NHibernate.Hql.Ast.ANTLR.QuerySyntaxException : 引发类型为“Antlr.Runtime.NoViableAltException”的异常。 near line 1, column 7 [select from NHibernateSample.Domain.Entities.Customer c where c.Firstname='scenery']
错误语法: select from customer
正确语法: from customer
NHibernate.Exceptions.GenericADOException : could not execute query
[ select distinct customer.* from Customer customer inner join [Order] o on o.CustomerId=customer.CustomerId where o.OrderDate> @p0 ]
Name:orderDate - Value:2011-9-5 0:00:00
[SQL: select distinct customer.* from Customer customer inner join [Order] o on o.CustomerId=customer.CustomerId where o.OrderDate> @p0]
----> System.IndexOutOfRangeException : CustomerId0_0_
错误写法:return _session.CreateSQLQuery("select distinct {customer}.* from Customer {customer}" +
" inner join [Order] o on o.CustomerId={customer}.CustomerId where o.OrderDate> :orderDate")
.AddEntity("customer", typeof(Customer))
.SetDateTime("orderDate", orderDate)
正解写法:return _session.CreateSQLQuery("select distinct {customer.*} from Customer {customer}" +
" inner join [Order] o on o.CustomerId={customer}.CustomerId where o.OrderDate> :orderDate")
.AddEntity("customer", typeof(Customer))
.SetDateTime("orderDate", orderDate)
[ SELECT this_.CustomerId as CustomerId0_2_, this_.Version as Version0_2_, this_.Firstname as Firstname0_2_, this_.Lastname as Lastname0_2_, order1_.OrderId as OrderId1_0_, order1_.OrderDate as OrderDate1_0_, order1_.CustomerId as CustomerId1_0_, products5_.[Order] as Order1_, product2_.ProductId as Product, product2_.ProductId as ProductId3_1_, product2_.Name as Name3_1_, product2_.Cost as Cost3_1_ FROM Customer this_ inner join [Order] order1_ on this_.CustomerId=order1_.CustomerId inner join OrderProduct products5_ on order1_.OrderId=products5_.[Order] inner join Product product2_ on products5_.Product=product2_.ProductId WHERE this_.Firstname = @p0 and order1_.OrderDate > @p1 and product2_.Name = @p2 ]
Positional parameters: #0>scenery #1>2008-10-1 0:00:00 #2>shirt
[SQL: SELECT this_.CustomerId as CustomerId0_2_, this_.Version as Version0_2_, this_.Firstname as Firstname0_2_, this_.Lastname as Lastname0_2_, order1_.OrderId as OrderId1_0_, order1_.OrderDate as OrderDate1_0_, order1_.CustomerId as CustomerId1_0_, products5_.[Order] as Order1_, product2_.ProductId as Product, product2_.ProductId as ProductId3_1_, product2_.Name as Name3_1_, product2_.Cost as Cost3_1_ FROM Customer this_ inner join [Order] order1_ on this_.CustomerId=order1_.CustomerId inner join OrderProduct products5_ on order1_.OrderId=products5_.[Order] inner join Product product2_ on products5_.Product=product2_.ProductId WHERE this_.Firstname = @p0 and order1_.OrderDate > @p1 and product2_.Name = @p2]
----> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException : 列名 'Order' 无效。
列名 'Product' 无效。
列名 'Order' 无效。
Map中 column设计错误
NHibernate.Hql.Ast.ANTLR.QuerySyntaxException : c.Orders.elements is not mapped [select distinct c from Customer c , c.Orders.elements o where o.OrderDate > :orderDate]
select distinct c from Customer c ,c.Orders o where o.OrderDate > :orderDate
select distinct c from Customer c inner join c.Orders o where o.OrderDate > :orderDate
----> System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaValidationException : 元素 命名空间“urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2”中的“class”。 的子元素 命名空间“urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2”中的“sql-insert”。 无效。应为可能元素的列表: 命名空间“urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.2”中的“filter, resultset, query, sql-query”。。
----> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException : 不能将值 NULL 插入列 'CustomerId',表 'NHibernateSample.dbo.Customer';列不允许有空值。INSERT 失败。
NHibernate.Exceptions.GenericADOException : could not update: [NHibernateSample.Domain.Entities.Customer#6][SQL: exec CustomerUpdate ?,?,?,?,?]
----> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException : 为过程或函数 CustomerUpdate 指定了过多的参数。
NHibernate.Exceptions.GenericADOException : could not update: [NHibernateSample.Domain.Entities.Customer#6][SQL: exec CustomerUpdate ?,?,?,?]
----> System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException : 从数据类型 nvarchar 转换为 int 时出错。
NHibernate.MappingException : unknown class DomainModel.Entities.Customer, DomainModel
----> System.IO.FileNotFoundException : 未能加载文件或程序集“DomainModel”或它的某一个依赖项。系统找不到指定的文件。
----> NHibernate.DuplicateMappingException : Duplicate class/entity mapping NHibernateSample.Domain.Entities.Product
第一hibernate.cfg.xml配置文件错误:<mapping assembly="NHibernateSample.Domain"/>