When we released 3.0.3, Bugzilla 3.1.3 wasn't quite ready to release. But today, few weeks after the 3.0.3 all the features we wanted for this development release are ready, and so we're releasing today!
3.1.3 has lots of new features as you can read about it below, but it's still unstable, so you definitely should not use it in a production environment.
Here are some highlights:
Also, if you've ever looked at the code for process_bug.cgi, we encourage you to look at its code in this new release and see how different it is!
We encourage you to test this release and file bugs if you find things that are broken!
The documentation has been improved: many new sections that were missing were added and most of the user interface pages have now links towards the appropriate section.
Bugzilla now has a User Experience Team that focuses on improving Bugzilla's user interface and the general experience that users have. If you're interested in helping out, email the team leader, Guy Pyrzak!
Bugzilla now has a team of contributors that focuses on making Bugzilla easier to localize. They are currently researching what things need to be done to improve Bugzilla's localizability. The team's coordinator is Vitaly Fedrushkov from Russia (SnowyOwl on IRC). If you are interested in helping out, let him know on IRC, or let one of the Bugzilla developers know and they will pass it on to him.
For the Bugzilla 3.2 documentation, we've decided to move the Bugzilla FAQ onto our wiki. You can see it here: Bugzilla:FAQ. We encourage any experienced Bugzilla administrators to look over the current questions, make sure they're up to date, and add any new questions that need to be added!
As usual, we'd like to remind all Bugzilla administrators that to assist them in keeping up-to-date with release announcements and security advisories, we provide an ultra-low-volume administrator mailing list ([email protected]). We advise all Bugzilla administrators to subscribe so they can keep up with important Bugzilla announcements.
Those looking to get involved with Bugzilla development may want to consider joining the developers list ([email protected]). This list offers discussion on new features and issues. Developers are invited to subscribe to the list. You may also want to read our Contributor's Guide. You might also want to contribute to other Bugzilla areas.
Come to our meetings every month! Anybody is welcome to attend who is interested in helping out with the Bugzilla Project, or just anybody who wants to put in their two cents on how development should go.
You can learn more about the meetings at the wiki page about Bugzilla Meetings.