1. 核心功能设计
2. GUI设计与实现
# 创建主窗口 root = Tk() root.title('职位查询分析数据平台 -- Dragon少年') # 设置窗口大小 root.minsize(1380, 730) root.resizable(False, False) #得到屏幕宽度 sw = root.winfo_screenwidth() #得到屏幕高度 sh = root.winfo_screenheight() ww = 1380 wh = 730 x = (sw-ww) / 2 y = (sh-wh) / 2 root.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" %(ww,wh,x,y)) frame_left_top = Frame(width=1050, height=400) frame_right_top = Frame(width=320, height=400) # 定义列表区域 tree = ttk.Treeview(frame_left_top, show="headings", height=18, columns=("n", "a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g", "h")) vbar = ttk.Scrollbar(frame_left_top, orient=VERTICAL, command=tree.yview) # 定义树形结构与滚动条 tree.configure(yscrollcommand=vbar.set) # 表格的标题 tree.column("n", width=60, anchor="center") tree.column("a", width=180, anchor="center") tree.column("b", width=200, anchor="center") tree.column("c", width=100, anchor="center") tree.column("d", width=100, anchor="center") tree.column("e", width=80, anchor="center") tree.column("f", width=100, anchor="center") tree.column("g", width=90, anchor="center") tree.column("h", width=90, anchor="center") tree.heading("n", text="序号") tree.heading("a", text="岗位名称") tree.heading("b", text="公司名称") tree.heading("c", text="公司类型") tree.heading("d", text="公司规模") tree.heading("e", text="学历") tree.heading("f", text="工作经验") tree.heading("g", text="最低工资(k)") tree.heading("h", text="最高工资(k)") tree.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=NSEW) vbar.grid(row=0, column=1, sticky=NS) # 整体区域定位 frame_left_top.grid(row=0, column=0, padx=4, pady=5) frame_right_top.grid(row=0, column=1, padx=2, pady=2) frame_left_top.grid_propagate(0) frame_right_top.grid_propagate(0) type_str=StringVar() #设置滚动窗口文本 habits = tk.LabelFrame(root, text="公司类型", padx=10, pady=4 ) # 水平,垂直方向上的边距均为 10 habits.place(x=1035, y=170) habits_Window = Label(habits, textvariable=type_str, width=30, height=10, font=('楷体', 12)) habits_Window.grid() size_str=StringVar() #设置滚动窗口文本 company_size = tk.LabelFrame(root, text="公司规模", padx=10, pady=4 ) # 水平,垂直方向上的边距均为 10 company_size.place(x=1035, y=370) company_size_Window = Label(company_size, textvariable=size_str, width=30, height=8, font=('楷体', 12)) company_size_Window.grid() edu_str=StringVar() #设置滚动窗口文本 company_edu = tk.LabelFrame(root, text="学历要求", padx=10, pady=4 ) # 水平,垂直方向上的边距均为 10 company_edu.place(x=1035, y=540) company_edu_Window = Label(company_edu, textvariable=edu_str, width=30, height=8, font=('楷体', 12)) company_edu_Window.grid() # 打开文件 # right_top_button = Button(frame_right_top, text="打开文件", command=lambda :openFile(), font=('楷体', 12)) input_name = Label(frame_right_top, text='岗位关键字:', font=('楷体', 12)).place(x=0, y=10) label = StringVar() entry = Entry(frame_right_top, bg='#ffffff', width=20, textvariable=label, font=('楷体', 12)).place(x=120, y=10) input_num = Label(frame_right_top, text='数据条数:', font=('楷体', 12)).place(x=0, y=50) label_num = StringVar() entry_num = Entry(frame_right_top, bg='#ffffff', width=15, textvariable=label_num, font=('楷体', 12)).place(x=80, y=50) btn_search = Button(frame_right_top, text="查询输出", command=lambda :openFile(label, label_num), font=('楷体', 12)).place(x=210, y=50) right_pic_button = Button(frame_right_top, text="工作经验对应薪资图", command=lambda: show_plot(), font=('楷体', 12)).place(x=0, y=90) right_hist_button = Button(frame_right_top, text="工资分布图", command=lambda: show_hist(), font=('楷体', 12)).place(x=180, y=90) right_data_button = Button(frame_right_top, text="数据分析", command=lambda: show_data(), font=('楷体', 12)).place(x=0, y=130)
3. 功能实现
3.1 职位数据爬虫
# 获取一个列表页 def geturl(url): headers = { 'User-Agent': 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 ' '(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.88 Safari/537.36' } # 使用通用爬虫对url进行一页进行爬取 page_text = requests.get(url=url, headers=headers).text # 每一页源码用text # print(page_text) return page_text
# 获取列表页的所有岗位信息 def get_data(page_text): # 正则表达式提取岗位信息 job_href = '"job_href":"(.*?)"' # 岗位链接 job_name = '"job_name":"(.*?)"' # 岗位名称 com_href = '"company_href":"(.*?)"' # 公司链接 com_name = '"company_name":"(.*?)"' # 公司名称 salary = '"providesalary_text":"(.*?)"' # 薪资水平 company_type = '"companytype_text":"(.*?)"' # 公司类型 attribute = '"attribute_text":\[(.*?)\]' # 招聘条件 work_area = '"workarea_text":"(.*?)"' # 工作地点 company_size = '"companysize_text":"(.*?)"' # 公司规模 company_ind = '"companyind_text":"(.*?)"' # 主要业务 job_welf = '"jobwelf":"(.*?)"' # 福利待遇 # 第一个参数是规则,第二个参数是被检索内容,第三个参数re.S是单行匹配 jobName_list = re.findall(job_name, page_text, re.S) comName_list = re.findall(com_name, page_text, re.S) salary_list = re.findall(salary, page_text, re.S) companytype_list = re.findall(company_type, page_text, re.S) attribute_list = re.findall(attribute, page_text, re.S) workarea_list = re.findall(work_area, page_text, re.S) companysize_list = re.findall(company_size, page_text, re.S) companyind_list = re.findall(company_ind, page_text, re.S) jobwelf_list = re.findall(job_welf, page_text, re.S) all_list = [jobName_list, comName_list, salary_list, companytype_list, attribute_list, workarea_list, companysize_list, companyind_list, jobwelf_list] return all_list
# 主函数 def main(kw, num): # 关键字二次转译 # kw = input("请输入你要搜索的岗位关键字:") keyword = parse.quote(parse.quote(kw)) page_num = 0 col = ["岗位名称", "公司名称", "薪资水平", "公司类型", "招聘条件", "工作地点", '公司规模', '主要业务', '福利待遇'] csv_file = open("51job.csv", "w+", encoding='utf-8', newline='') try: writer = csv.writer(csv_file) writer.writerow(col) for i1 in range(0, num): # 爬取前3页数据 page_num += 1 url = "https://search.51job.com/list/080000,000000,0000,00,9,99," + keyword + ",2," + str( page_num) + ".html" page_text = geturl(url) all_list = get_data(page_text) if len(all_list[0]) == 0: print('没有搜索到职位信息') break else: print('正在爬取第%d页' % page_num) save_data(all_list, writer, search_num=len(all_list[0])) finally: csv_file.close()
3.2 数据预处理
job = pd.read_csv("51job.csv", encoding='utf-8') df = pd.DataFrame(job) dict_city = {'杭州': 0, '湖州': 0, '绍兴': 0, '宁波': 0, '嘉兴': 0, '丽水': 0, '台州': 0, '温州': 0, '金华': 0, '衢州': 0, '舟山': 0} city = df.loc[:, "工作地点"] print(city.shape[0]) for i in range(city.shape[0]): # print(city[i]) for k, v in dict_city.items(): # print(k, v) if k in city[i]: dict_city[k] = dict_city[k] + 1 df.loc[i, "城市"] = k break # print(list(dict_city.keys())) # print(list(dict_city.values())) city_df = df["城市"] if np.any(pd.notnull(df["城市"])): df["城市"].fillna("其他", inplace=True) # print(df["城市"].value_counts())
接着我们需要将原始数据得到的工资进行格式转换,转换成 k/月固定格式,并将整理的薪资数据单独存储保存下来。主要代码如下:
def get_salary(salary): if '-' in salary: # 针对1-2万/月或者10-20万/年的情况,包含- low_salary = re.findall(re.compile('(\d*\.?\d+)'), salary)[0] high_salary = re.findall(re.compile('(\d?\.?\d+)'), salary)[1] if u'万' in salary and u'年' in salary: # 单位统一成千/月的形式 low_salary = round(float(low_salary) / 12 * 10, 1) high_salary = round(float(high_salary) / 12 * 10, 1) elif u'万' in salary and u'月' in salary: low_salary = float(low_salary) * 10 high_salary = float(high_salary) * 10 else: # 针对20万以上/年和100元/天这种情况,不包含-,取最低工资,没有最高工资 low_salary = re.findall(re.compile('(\d*\.?\d+)'), salary)[0] if u'万' in salary and u'年' in salary: # 单位统一成千/月的形式 low_salary = round(float(low_salary) / 12 * 10, 1) elif u'万' in salary and u'月' in salary: low_salary = float(low_salary) * 10 elif u'元' in salary and u'天' in salary: low_salary = round(float(low_salary) / 1000 * 21, 1) # 每月工作日21天 elif u'元' in salary and u'小时' in salary: low_salary = round(float(low_salary) / 1000 * 8 * 21, 1) # 每天8小时,每月工作日21天 high_salary = low_salary return low_salary, high_salary
job = pd.read_csv("51job_pre.csv", encoding='utf-8') job_df = job.drop("福利待遇", axis=1) job_df = job_df.dropna(axis=0, how="any") for index, row in job_df.iterrows(): salary = row["薪资水平"] if salary: # 如果待遇这栏不为空,计算最低最高待遇 getsalary = get_salary(salary) low_salary = getsalary[0] high_salary = getsalary[1] else: low_salary = high_salary = "0" job_df.loc[index, "最低工资(k)"] = low_salary job_df.loc[index, "最高工资(k)"] = high_salary job_df.loc[index, "平均工资(k)"] = round((float(low_salary) + float(high_salary)) / 2, 1) job_df.to_csv("./51job_pre2.csv", index=False)
job_df.to_csv("./51job_pre2.csv", index=False) job_df = pd.read_csv("51job_pre2.csv", encoding='utf-8') job_df["学历"] = job_df["招聘条件"].apply(lambda x: re.findall("本科|大专|高中|中专|硕士|博士|初中及以下", x)) job_df["工作经验"] = job_df["招聘条件"].apply(lambda x: re.findall(r',".*经验"|,"在校生/应届生"', x)) job_df["学历"] = job_df["学历"].apply(func) job_df["工作经验"] = job_df["工作经验"].apply(func2) # 薪资水平,公司类型,招聘条件,工作地点,公司规模,主要业务,城市,最低工资(k),最高工资(k),平均工资(k) job_df = job_df.drop(["薪资水平", "招聘条件", "工作地点", "主要业务", "城市"], axis=1) job_df = job_df.dropna(axis=0, how="any") job_df.to_csv("./51job_analysis.csv", index=False)
3.3 岗位数据展示
def read_csv_define(csv_path): x = tree.get_children() for item in x: tree.delete(item) global job_df job_df = pd.read_csv(csv_path, encoding='utf-8') # print(job_df.shape[0]) for i in range(job_df.shape[0]): tree.insert("", "end", values=(i+1, job_df.loc[job_df.index[i], "岗位名称"], job_df.loc[job_df.index[i], "公司名称"],\ job_df.loc[job_df.index[i], "公司类型"], job_df.loc[job_df.index[i], "公司规模"], \ job_df.loc[job_df.index[i], "学历"],job_df.loc[job_df.index[i], "工作经验"], \ job_df.loc[job_df.index[i], "最低工资(k)"], job_df.loc[job_df.index[i], "最高工资(k)"]))
def openFile(label, label_num): sname = label.get() num_str = label_num.get() num = int(num_str) rep.main(sname, int(num/50)) pre.main() Filepath = "./51job_analysis.csv" # 打开文件选择对话框 # Filepath = filedialog.askopenfilename(filetypes=[('表格', '*.xls;*.csv')]) #过滤文件后缀类型 # print(os.path.split(Filepath)) (filepath, tempfilename) = os.path.split(Filepath) # 右侧的值是元组类型 try: # Filepath 当路径存在的时候继续 if Filepath: # 传输excel表格的路径 # 调用读取数据的函数,趁着用户正在查看查询条件的时候 将数据注入到全局变量中 减少查询等待 # 由于两种表格文件的读取模块不同,需要做处理判断属于哪种文件类型,故采用下边的方式进行判断 # 从文件名中分离出后缀 (filename, extension) = os.path.splitext(tempfilename) if extension == '.xls' or extension == '.XLS': read_xls(Filepath) elif extension == '.csv': read_csv_define(Filepath) else: print('未选择任何文件!') # exit_program() except Exception as e: global job_df job_df = pd.DataFrame() tkinter.messagebox.showwarning('警告', '文件读取异常,请检查!') print("ex:", e) finally: size_str.set("") type_str.set("") edu_str.set("") canvas_spice.get_tk_widget().destroy() canvas_spice_hist.get_tk_widget().destroy()
3.4 薪资图表可视化
def show_plot(): global canvas_spice canvas_spice.get_tk_widget().destroy() # 图像及画布 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3.2), dpi=100) # 图像比例 canvas_spice = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, root) canvas_spice.get_tk_widget().place(x=5, y=400) # 放置位置 work_experience = round(job_df.groupby(by='工作经验')['平均工资(k)'].mean(), 2) experience_list = ["无需经验", "1年经验", "2年经验", "3-4年经验", "5-7年经验"] experience_val = [work_experience[i] for i in experience_list] x = range(len(experience_list)) y = experience_val plt.plot(x, y) plt.xticks(x, experience_list, fontsize=6) plt.grid(True, linestyle="--", alpha=0.5) plt.xlabel("工作经验", fontsize=8) plt.ylabel("平均工资(k)", fontsize=8) plt.title("工作经验对应薪资折线图", fontsize=8) canvas_spice.draw() canvas_spice.get_tk_widget().bind("", xFunc1)
def show_hist(): global canvas_spice_hist canvas_spice_hist.get_tk_widget().destroy() # 图像及画布 fig_hist, ax_hist = plt.subplots(figsize=(5, 3.2), dpi=100) # 图像比例 canvas_spice_hist = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig_hist, root) canvas_spice_hist.get_tk_widget().place(x=520, y=400) # 放置位置 plt.hist(job_df["平均工资(k)"].values, bins=10) # 求出最小值 max_ = job_df["平均工资(k)"].max() min_ = job_df["平均工资(k)"].min() # 修改刻度 plt.xticks(np.linspace(min_, max_, num=11),fontsize=7) # 添加网格 plt.grid() plt.xlabel("平均工资(k)", fontsize=8) plt.ylabel("岗位数量", fontsize=8) plt.title("工资分布直方图", fontsize=8) canvas_spice_hist.draw() canvas_spice_hist.get_tk_widget().bind("", xFunc2)
3.5 岗位公司情况统计
def show_data(): company = job_df.loc[:, "公司类型"].value_counts() type_name = list(company.index) x = range(len(type_name)) content = "" for item in x: content += type_name[item] + '----' + str(company[item]) + '\n' type_str.set(content) company = job_df.loc[:, "公司规模"].value_counts() company_scale = company.index.to_list() z = range(len(company_scale)) size_content = "" for item in z: size_content += company_scale[item] + '----' + str(company[item]) + '\n' size_str.set(size_content) education = job_df.loc[:, "学历"].value_counts() education_scale = education.index.to_list() y = range(len(education_scale)) edu_content = "" for item in y: edu_content += education_scale[item] + '----' + str(education[item]) + '\n' edu_str.set(edu_content)
3.6 预览保存
我们在前面有提到,对于绘制好的图表,希望可以弹出预览保存,这里实现这个功能,采用的是画布绑定左键双击事件,弹出的子窗体同样可以绑定右键事件, 通过事件适配器传递图片参数。
def handlerAdaptor(fun, **kwds): return lambda event, fun= fun, kwds= kwds:fun(event, **kwds)
def xFunc2(event): top = Toplevel() top.title('图像导出') top.minsize(700, 450) top.resizable(False, False) # 得到屏幕宽度 sw = root.winfo_screenwidth() # 得到屏幕高度 sh = root.winfo_screenheight() ww = 700 wh = 450 x = (sw - ww) / 2 y = (sh - wh) / 2 top.geometry("%dx%d+%d+%d" % (ww, wh, x, y)) top.transient(root) top.grab_set() # 图像及画布 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(7, 4.5), dpi=100) # 图像比例 canvas_spice = FigureCanvasTkAgg(fig, top) canvas_spice.get_tk_widget().place(x=1, y=1) # 放置位置 plt.hist(job_df["平均工资(k)"].values, bins=10) # 求出最小值 max_ = job_df["平均工资(k)"].max() min_ = job_df["平均工资(k)"].min() # 修改刻度 plt.xticks(np.linspace(min_, max_, num=11), fontsize=10) # 添加网格 plt.grid() plt.xlabel("平均工资(k)", fontsize=12) plt.ylabel("岗位数量", fontsize=12) plt.title("工资分布直方图", fontsize=15) plt.savefig("hist.png") canvas_spice.draw() canvas_spice.get_tk_widget().pack() img_pl = Image.open("hist.png").copy() os.remove("hist.png") canvas_spice.get_tk_widget().bind("", handlerAdaptor(saveimg, img=img_pl))
def saveimg(event, img): Filepath = filedialog.asksaveasfilename(filetypes=[('图像', '*.png;')]) if Filepath: if not Filepath.endswith(('.png')): Filepath += '.png' # 保存获得的图像 img.save(Filepath, 'png') tkinter.messagebox.showinfo("提示", "保存成功!") HWND = win32gui.GetFocus() # 获取当前窗口句柄 win32gui.PostMessage(HWND, win32con.WM_CLOSE, 0, 0)
- 设计师职业的薪资水平在工作经验5年以上,薪资会有较大的涨幅。
- 行业的平均薪资分布主要在6k-14k左右。
- 设计行业的公司大部分是民营,公司人数在500人以下。
- 对于设计的学历要求大部分是大专及以上。
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