
【摘 要】随着互联网的技术的不断更新发展,人们生活节奏也在不断的加快,对于网络的依赖也越来越紧密,尤其是在等公交,经常会错过班次,但又不知道,下次班次几点发车,这样会导致乘客花掉大把时间在等待,如果可以掌握发车动态,乘客就可以随时安排自己的时间,也不会经常出现公交车站出现拥挤现象。



[Abstract] with the continuous update and development of Internet technology, people’s pace of life is also accelerating, and they are more and more dependent on the Internet. Especially when they are waiting for the bus, they often miss the bus, but they don’t know what time the next bus will leave, which will cause passengers to spend a lot of time waiting, Passengers can arrange their own time at any time, and there will not be frequent congestion at bus stops.

The system is developed by wechat developer tools, mainly based on Vue syntax and ES6. The technologies used include MySQL database, mybatis driver framework and Tomcat server deployment. The integrated development tools used are idea and JDK1.8.

The wechat small program bus query system is divided into foreground and background. The foreground is mainly used to provide users with bus query, which is the user’s operation interface. Its functions include bus line search and bus stop query. The background is mainly used by managers, who can add, delete, modify and view all the information of the site; It can add, delete, modify and view all the information of train number;

[Key words] wechat development tool platform, MySQL database, hbuilder development tool, bus query

1 绪论 2
1.1 项目开发背景 2
1.2 项目开发意义 2
1.3 项目主要的内容 2
2 相关技术介绍及系统环境开发条件 2
2.1相关技术介绍 3
2.2系统环境开发条件 4
3 系统的需求分析与设计 4
3.1可行性分析 4
3.2需求分析 5
3.2.1系统总体概述 5
3.2.2功能性需求 5
3.2.3非功能性需求 6
3.2.4流程图设计 6
3.2.5系统ER图设计 7
3.3 数据库设计 9
3.3.1数据库设计的原则 9
3.3.2数据库表的设计 9
4系统功能模块实现 10
4.1 前端页面功能实现 11
4.1.1车次查询模块实现 11
4.1.2站点查询模块实现 11
4.2 后端页面功能实现 12
4.2.1登陆页面的实现 12
4.2.2车次管理页面的实现 13
4.2.3站点管理页面的实现 14
5 系统测试 15
5.1系统调试的目的和意义 15
5.2功能测试用例 16
6总结 18
参考文献: 19

