python最佳ide_2014年最佳PHP IDE-调查


Note: The survey is now closed. Results here.

注意:调查现已关闭。 结果在这里 。

The choice of editors and IDEs is vast in the PHP world – from platform specific to web based ones, from open source fully-fledged IDEs to commercial text editors, there’s more choice than one can have time to try out. In an effort to single out the best and most popular, we’ve put together a survey.

在PHP世界中,编辑器和IDE的选择范围很广-从特定于平台的平台到基于Web的平台,从开源的成熟IDE到商业文本编辑器,没有比这更多的选择时间了。 为了挑选出最佳和最受欢迎的产品,我们进行了一项调查。

Participation is most appreciated, and to show you how much we love you for giving us a minute or two of your time, completing the full survey makes you eligible for winning some prizes. Several commercial IDE/code editor vendors have banded together and decided to offer their licenses to up to three lucky winners. If you win, you have the choice of picking from the pool of rewards which consists of the following:

参与度最高,要向您展示一分钟或两分钟的时间,我们对您有多爱,完成完整的调查可以使您有资格赢得一些奖项。 几家商业IDE /代码编辑器供应商联合起来,决定向最多三位幸运的获奖者提供许可证。 如果您赢了,则可以从以下奖励池中进行选择:

  • 1 Learnable ebook


  • 1 month of Learnable membership


  • 1 personal license for PhpStorm, courtesy of Jetbrains


  • 1 personal license for BBEdit, courtesy of Bare Bones Software

    1张BBEdit的个人许可证,由Bare Bones Software提供

  • 1 personal license for Zend Studio, courtesy of the Zend Technologies

    Zend Technologies提供1张Zend Studio的个人许可证

  • 1 personal license for phpDesigner8, courtesy of mpsoftware


  • 1 personal license for Codelobster, courtesy of the CodeLobster company


  • 1 personal license for Rapid PHP, courtesy of Blumentals

    1个Rapid PHP的个人许可证,由Blumentals提供

  • 1 personal license for Komodo IDE, courtesy of Activestate

    Activestate提供1张Komodo IDE的个人许可证

Please read the survey very thoroughly in order not to get disqualified from the draw. There are some questions that are optional, but render you ineligible for the prizes, so please take your time.

请非常仔细地阅读调查表,以免失去抽奖资格。 有些问题是可选的,但是使您没有资格获得奖品,因此,请花点时间。

This survey aims to gather usage data for various PHP IDEs and text editors in an attempt to identify the most popular one being used in 2014 Q1 and the reasons for its popularity. The survey will remain open for exactly one month, and the results will be published in full on In the interest of transparency, the data will also be made available to all in an unfiltered state shortly after the results are published.

这项调查旨在收集各种PHP IDE和文本编辑器的使用情况数据,以找出2014年第一季度使用的最受欢迎的软件及其流行原因。 该调查将持续开放整整一个月,其结果将在上完整发布。 为了透明起见,结果发布后不久,所有处于未过滤状态的数据也将可供所有人使用。

Please do your best to write answers in English, and be mindful of grammar and punctuation. The more elaborate and detailed your answer is, the more chance it has of being featured in the results article.

请尽力用英语写答案,并注意语法和标点符号。 您的答案越详尽,越详细,其出现在结果文章中的机会就越大。

As it would be overly easy to skew the results with the help of a bot, this survey requires you to input a valid and publicly accessible Google+, Twitter or Facebook username as a means of identification and fraud prevention. Alternatively, you can post a link to your personal website if you have one, as long as the website contains some type of information about you that identifies you as a unique human being (the about section, perhaps). This bit of information is called the identifier.

由于在漫游器的帮助下歪曲结果过于容易,因此此调查要求您输入有效且可公开访问的Google +,Twitter或Facebook用户名,以作为识别和防止欺诈的手段。 或者,您可以在个人网站上发布一个链接,只要该网站包含有关您的某种类型的信息即可识别您是唯一的人(也许是“关于”部分)。 该信息位称为标识符。

The “personal” information like age, gender etc, is required to gain more insight into the PHP community. Note that the actual identifier will NOT be made public after the survey – so if you input all the “personal data”, everything will be made public EXCEPT that. We only need your identifier as a proof of uniqueness. If you refuse to input any personal data, this will disqualify you from entering the reward pool at the end of the survey. Please answer those questions to help us more accurately gauge the PHP community.

需要年龄,性别等“个人”信息来深入了解PHP社区。 请注意,调查之后实际标识符将不会公开-因此,如果您输入所有“个人数据”,则除此以外的所有信息都会公开。 我们仅需要您的标识符作为唯一性证明。 如果您拒绝输入任何个人数据,这将使您失去在调查结束时进入奖励池的资格。 请回答这些问题,以帮助我们更准确地评估PHP社区。

The survey is now closed. Results
调查现已关闭。 结果 here. 在这里 。


