cegui HorzFormatting VertFormatting 用tiled导致的效率低下

一个 比较大的ui 比如全屏状态

背景的渲染格式 如果用tiled 透明的黑色背景 帧率下降20

改为stretched 帧率下降10



背景不用一个像素平铺 用一张比较大地透明黑色背景会不会好些


这个问题确切的说是 带alpha通道的 一个像素 铺成的整张背景的 HorzFormatting VertFormatting 设置



哈这个人遇到的问题和我一样 stretched的话颜色淡 不是想要的样子 tiled 效率巨低下

I have the following problem. I'm trying to skin a button using a number of 1 pixel wide images.
Specifically, the 4 corners are 2x2, the top and bottom edges are 1x2, the left and right edges are 2x1 and the background is 1x1.

The problem I have is that if I set the HorztFormat and VertFormat to Stretched, the background appears as a very pale, transparent "smear" over the surface of the button. The "color intensity" also appears to be modulated, with the middle of the control being about the color I want, and the colour fading to transparent towards the edges.
(The edges also are inconsistent in colour.)

If I set the formatting to Tiled, I get the look I desire (a uniform color) but performance goes way, way down. The whole thing runs so slowly that it's unusable. Otherwise I'd just Tile and be done.

I'm hoping someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong, and how to fix it. (My initial thought was that the single pixel is somehow being antialiased with an alpha channel. I do note that the source image, not supplied by me, contains an alpha component.)




解决方案 在第二页





综上 stretched 有两个弊端:

1 颜色不是我们想要的 只有中间是到边缘就变淡了 不是纯色的均匀的透明

2 第二个帖子里说到的 大小可变的纹理

解决方案就是必然用tiled 但是怎么解决效率问题呢






这么小的字 这么多字。。恶心死我了 太伤眼睛了!!!




 CEGUI creates one texture in memory and draws the tiles into it, then uses that one texture to draw the bg




void TiledTexture(const std::string& strWinName)
 int i = 0;
 int j = 0;
 static DWORD dwTiledTex[1024][768];
 for(i=0; i<1024; i++)
  for(j=0; j<768; j++)
   dwTiledTex[i][j] = D3DCOLOR_RGBA( 0, 0, 0, 100 );
 CEGUI::Size size(1024, 768);
 CEGUI::Point pxy(0, 0);

 CEGUI::Texture* tex = ( &CEGUI::System::getSingleton().getRenderer()->createTexture(size) );
     tex->loadFromMemory((void*)dwTiledTex, size, CEGUI::Texture::PF_RGBA);
 CEGUI::ImagesetManager* ImgSetMgr = &CEGUI::ImagesetManager::getSingleton();
     ImgSetMgr->create("TiledTex"+strWinName, *tex,CEGUI::XMLResourceExistsAction::XREA_REPLACE);

 CEGUI::Window  *pwnd=CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton().getWindow(strWinName);
 CEGUI::Imageset* ImgSet = &ImgSetMgr->get("TiledTex"+strWinName);
 ImgSet->defineImage("_full_image_", pxy, size, pxy);
 pwnd->setProperty("Image", "set:TiledTex"+strWinName+" image:_full_image_");
