
// Title: Building ASP.NET Server Controls
// Chapter: 9 - Integrating Client-Side Script
// File: PhoneValidator.cs
// Written by: Dale Michalk and Rob Cameron
// Copyright ?2003, Apress L.P.
using System;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;

namespace ControlsBookLib.Ch09
    public enum PhoneNumberType
        US = 0,
        Intl = 1

    [ ToolboxData("<{0}:PhoneValidator NumberType=US runat=server></{0}:PhoneValidator>") ]
    public class PhoneValidator : BaseValidator
        public virtual PhoneNumberType NumberType
                object numType = ViewState["NumberType"];
                if (numType == null)
                    return PhoneNumberType.US;
                    return (PhoneNumberType) numType;
                ViewState["NumberType"] = value;

        const string US_PHONE_REGEX = @"^\(?\d{3}\)?(\s|-)\d{3}\-\d{4}$";
        const string INTL_PHONE_REGEX =@"^\d(\d|-){7,20}$";

        private string PhoneRegex
                // read only property selects the appropriate
                // regular expression to use for US or
                // international phone based on the NumberType
                // property setting
                if (this.NumberType == PhoneNumberType.Intl)
                      return INTL_PHONE_REGEX;
                      return US_PHONE_REGEX;
        protected override void AddAttributesToRender(HtmlTextWriter writer)
            base.AddAttributesToRender (writer);

            // BaseValidator has logic to determine uplevel browser
            // client capability
            if (base.RenderUplevel)
                // link into the ClientValidation API of ASP.NET and
                // reuse its client-side Regex evaluation code

        protected override bool EvaluateIsValid()
            // BaseValidator provides GetControlValidationValue
            // to make it easy to grab the controls value for you
            string number = base.GetControlValidationValue(
            // enforce the rule that we don't evaluate null
            // or empty values in non-RequiredFieldValidator
            // controls
            if (number.Trim() != "")
                // use the regular expression engine of ASP.NET
                // to evaluate the phone number according to the
                // selected Phone type regular expression
                Regex expr = new Regex(PhoneRegex);
                MatchCollection matches = expr.Matches(number, 0);
                return (matches != null && matches[0].Value == number);
                return true;
