消息交换模式 汇总


  1. 单向 (One-Way):服务方单方面接收SOAP消息。(比如简单的数据接受服务)
  2. 请求响应 (Request-Response):服务方接收调用方的调用SOAP消息,然后向调用方发送响应SOAP消息。(通常的服务调用)
  3. 要求响应 (Solicit-Response):服务方向使用者发送SOAP消息,然后接收使用者的响应SOAP消息。(比如定时通知服务,并且对于重要通知要求用户给出回执)
  4. 通知 (Notification):服务方单方面发送SOAP消息。

Message exchange pattern (MEP) A definition of the sequence of messages in a service
call or service operation. This sequence includes the order, direction, and cardinality
of the messages sent around until a specific service operation is done.
The most important message exchange patterns are one-way, request/response, and
request/callback (asynchronous request/response).
For example, the request/response MEP defines that a consumer sends a request
message and waits for the answer, which is sent by the provider as a response message.
