谷歌chrome xp_Google Chrome统计信息,三个月了

谷歌chrome xp

谷歌chrome xp_Google Chrome统计信息,三个月了_第1张图片

Shortly after Google’s new Webkit-based browser, called Chrome, hit the streets, we took a look at how many people were using it. Our first look at the early stats found that an impressive 4-5% of users were using Chrome a couple of days after launch. Perhaps not surprisingly. given that Chrome was aimed initially at a more technical, early adopter crowd, it was Firefox that took a hit at the start rather than Internet Explorer, even though most pundits agree that Google is taking aim at Microsoft with their browser initiative, not Mozilla.

Google全新的基于Webkit的浏览器Chrome浏览器出现后不久,我们来看看有多少人在使用它。 我们首先查看了早期统计数据,发现在启动几天后,有4-5%的用户使用了Chrome。 也许不足为奇。 考虑到Chrome最初的目标受众是技术含量更高,采用更早的用户,因此Firefox而不是Internet Explorer受到了广泛的欢迎,尽管大多数专家都认为Google的目标是通过其浏览器而不是Mozilla来瞄准Microsoft。

After the initial euphoria of a new browser product wore off, we noted earlier this month that Chrome usage has stabilized at SitePoint to a little over 3%, which is still ahead of the worldwide average of about a quarter of a percent to 1%.

在对新浏览器产品的最初狂热消退之后,我们在本月初指出, Chrome的使用率已在SitePoint稳定到略高于3%,仍领先于全球平均水平的大约0.25%至1%。

It’s still way to early to tell what impact Chrome will have on the browser race long term, but three months is a much better sample than a single week, so it’s not a bad idea to take a look at the numbers again and see what they look like.


This latest round of browser share comparison was kicked off by Stephan Shankland at CNET, who himself has switched to Chrome because of its superior JavaScript speed. Shankland found that from September to October, visitors to CNET latched onto Chrome in larger than expected numbers. Event though just 3.6% of visitors used Chrome in October, that’s still a huge jump from 1% the month before. Firefox also jumped and IE and Safari took a hit (perhaps that’s Windows Safari users, since Chrome for Mac doesn’t yet officially exist — or perhaps that’s the work of Firefox).

最新一轮的浏览器份额比较是CNET的Stephan Shankland发起的,由于其出色JavaScript速度,他本人已选择使用Chrome。 Shankland发现,从9月到10月,CNET的访问者使用Chrome的人数超过了预期的人数 。 尽管10月份只有3.6%的访客使用了Chrome,但与上个月的1%相比,仍然是一个巨大的增长。 Firefox也跳了起来,IE和Safari受到打击(也许是Windows Safari用户,因为Mac版Chrome尚未正式存在-也许这就是Firefox的工作)。

At SitePoint we actually saw an opposite trend. Between September and November (this month isn’t over yet, but we think it has enough data to be included in the chart with that caveat in mind), Internet Explorer actually saw a mammoth jump in usage on our site, while every other browser dropped significantly month-over-month. The reason could be that starting in late October we’ve had an influx of traffic from Digg, StumbleUpon, and Delicious due to a handful of blog posts that have done well on those social media sites. So traffic over the past 6 weeks has been atypical for SitePoint, and thus could be skewing our numbers.

在SitePoint,我们实际上看到了相反的趋势。 九月至十一月期间(本月还没有结束,但我们认为它有足够的数据将包含在记住,警告在图表中),Internet Explorer中居然看到在我们网站上使用一个庞大的跳跃,而其他浏览器环比大幅下降。 原因可能是从10月下旬开始,由于一些博客帖子在这些社交媒体网站上做得很好,因此Digg,StumbleUpon和Delicious的流量大量涌入。 因此,过去6周的流量对于SitePoint而言是非典型的,因此可能会使我们的数字发生变化。

谷歌chrome xp_Google Chrome统计信息,三个月了_第2张图片

That, however, still gives us data from which we can draw some conclusions. If Chrome usage — and indeed Firefox, Safari, and Opera usage — declined when our traffic started coming from more mainstream sources, it indicates that the mainstream is still very much hooked on IE. Firefox, and Safari on Mac, may have made a dent in IE’s stranglehold on the browser market, but Chrome hasn’t even touched the mainstream.

但是,那仍然为我们提供了可以得出一些结论的数据。 如果当我们的流量开始来自更多主流来源时,Chrome的使用率以及Firefox,Safari和Opera的使用率下降了,这表明主流仍然非常依赖IE。 Firefox和Mac上的Safari可能已经削弱了IE在浏览器市场上的实力,但Chrome甚至还没有触及主流。

The latest data from Net Applications affirms that theory. According to their browser share report, Chrome is used by just 3/4th of a percent of all net users — about the same as Opera. Firefox hovers around 20% and Internet Explorer maintains a commanding lead with over 70% of all use. The bit of browser share real estate that Chrome has managed to snag in just about 3 months is not insignificant, however, it is a long way from crossing the chasm.

Net Applications的最新数据证实了这一理论。 根据他们的浏览器份额报告,Chrome仅占所有净用户的3/4,与Opera相同。 Firefox徘徊在20%左右,Internet Explorer保持了领先地位,占所有使用量的70%以上。 Chrome在短短3个月内就成功占据了浏览器份额,这并不是微不足道的,但是,距离跨越鸿沟还很遥远 。

What browsers are your visitors using this month? Has Chrome made any sort of impression? Let us know in the comments.

您的访客本月使用哪些浏览器? Chrome有什么印象吗? 让我们在评论中知道。


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