
unsigned long DicomImage::createWindowsDIB void *&  data,
    const unsigned long  size,
    const unsigned long  frame = 0,
    const int  bits = 24,
    const int  upsideDown = 0,
    const int  padding = 1

create true color (24/32 bit) or palette (8 bit) bitmap for MS Windows.

8 bit images require an appropriate color palette (256 entries, values: 0 to 255) and are only applicable to monochrome images, the beginning of a each line starts on a 32-bit address (if 'padding' is true); 24 bit images store 24 bits per pixel (RGB) and do align each line to a 32-bit address (if 'padding' is true); 32 bit images store 32 bits per pixel (RGB), but only use the upper 24 bits. The sample order for color images is (i.e. reverse): Blue, Green, Red. The memory buffer can be allocated both externally (from the calling program) and internally (inside this class/module). If the 'data' parameter is not NULL and the 'size' parameter, which describes the size (in bytes) of the allocated buffer, is suffiently large, the bitmap is stored in this buffer. Otherwise (i.e. 'data' is NULL) the memory is allocated internally. Please note that in both cases the memory is not handled internally after this method has finished and, therefore, must be deleted from the calling program. This method does not work if original YCbCr color model is retained (see CIF_KeepYCbCrColorModel).

  data  untyped pointer memory buffer (set to NULL if not allocated externally)
  size  size of the memory buffer in bytes (if 0 'data' is set to NULL)
  frame  index of frame to be converted (default: 0 = first frame)
  bits  number of bits per pixel used for the output bitmap (8, 24 or 32, default: 24)
  upsideDown  flag indicating whether the first line stored is the top-most (default: 0) or the bottom-most of the source image (as required by the BMP file format)
  padding  align each line to a 32-bit address if true (default)
number of bytes allocated by the bitmap, or 0 if an error occured









// destination rectangle
0, 512, 512,
// source rectangle
0, 0, 512, 512,
((BYTE*)m_pImage+sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+256*sizeof(RGBQUAD)),  //位图数据
(BITMAPINFO*)m_pImage, //位图信息
