英文 | 中文 |
停电 上 篇: 悲剧变成黄片 | |
I know maybe a dozen reporters, guys you know, too, | 我认识十几名记者你也认识的 |
who tell me they've been pitching you this story | 他们告诉我他们约你做访谈 |
for almost a year with no luck. | 约了快一年你都没答应 |
Yeah, I'm not crazy about being interviewed in print. | 我不喜欢接受纸媒采访 |
Print journalists play it fast and loose with exclamation points. | 纸媒记者总是滥用惊叹号 |
I love the news becomes I love the news! | "我爱新闻"成了"我爱新闻啊!" |
Suddenly I'm deranged. | 搞得我像疯子似的 |
- So why now? - Huh? | -现在又是为什么呢-什么 |
Why are you agreeing to this piece now? | 为什么现在同意接受采访 |
- Don't happen to have a cigarette? - No. | -你有香烟吗-没有 |
完整版请点击 | |
- Why now? - Ah, right here. | -现在又是为什么-在这儿 |
Why do you want this now? | 为什么现在接受采访 |
I want some sort of document about what we've been trying to do here. | 我想把我们努力要做的事记载下来 |
Like the king at the end of "Camelot" | 就像国王在《卡默洛特》结尾 |
改编自亚瑟王传奇的百老汇音乐剧卡默洛特为亚瑟王王宫所在地 最终战役前亚瑟王让小汤姆前往英格兰宣扬骑士精神与卡默洛特理念 | |
telling the boy to run behind the lines from village to village | 让小男孩从一个村庄跑到另一个村庄 |
telling people about, you know... | 告诉人们... |
- Camelot. - Yeah. | -卡默洛特理念-没错 |
I'm asking why you reached out to me. | 我问的是你为什么要找我 |
Because, your recent complications notwithstanding, | 因为虽然你近况不佳 |
you cover the media better than anyone out there. | 却依然远胜于你的同行 |
You haven't lost your touch for | 你还像当年一样 |
complimenting and insulting someone at the same time. | 可以一边夸人一边侮辱人 |
Thank you. I appreciate it. | 谢谢夸奖 |
But it wasn't meant as an insult, Brian. | 但我无意侮辱你布莱恩 |
Your life's been in newsmagazines, | 你在新闻杂志干了一辈子 |
- and newsmagazines aren't... - I know. | -而新闻杂志不像...-我知道 |
...as many pages long as they used to be. | 以前那么厚实了 |
What kind of access are we talking about? | 我能接触到什么 |
Here's what I'll offer. You spend a few days here, | 我想这样你在这里待几天 |
talk to whoever you want, but it's all off the record. | 想跟谁聊都行但都是私下消息 |
- Not even background. - What good does that do me? | -连背景故事都不算-这对我有什么用 |
If I like how it feels, then we go ahead. | 我若满意我们再正式开始 |
But I still get to tell you | 但我会告诉你 |
what can retroactively go on the record from the tryout period. | 你在试用期得到的消息哪些能登出来 |
- You're asking me to audition? - Yeah. | -你这是要我试用吗-是的 |
Why would I do that? | 我凭什么答应 |
I can think of some reasons. | 几个理由 |
Four years ago, you were on the masthead at "Newsweek," | 四年前你是《新闻周刊》的当家记者 |
turning out 10 cover stories a year | 一年十个封面故事 |
and spending Sunday mornings on TV. | 每周日都能上电视 |
Today you have a blog. | 现在你只是个写博客的 |
Your fucking disdain for the Internet... | 你对互联网的鄙视 |
Is matched only by your fucking disdain for the Internet. | 与你对互联网的鄙视不分伯仲 |
You took a buyout when "Newsweek" was sold to IAC | 《新闻周刊》被IAC收购时 |
InterActiveCorp: 美国互联网巨头 Newsweek因亏损被IAC旗下新闻评论网站The Daily Beast吞并 | |
and rolled the money into a start-up, | 你拿了遣散费准备创业 |
thinking you'd be the next Huffington Post. | 希望能创造下一个《赫芬顿邮报》 |
How'd it work out? | 结果呢 |
We filed for bankruptcy. | 我们申请破产了 |
The "Sunday Times Magazine," "Vanity Fair," | 《周日时报杂志》《名利场》 |
"GQ," "The New Republic," "The Atlantic"... | 《绅士月刊》《新共和》《大西洋》 |
everybody's offered the cover and I get to pick the writer. | 都想让我上封面记者随我挑 |
I'm going with "New York Magazine" And you. | 我挑了《纽约杂志》和你 |
So, you okay with the audition? | 同意试用吗 |
Are you prepared to talk about your Republicanism? | 你准备好谈谈你的共和党身份了吗 |
You say that like I've got polio. | 说得跟我得了小儿麻痹症似的 |
Are you prepared to talk about having polio? | 你准备好谈谈小儿麻痹症了吗 |
I grew up in a town outside of town outside Lincoln, Nebraska. | 我在内布拉斯加州林肯市的远郊长大 |
My hometown was a road. | 我老家就是条公路 |
I was a college freshman before I met a Democrat. | 我读大一前都没见过民主党人 |
What about our history? | 我俩的旧事怎么办 |
Brian, your problem with me back in the day | 布莱恩你当年看我不爽 |
was that I was a moderate, sane Republican | 是因为我是一名温和理智的共和党人 |
who refused to take a position on anything for fear I would lose viewers. | 在任何事上都不表明立场以防丢失观众 |
Just as moderate, sane Republicans on the Hill | 就像国会里那些温和理智的共和党人 |
refuse to take a position for fear they'll lose primary voters. | 不表明立场以防初选落败 |
I had a nightly rundown that | 我每晚都开台本会 |
went out of its way to avoid reporting the news. | 商讨如何避免报道新闻 |
And then Mackenzie McHale came along | 然后麦肯兹·麦克黑尔来了 |
and I'm attacking my own party for not standing up to its attackers. | 我开始攻击自己的党派指责他们不敢反击 |
Isn't that what you wanted me to do back when you were calling me a coward? | 你当年骂我是懦夫不就想让我这么做吗 |
Yeah, but that's not the history I'm talking about | 是啊但我指的不是这事 |
and you already knew that, so please stop fucking around with me. | 你心里清楚别拐弯抹角的了 |
One parenthetical sentence in the second graph. | 第二段里插这么一句话 |
"Full disclosure. | "作者坦言 |
I've been a friend of Mackenzie McHale's since the late '90s." | 本人与麦肯兹自90年代末便是好友" |
And you? | 你呢 |
An email went to 178,000 people | 一封电邮发给了17.8万人 |
and was reported on our own morning show. | 这事还上了我们台的早间节目 |
That's all you know and that's all you'll report. | 你只知道这么多只写这么多 |
That's fine with me. But that's the last time | 可以但这是你最后一次 |
you'll tell me what I will or won't report. | 告诉我什么该写什么不该写 |
- I'm not your stenographer. - Do we have a deal? | -我不是你的速记员-成交吗 |
Yeah, now why do you need someone to run from village to village? | 成交你为何要找人从一个村跑到另一个村 |
Is something about to happen to Camelot? | 卡默洛特出什么事了吗 |
Maybe. | 也许吧 |
First, you have to learn what our whole philosophy is. | 首先你得了解我们的核心理念 |
Hang out, we'll talk later. | 四处转转我们稍后再谈 |
I have to go to a meeting with Reese Lansing. | 我得去见里斯·兰辛 |
What's it about? | 谈什么事 |
Suspending our whole philosophy. | 摒弃我们的核心理念 |
Good to see you again, Brian. | 再见到你真好布莱恩 |
He should be here any minute. | 他马上就到 |
Sorry I'm late. | 抱歉迟到了 |
All right, I'm not gonna tell you what to put on the air. | 我不会告诉你们该播什么 |
You're not allowed to tell us what to put on the air. | 你无权告诉我们该播什么 |
So I'm just gonna tell you the facts. | 那我就给你们摆出事实 |
You got mugged last week. You got bludgeoned. | 你们上周被灭了输大发了 |
- It's Casey Anthony. - Hang on, wait. | -是凯西·安东尼-等等 |
She may just be right. | 也许她说得对 |
We knew we'd take a small hit. | 我们知道会遭受小波折 |
There's nothing small. | 一点都不小 |
完整版请点击 | |
Let me just give you the facts | 我把事实摆给你们 |
and then invite you to draw your own conclusion. | 你们自己来下结论 |
Nancy Grace averages 283,000 viewers on HLN. | HLN的南茜·格蕾丝平均有28.3万观众 |
Her time period competitor "News Night" averages 960,000. | 同一时段的《晚间新闻》平均有96万观众 |
One week ago, HLN begins coverage of the Casey Anthony trial | 一周前HLN开始报道凯西·安东尼案 |
and Nancy's audience increases to 1.5 million viewers | 南茜的观众数升至150万 |
while "News Night"'s audience drops to 460,000, | 《晚间新闻》的观众数跌至46万 |
sending you from second to fifth place in the course of five days. | 五天内把你从第二名踢到了第五名 |
A feat I previously thought was only accomplishable by the New York Mets. | 我原以为只有纽约大都会队能做到 |
Whose idea was it to not cover the Casey Anthony trial? | 不报道凯西·安东尼案是谁的主意 |
It was mine. | 我的 |
I think the three of you should have a vaudeville act. | 你们仨能去演杂耍了 |
I'm not kidding. I'm gonna send you on a fucking tour. | 我没开玩笑我要把你们仨送去巡演 |
It was hers. | 是她的主意 |
Mackenzie, I've never seen a more vivid picture of why viewers left, | 麦肯兹我从未如此深刻感受到观众为何离开 |
where they went to, and why. | 去往哪里为何离开 |
You said why twice. | 你说了两次"为何" |
You chose not to work for PBS. | 你自己决定不去PBS |
You chose not to work for NPR. You have a ratings obligation. | 你自己决定不去NPR你有责任争取收视率 |
No, you have a ratings obligation. | 不是你有责任争取收视率 |
You're in business with the advertisers. | 你服务于广告商 |
I'm in business with the viewers. | 我服务于观众 |
You just lost their business. | 观众已经弃你而去了 |
That's all. | 就这样 |
Do what you want with the information. | 自己看着办吧 |
I'll not be taken down by this psychotic cocktail waitress. | 我才不会败给一个神经的鸡尾酒女招待 |
That's right, we just keep playing our game, | 没错我们继续走自己的路 |
wait it out and just... | 等事情消停了... |
How long can the trial go on? | 这案子能持续多久 |
I've seen the witness list. It'll run around six weeks | 从证人名单来看大约六周 |
plus summations plus deliberation. | 还不包括总结陈词和审议 |
- We'll never make it. - That's right, so... | -我们撑不住的-没错... |
wait, when you said we wouldn't be taken down | 等等你刚才说我们不会败给 |
by this psychotic cocktail waitress, | 这个神经的鸡尾酒女招待 |
did you mean we weren't gonna cave or that we were? | 你到底想不想要我们屈服 |
You're gonna cover Casey Anthony. | 你得报道凯西·安东尼案 |
Bullshit we are. | 鬼才会 |
We have the three-day weekend to gear up for it. | 我们周末有三天时间准备 |
- Charlie. - Starting Tuesday, | -查理-从周二开始 |
you'll lead with her in the A block. | 第一段用她的案子开场 |
Give it 15 minutes and a five-minute reset on the half hour. | 报道15分钟中场再回顾五分钟 |
Seriously, I can't tell if you're joking or... | 我真是分辨不出你是在开玩笑还是... |
- Did you just hear those numbers? - Yes. | -你听见那些数字没-听见了 |
Half our audience changed the channel in one week. | 一周内半数的观众换了台 |
- I understand. - Do you? | -我懂-真的懂吗 |
Do I understand math? | 我懂不懂算术 |
Do you understand that it's unprecedented? | 你懂不懂这是史无前例的 |
I'm not gonna argue with you when Will can do it for me. | 我不跟你吵威尔来帮我说 |
He's never gonna go for this. Tell him. | 他绝不会赞成的告诉他 |
Have marketing promo the living shit out of Casey Anthony. | 让营销部使劲地宣传凯西·安东尼 |
Oh, my God. | 我的天 |
Rename the show "Casey Anthony Night with Casey Anthony." | 节目改名为《凯西·安东尼之夜》 |
- Will, hang on. - Right here on the Casey Anthony Network. | -威尔慢着-把ACN台改名为CAN台 |
- Mac. - 'Cause any second I'm going to wake up | -麦肯-我马上就会醒来 |
and be back in a room with Don Quixote and the mission to civilize. | 查理还是堂吉诃德威尔继续教化众生 |
- Listen to me. - No. How many drinks were thrown in your face | -听我说-不要你被泼了几次酒 |
because you didn't think people should be watching | 只因为你觉得大家不该收看 |
"The Real Morons of South Beach" or whatever the hell it's called? | 《南海滩上的大笨蛋》什么的 |
- It's not the same thing. - It's exactly the same thing. | -这不是一回事-当然是一回事 |
It's just worse. A child is dead. | 这回更糟一个孩子死了 |
A very troubled young mother either did or didn't murder her. | 未婚妈妈不知是否杀了女儿 |
Her parents are waiting to find | 她父母等着消息 |
out if their daughter's going to get the needle. | 女儿是否会被判死刑 |
So thank God for TiVo, otherwise we wouldn't be able to sit down... | 真要感谢TiVo否则我们也不能坐在这... |
出自《绿野仙踪》多萝西的魔法鞋 但原本是敲三下鞋跟然后念"哪儿都没家好"就能回到家 | |
- It's news. - Yeah, say that three times and click your heels. | -这是新闻-是啊说三遍然后敲敲鞋跟 |
It's entertainment. | 这是娱乐 |
And it's just... just this side of a snuff film. | 还仅仅是虐杀电影 |
- Sit down, Mac. - No, I don't want to sit. | -坐下来麦肯-我不想坐 |
- Do it anyway, please. - 15 at the top, | -还是请坐下-片头15分钟 |
that's a quarter of the show. | 那可是四分之一的节目啊 |
- Mac. - And five at the bottom for a reset? | -麦肯-最后回顾还要五分钟 |
Please sit! | 坐下 |
- Think I like it? - I know you don't. | -你以为我想吗-我知道你不想 |
It makes me sick. There isn't enough bourbon in Kentucky. | 那让我恶心我还没醉到那份上 |
Okay? We're in the same place on this. | 我们在一条船上 |
So let's be in the same place on this. | 就必须齐心协力 |
We've had ratings dips before. | 收视率下跌以前也有过 |
First of all, not like this. Nothing like this. | 首先从没跌得那么惨过 |
Second, I want the debate. | 其次我要做辩论 |
The three of us have talked about a new debate format for months | 我们三人已讨论新的辩论形式好几个月了 |
and we're not going to be able to do it if they don't give us a debate. | 但如果他们不准我们就不能做 |
- I just really... - They're not gonna give us a debate | -我真的...-我们如果一直排第五 |
if we're in fifth place. I want the debate. | 他们不会让我们做的我要做辩论 |
I want to fundamentally change the way | 我要从根本上改变 |
we interview presidential candidates for their job. | 我们采访总统候选人的方式 |
If that means we have to be Jerry Springer for a few weeks, | 就算要当几周的杰瑞·斯普林格 |
I'm willing to pay that price. | 我也认了 |
When the going gets tough, the two of you really man up. | 事情一棘手你俩真够男子汉的 |
Then go with your principles, Mac, but know | 那就按你的原则来麦肯但要知道 |
a ratings hit like this is all Leona needs | 这么厉害的收视率下滑足以让莉安娜 |
to fire Will without having to explain why. | 炒掉威尔而不用解释原因 |
- All right. - You'll do it as classy as you can. | -好吧-做得越漂亮越好 |
I'll have Will wear a top hat and monocle | 我会让威尔戴上大礼帽和单片眼镜 |
while he's showing pictures of the wet T-shirt contest. | 来报道湿衫选美大赛 |
I'm sorry about the outburst in there. | 刚才在那里发火不好意思 |
Yeah, I'm not sure it was all about Casey Anthony. | 我猜不全是因为凯西·安东尼吧 |
- How did it go? - He's doing it. | -那事怎样了-他答应了 |
Then he has to disclose that we were... | 那他就不得不揭露我们... |
I told him one parenthetical in the second graph. | 我让他在第二段里插一句话 |
That's it. | 仅此而已 |
He needs to be seen as a heavyweight again, Mac. | 他需要东山再起麦肯 |
He's not gonna write a tell-all. You're fine. | 他不会把琐事都写出来没事的 |
Murrow did "Person to Person." Celebrity interviews. | 默罗做过"面对面"采访名人 |
It was a deal with Paley. | 那是跟佩利达成的协议 |
One for them, one for him. | 为公司做一档节目为自己做一档节目 |
He interviewed Liberace, Mac, | 他采访列勃拉斯 |
just so he could keep going after McCarthy. | 是为了能继续抨击麦卡锡 |
Those were puff pieces. This is poison. | 他那只是吹嘘报道你这是毒药 |
If we're gonna do this, let's not pretend we're not doing this. | 既然我们要做就不要遮遮掩掩 |
Jim Harper. | 吉姆·哈珀 |
- Brian Brenner. - I know. | -布莱恩·布伦纳-我知道 |
I wasn't sure if you remembered. It's been a few years. | 不知道你记不记得一别数年了 |
Sure. It's good to see you. | 是啊很高兴见到你 |
Are you looking at BigGoverment.com? | 你在看"大政府网"吗 |
- Yeah. - Don't make me write | -是啊-别逼我写 |
that you're using Andrew Breitbart to research this show. | 你在通过安德鲁·布莱巴特调查这节目 |
著名博客网站德拉吉报道的前任编辑 手下拥有多家网站包括"大政府网" | |
No, we're gonna be doing a mock debate at the end of next week. | 不下周我们要做一个模拟辩论 |
A mock debate? | 模拟辩论 |
The RNC is looking at Will to possibly host a debate, | 共和党全国委员会可能想找威尔主持辩论 |
and Will and Mac have an idea for a new debate format. | 威尔和麦肯构思出来一个新的辩论形式 |
We want to show them, so we're each playing a candidate | 我们要向他们展示所以每人扮演一名候选人 |
and we're gonna do a mock debate on Michele Bachmann, so... | 我在模拟辩论中扮演米歇尔·巴赫曼所以 |
- Andrew Breitbart. - Yeah. | -安德鲁·布莱巴特-对 |
Tell me about this new debate format you guys want. | 仔细说说这个新辩论形式 |
You know, I'm not really sure what I'm allowed to talk to you about yet. | 我还不知道能不能跟你说这个 |
Do you mind if we wait until I get some instructions? | 介不介意等我得到批准以后再说 |
- Sure. - Thanks. | -行-谢了 |
I heard you were here. | 听说你在这儿 |
You're not getting out of town for the weekend? | 这周末不出城吗 |
- Nope. How about you? - Yeah. | -不了你呢-我要出 |
I'm going to a think tank conference outside Baltimore. | 我要去参加巴尔的摩的智库会议 |
The Institute For Capital Studies and Economic Growth. | 资本研究和经济增长协会 |
- It's gonna be a raver. - I think it's called a rager. | -很盛装哦-应该叫盛大吧 |
- Are you sure? - No. | -你确定-不确定 |
It's either a rave or a rager or a raver. | 反正不是盛装就是盛大或是盛壮 |
Don't think the Institute For Capital Studies and Economic Growth's | 资本研究和经济增长协会 |
gonna be any of them. | 怕是一样都沾不上 |
So I stopped in to give you a heads up. | 我顺道过来给你提个醒 |
I might need a couple extra minutes Tuesday night. | 我周二可能要多用几分钟 |
I don't think I can give it to you. | 我给不了你 |
The House is going to vote up or down on increasing the debt ceiling. | 众议院即将投票决定是否提高债务上限 |
- It's a cosmetic vote, but... - If it's a cosmetic vote, why... | -虽然只是走过场但...-既然是走过场... |
It's news because first of all, it'll be the first time | 它变成了新闻因为首先这是史上首次 |
in history the House lets the US default on its debt. | 众议院令美国债务违约 |