对于 Load(byte[]) 或者 created by Reflection Emit加载的程序集,总是被判断为不同的程序集,即使他们从二进制上来说完全相同。
有三种绑定上下文:Load、Load From、其他:
Load context
从GAC、宿主目录(如IIS Cache)、或者ApplicationBase / PrivateBinPaths加载的程序集.
Load From context
通常,用户提供一个不能被加载到Load上下文的路径来加载程序集, 可通过 LoadFrom(), CreateInstanceFrom(), ExecuteAssembly()等方法来加载成Load From上下文。
Neither context
非以上两种,通过 Assembly.Load(byte[]) 或者Reflection Emit assemblies或者Assembly.LoadFile()加载的。
Title |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Load |
- Gets the benefits of versioning and policy.
- Best avoids "Dll Hell." Dll Hell can break your app over time.
- Dependencies available in the Load context are automatically found.
- Dependencies in other contexts are not available unless you subscribe to the AppDomain.AssemblyResolve event.
LoadFrom |
- Assemblies can be loaded from multiple paths, not just from beneath the ApplicationBase.
- Dependencies already loaded in this context will automatically be found.
- Dependencies in the same dir as the requesting LoadFrom context assembly will automatically be found.
- If a Load context assembly tries to load this assembly by display name, it will fail to be found by default (e.g., when mscorlib.dll deserializes this assembly).
- Worse, an assembly with the same identity but at a different path could be found on the probing path, causing an InvalidCastException, MissingMethodException, or unexpected method behavior later on.
- If an assembly by the same identity is already loaded, you'll get that one back, even if you've specified a path to a different one.
- It does a FileIOPermission.Read + PathDiscovery demand, or a WebPermission demand on the path/URL specified.
- The ngen image (if any) won't be used.
- Can't be loaded as domain-neutral.
- v1.0 and v1.1 CLR only: won't be affected by policy, so can't be centrally serviced.
Neither |
- Avoids probing costs for loading this assembly.
- You can load multiple assemblies with the same identity into the same appdomain.
- You get the bits from the location you specified (as opposed to LoadFrom). Starting in v2, policy/GAC overrides it, however.
- Nothing can bind to this assembly unless you've subscribed to the AssemblyResolve event.
- Dependencies can only be loaded from the Load context or using the AssemblyResolve event.
- Passing this assembly to another AppDomain may become tricky (e.g., when this is a Reflection Emit assembly that hasn't been saved).
- The ngen image (if any) won't be used.
- Can't be loaded as domain-neutral.
- v1.0 and v1.1 CLR only: won't be affected by policy, so can't be centrally serviced.