yet be met under said constraints.
麻烦的是,iOS发行的前7年的锁定,沙盒式的特性在大多数开发人员的口中难以理解。 对于2008年至2013年间围绕应用程序进行的所有炒作,在操作系统施加的限制范围内,许多高级用户需要提高生产力是不可能的。 在iOS中,当某些活动无法轻松完成时,Apple表现出了一种偏好,即完全忽略它而不是冒险半途而废。 这为大多数用户提供了比传统台式计算机更好的服务,但是他们排除了在上述限制下仍无法满足需求的人们。
Apple’s willingness to say “no”, even when it pushes power users away, couldn’t be more different than Microsoft’s post-iPhone-era strategy for Windows, which — at least since they killed off the similarly-useless-at-first-but-nonetheless-courageous Windows RT — has been to tell users they can have their cake and eat it too. But my experience of spending a month trying to love the Surface Pro 4 showed me that Windows has ended up with countless points of friction, occupying a sort of uncanny valley between traditional desktops and modern user interfaces.
苹果公司愿意说“不”,即使它将高级用户拒之门外,也与微软在iPhone时代后的Windows策略无异。该策略至少是因为他们杀死了同样无用的一开始, 但是,尽管如此, Windows RT 仍然很勇敢 -告诉用户他们也可以吃蛋糕 。 但是我花了一个月尝试去爱Surface Pro 4的经验告诉我,Windows最终陷入了无数摩擦 ,在传统台式机和现代用户界面之间占据了一个不可思议的低谷 。
To this day, most developers still believe the iPad to be a toy computer. The prevailing notion remains that the only sort of people who “work” on an iPad are business folks who while away their days in e-mail and spreadsheets. Apple spent eight years iterating on iOS before shipping the extension points necessary to accomplish the sort of actions demanded by its power users. Heck, it took nine major versions for real hardware keyboard support to materialize. The iPad may be old news, but its usefulness as a computer is still a recent development.
时至今日,大多数开发人员仍认为iPad可以用作玩具计算机。 普遍的观念仍然是,唯一在iPad上“工作”的人是商务人士,他们在电子邮件和电子表格中度过了美好的时光。 苹果花了八年的时间在iOS上进行迭代,然后交付了必要的扩展点,以完成其高级用户所要求的操作。 哎呀,真正的硬件键盘支持花了九个主要版本才得以实现。 iPad可能是个老新闻,但它作为计算机的用途仍是最近的发展。
Starting with iOS 8, the number of well-considered and secure inter-application extension points in iOS has created a largely-yet-untapped opportunity for custom-tailored, friction-reducing integration and automation. In case you haven’t been keeping score, there is scant little that can’t be accomplished with a combination of Actions, custom URL schemes, document providers, and (coming in iOS 11) drag-and-drop.
从iOS 8开始,iOS中经过深思熟虑且安全的应用程序间扩展点的数量为定制化,减少摩擦的集成和自动化创造了尚未开发的机会。 如果你没有能得分,有很少一点不能用操作,自定义URL方案的文件提供者,以及(在iOS的11推出)的组合来实现拖动和下降。
We think of these features as mundane examples of how Apple is playing catch-up in iOS, since “real computers have always had them”, but the comparisons are only skin deep. For instance, consider desktop browser extensions: the browser gives developers some privileged utility methods, but otherwise the deal is, “write whatever JavaScript you want and screw around with the DOM however you like and please don’t scrape people’s passwords.” Compare that to the thought that Apple must have put into rigorously specifying the data & behavior contracts between apps found in Action extensions.
我们将这些功能视为苹果如何在iOS上追赶的世俗例子,因为“真正的计算机一直都拥有它们”,但是这些比较仅是肤浅的。 例如,考虑使用台式机浏览器扩展:浏览器为开发人员提供了一些特权实用程序方法,但除此之外的问题是,“编写所需的任何JavaScript并随心所欲地使用DOM,请不要刮擦别人的密码。” 相比之下,苹果公司必须严格规定Action扩展中发现的应用之间的数据和行为契约。
This effort was foundational, because when extensions and apps are forced to produce metadata like what inputs and outputs they support, the operating system can later influence how users interact with them more intelligently. The reason that I find this exciting is because the constraints imposed by things like data type contracts — which some reasonably view as onerous — can facilitate creative automation elsewhere. It’s analogous to a dichotomy familiar to macOS apps, wherein a developer can use native UI controls (which benefit from greater OS-integration like VoiceOver and keyboard shortcuts) or can opt to build with web-based tools like Electron, which are relatively unconstrained but — at least from the operating system’s perspective — impenetrable black boxes.
这项工作是基础性的,因为当扩展程序和应用程序被迫产生元数据(如它们支持的输入和输出)时,操作系统以后可以影响用户如何更智能地与其交互。 我之所以感到如此激动,是因为诸如数据类型合同之类的约束(有些人认为是繁重的)可以促进其他地方的创意自动化。 这类似于macOS应用程序熟悉的二分法,其中开发人员可以使用本机UI控件(受益于更大的OS集成,如VoiceOver和键盘快捷键),也可以选择使用基于Web的工具(如Electron )构建,这些工具相对不受限制,但是-至少从操作系统的角度来看-难以穿透的黑匣子。
iOS 11 represents the culmination of years of essential groundwork and a gradual approach to reaching functional parity with the desktop in a formal, thoroughly reasoned-out way. And while I personally don’t care much about the new iPad “dock”, I definitely hope the excitement it’s generated will goose sales and make developers give the platform a second look. It’d be a shame for all those well-considered extension points to go unused, after all.
iOS 11代表了多年必不可少的基础工作,以及以一种正式的,经过深思熟虑的方式逐步实现与台式机功能对等的渐进方法。 而且,尽管我个人并不十分在意新的iPad“底座”,但我绝对希望它产生的兴奋会刺激销量,并使开发人员重新看待该平台。 毕竟,所有这些经过深思熟虑的扩展点都将不使用是可耻的。
Aside from decreased productivity and increased distraction, another thing has changed about me since the iPhone released in 2007. I’m less kind and patient to others than I used to be. I’m generally more negative and cynical, too. I tend to be so drained at the end of each workday that it takes me a couple of hours just to unclench. I did not anticipate that switching from a Mac to an iPad would lead to marked improvement on those fronts.
自从2007年发布iPhone以来,除了生产力下降和注意力分散之外,我的另一件事也发生了变化。我对他人的友善和耐心比以前少了。 我通常也比较消极和愤世嫉俗。 在每个工作日结束时,我往往会筋疲力尽,以至于我花了几个小时才放松。 我没想到从Mac切换到iPad会在这些方面带来明显的改善。
But it sure seems to have helped.
I’ve been kinder, happier, and lower stress this month than I can recall in recent memory. Of course, I’ll need more data before I can reward a silly computer with that kind of testament. Test Double also happens to be doing great recently, and I’m still feeling relief over having just given the best presentation of my professional life, so perhaps I’m just riding that wave.
这个月我比过去记忆中的回忆更友善,更快乐且压力更低。 当然,我需要更多数据才能用这种证明来奖励一台愚蠢的计算机。 最近, Test Double的表现也不错,而对于职业生涯中的最佳表现,我仍然感到放心,所以也许我正乘风破浪。
Nevertheless, I can’t help but think there’s something deeper going on here. It’s clear that Apple has spent years laying the groundwork for iPad to finally be a competent replacement to a desktop OS, even for a developer like me. What wasn’t clear until now was that the iPad might suddenly leapfrog beyond “just good enough” and start radically improve the lives experience of work itself.
但是,我不禁要想,这里还有更深层次的事情。 显然,苹果公司已经花了多年的时间为iPad奠定基础,以便最终成为台式机操作系统的有力替代者,即使对于像我这样的开发人员也是如此。 直到现在还不清楚的是,iPad可能会突然超越“足够好”,从而从根本上改善工作本身的生活体验。
Not bad for an oversized iPod Touch.
对于超大的iPod Touch来说还不错。
翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/giving-the-ipad-a-full-time-job-3ae2440e1810/