Design case study

Coursework 1: Design case study
(worth 25% of your final module grade)
This coursework based on Stage 5 of the Five Design Sheet methodology for designing visualizations. The objective is to assess your ability to analyse data and create effective visualizations.
You must do the coursework individually – consultation is acceptable, but plagiarism is not!
Your audience wants to understand the behaviour Netflix’s audience. A copy of the dataset is provided on Minerva with this coursework. Details about the data are available from

Item Checklist
Overall Title, structure, layout
Graphics Does each chart have a caption, and only one caption!
Is the chart type appropriate?
Are the axes are labelled?
Is the visual encoding appropriate?
Is the colour/contrast good, and appropriate for a general audience?
Should there be a legend?
Text & labels 11pt font (or larger)
Have you checked the spelling & grammar?
Clarity of exposition
Table 1: Technical correctness checklist.
Task A: Mini ideas [12 marks]
Sketch four “mini ideas” that show overviews of the dataset. The mini ideas may be neatly hand-drawn or created with a visualization tool, and do not have to contain real data.
The mini ideas must be numbered 1 – 4.
The mini ideas must be shown together on a single, landscape-format A4 page.
Each mini idea must:
oUse a different type of chart type, map (see “Types of visualization, data and chart” lecture) or network layout (see “Network visualization” lecture).
oHave a caption that makes it obvious how the mini idea relates to the data and provides an overview that aids your audience’s understanding.
oIs technically correct (see Table 1).
Task B: Dashboard [13 marks]
Create an A4, landscape-format dashboard that provides detailed insights into Netflix’s audience behaviour, placed in context via an overview. You may use any software packages to create the dashboard, which must be camera-ready (i.e., polished, with attention paid to all details). You must use real data from the dataset. Marks will be awarded for:
The insights the dashboard provides, though visualizations and textual annotations [8 marks].
Technical correctness (see Table 1) [5 marks].
Submission procedure & deadline
Your submission should comprise a coursework header sheet and only 2 other pages (one for each task). The submission deadline is 10am on Friday 26th Nov 2021. Late submissions will be penalised in accordance with departmental guidelines.
