《Cracking the Coding Interview》——第13章:C和C++——题目7

2014-04-25 20:18




 1 // 13.7 Given a pointer to a Node strcut, return a deep copy of whatever you can find with it.

 2 // Answer:

 3 //    The following code is actually my solution to the leetcode problem, Clone Graph.

 4 //    They are different problems, but almost the same idea of BFS, mapping and deep copy.

 5 #include <queue>

 6 #include <vector>

 7 #include <unordered_map>

 8 using namespace std;

 9 /**

10  * Definition for undirected graph.

11  * struct UndirectedGraphNode {

12  *     int label;

13  *     vector<UndirectedGraphNode *> neighbors;

14  *     UndirectedGraphNode(int x) : label(x) {};

15  * };

16  */

17 class Solution {

18 public:

19     UndirectedGraphNode *cloneGraph(UndirectedGraphNode *node) {

20         if (node == nullptr) {

21             return nullptr;

22         }


24         UndirectedGraphNode *cur, *nei;

25         int i, j;

26         int nc;

27         int ix, iy;

28         int nsize;


30         nc = 0;

31         qq.push(node);

32         while (!qq.empty()) {

33             cur = qq.front();

34             qq.pop();

35             if (um.find(cur) == um.end()) {

36                 um[cur] = nc++;

37                 graph.push_back(vector<int>());

38                 labels.push_back(cur->label);

39                 nodes_checked.push_back(false);

40             }

41             ix = um[cur];

42             if (nodes_checked[ix]) {

43                 continue;

44             }

45             nsize = (int)cur->neighbors.size();

46             for (i = 0; i < nsize; ++i) {

47                 nei = cur->neighbors[i];

48                 if (um.find(nei) == um.end()) {

49                     um[nei] = nc++;

50                     labels.push_back(nei->label);

51                     graph.push_back(vector<int>());

52                     nodes_checked.push_back(false);

53                 }

54                 iy = um[nei];

55                 if (!nodes_checked[iy]) {

56                     qq.push(nei);

57                 }

58                 graph[ix].push_back(iy);

59             }

60             nodes_checked[ix] = true;

61         }


63         new_nodes.clear();

64         for (i = 0; i < nc; ++i) {

65             new_nodes.push_back(new UndirectedGraphNode(labels[i]));

66         }

67         for (i = 0; i < nc; ++i) {

68             nsize = (int)graph[i].size();

69             for (j = 0; j < nsize; ++j) {

70                 new_nodes[i]->neighbors.push_back(new_nodes[graph[i][j]]);

71             }

72         }

73         cur = new_nodes[0];

74         while (!qq.empty()) {

75             qq.pop();

76         }

77         um.clear();

78         new_nodes.clear();

79         for (i = 0; i < (int)graph.size(); ++i) {

80             graph[i].clear();

81         }

82         graph.clear();

83         labels.clear();

84         nodes_checked.clear();


86         return cur;

87     }

88 private:

89     queue<UndirectedGraphNode *> qq;

90     unordered_map<UndirectedGraphNode *, int> um;

91     vector<int> labels;

92     vector<bool> nodes_checked;

93     vector<UndirectedGraphNode *> new_nodes;

94     vector<vector<int> > graph;

95 };

