


This script will displays the number of alloctated unity objects by type. This is useful for finding leaks. Knowing the type of object (mesh, texture, sound clip, game object) that is getting leaked is the first step. You could then print the names of all leaked assets of that type.


C# - DetectLeaks

using UnityEngine;

using System.Collections;

public class DetectLeaks : MonoBehaviour


    void OnGUI ()


        GUILayout.Label("All " + FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(UnityEngine.Object)).Length);

        GUILayout.Label("Textures " + FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Texture)).Length);

        GUILayout.Label("AudioClips " + FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(AudioClip)).Length);

        GUILayout.Label("Meshes " + FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Mesh)).Length);

        GUILayout.Label("Materials " + FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Material)).Length);

        GUILayout.Label("GameObjects " + FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(GameObject)).Length);

        GUILayout.Label("Components " + FindObjectsOfTypeAll(typeof(Component)).Length);


