如何在Windows 7简化版中自定义墙纸

If you have the Starter Edition of Windows 7 installed on your netbook you may be sick of looking at the default wallpaper. With Starter Background Changer you can access other customization options with ease.

如果您的上网本上安装了Windows 7简化版,您可能会讨厌查看默认墙纸。 使用Starter Background Changer,您可以轻松访问其他自定义选项。



There is not a lot that you can say about the singular default wallpaper included with the Starter Edition…it just kind of sits there all boring like.


如何在Windows 7简化版中自定义墙纸_第1张图片

Installing Starter Background Changer


Since the installer part of the program is in French we have the entire set of install windows shown here with the appropriate buttons highlighted to get you through the whole process without any problems.


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如何在Windows 7简化版中自定义墙纸_第7张图片

Using Starter Background Changer


Once the installation process has finished you will simply see a quiet screen with no desktop icons or Start Menu entries visible. Now if you are wondering at this point “Did the program finish installing or did it install at all?” the answer is yes. Right click on your desktop and you will notice a new entry on the Context Menu…the same one that is included in the other editions but not Starter. Time to have some fun…

安装过程完成后,您将仅看到一个安静的屏幕,看不到桌面图标或“开始”菜单条目。 现在,如果您想知道“程序是否已完成安装或完全安装了?” 答案是肯定的。 右键单击您的桌面,您会在“上下文菜单”上注意到一个新条目,该条目与其他版本中包含的条目相同,但没有包括Starter。 该找点乐子了……

如何在Windows 7简化版中自定义墙纸_第8张图片

The Personalization Window will open maximized but we have reduced it here for our screenshots. You have four regular categories to choose from in the lower part of the window: Wallpaper, Colors, Sounds, & Screensavers.

个性化窗口将最大化打开,但我们在此处将其缩小以用于截图。 在窗口的下部,您有四个常规类别可供选择: 墙纸,颜色,声音和屏幕保护程序。

如何在Windows 7简化版中自定义墙纸_第9张图片

The first category that we chose for our example was Wallpaper. As you can see here the main display area (My Collection) has no wallpapers showing at the moment. You can use the drop-down menu to access your My Pictures Folder or browse for a different location. Notice that you can choose how the image fills the screen and set up a timed wallpaper slideshow at the bottom.

我们为示例选择的第一类是墙纸。 如您所见,主显示区域(我的收藏集)目前没有墙纸显示。 您可以使用下拉菜单访问“ 我的图片”文件夹或浏览其他位置。 请注意,您可以选择图像填充屏幕的方式,并在底部设置定时的墙纸幻灯片放映。

如何在Windows 7简化版中自定义墙纸_第10张图片

Any picture (or pictures) selected will be added to the My Collection display for easy access the next time you open the window. Once you choose a picture click on Validate the modification to set the wallpaper for your desktop and return to the main window.

所选的任何图片都会添加到“ 我的收藏”显示中,以便下次打开窗口时可以轻松访问。 选择图片后,单击“ 验证修改”以设置桌面墙纸并返回主窗口。

如何在Windows 7简化版中自定义墙纸_第11张图片

When you return to the main window you will see a preview for your selection. At this point you can simply close the window or make further adjustments in the other categories.

当您返回主窗口时,您会看到一个预览预览。 此时,您可以简单地关闭窗口或在其他类别中进行进一步的调整。

如何在Windows 7简化版中自定义墙纸_第12张图片

Starter Background Changer provides easy one-stop access to other customization areas. We started off with Colors…

Starter Background Changer提供了轻松访问其他自定义区域的一站式服务。 我们从色彩开始...

如何在Windows 7简化版中自定义墙纸_第13张图片

Followed by Sounds…


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And finally Screensavers.


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Before you do close the main window you can take a quick look at the Options if desired. We did set Optimization of the images to High on our system.

关闭主窗口之前,可以根据需要快速查看“选项”。 我们确实在系统上将图像的优化设置为高。

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Quick and easy wallpaper satisfaction.


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We did pin the Program Window to our Taskbar…nice if you prefer this method as opposed to the Desktop Context Menu.

如果您偏爱桌面Context Menu而不是Desktop Context Menu,我们确实将Program Window固定到了任务栏上。

如何在Windows 7简化版中自定义墙纸_第18张图片



If you have been longing for a way to change the wallpaper in Windows 7 Starter Edition then you will definitely want to give this program a try. Goodbye boring default wallpaper!

如果您一直渴望在Windows 7简化版中更改壁纸的方法,那么您肯定想尝试一下该程序。 再见了无聊的默认壁纸!

For more wonderful ways to customize your Windows 7 Starter Edition be sure to read our article here.

有关自定义Windows 7简化版的更妙的方法,请确保在此处阅读我们的文章。



Download Starter Background Changer

下载Starter Background Changer

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/16041/change-the-wallpaper-and-customization-settings-in-windows-7-starter-edition/
