在很多场景下,需要生成难以猜测的字符串,会采用选取一个key,将原code用hmac sha1制作成一个160比特的哈希并BASE64编码的形式。
import hmac
import base64
import hashlib
from hashlib import *
def hash_hmac_sha1_base64(key, code, sha1):
hmac_code = hmac.new(key.encode(), code.encode(), sha1).digest()
print("length of hmac_sha1 is ", len(hmac_code))
return base64.b64encode(hmac_code).decode()
def hash_hmac_sha1(key, code, sha1):
hmac_code = hmac.new(key.encode(), code.encode(), sha1)
return hmac_code.hexdigest()
def hash_hmac_sha256_base64(key, code, sha256):
hmac_code = hmac.new(key.encode(), code.encode(), sha256).digest()
print("length of hmac_sha256 is ", len(hmac_code))
return base64.b64encode(hmac_code).decode()
def hash_hmac_sha256(key, code, sha256):
hmac_code = hmac.new(key.encode(), code.encode(), sha256)
return hmac_code.hexdigest()
def hash_hmac_sha3_256_base64(key, code, sha3_256):
hmac_code = hmac.new(key.encode(), code.encode(), sha3_256).digest()
print("length of hmac_sha3_256 is ", len(hmac_code))
return base64.b64encode(hmac_code).decode()
def hash_hmac_sha3_256(key, code, sha3_256):
hmac_code = hmac.new(key.encode(), code.encode(), sha3_256)
return hmac_code.hexdigest()
def sha256_base64(message):
hash_str = hashlib.sha256(message.encode())
sig = base64.b64encode(hash_str.digest()).decode()
print("length of sha256_base64 is ", len(sig))
return sig
if __name__ == '__main__':
code = "code"
key = "key"
hash_method = "hash_hmac_sha3_256"
if hash_method == "hash_hmac_sha1":
print("hash hmac sha1 is ", hash_hmac_sha1(key, code, sha1))
print("hash hmac sha1 base64 is ", hash_hmac_sha1_base64(key, code, sha1))
elif hash_method == "hash_hmac_sha256":
print("hash hmac sha256 is ", hash_hmac_sha256(key, code, sha256))
print("hash hmac sha256 base64 is ", hash_hmac_sha256_base64(key, code, sha256))
elif hash_method == "hash_hmac_sha3_256":
print("hash hmac sha3_256 is ", hash_hmac_sha3_256(key, code, sha3_256))
print("hash hmac sha3_256 base64 is ", hash_hmac_sha3_256_base64(key, code, sha3_256))
elif hash_method == "hash256_base64":
print("hash256 base64 is ",sha256_base64(test_str))
hash hmac sha1 is c3c3e6200cd3230c93dd01c9f5207472b2e035ba
length of hmac_sha1 is 20
hash hmac sha1 base64 is w8PmIAzTIwyT3QHJ9SB0crLgNbo=
ash hmac sha3_256 is 28a711129ee186e7783d2aa5def34f9e73fc7a178126a38c3a3042c4d85df5bf
length of hmac_sha3_256 is 32
hash hmac sha3_256 base64 is KKcREp7hhud4PSql3vNPnnP8eheBJqOMOjBCxNhd9b8=
hash hmac sha3_256 is d24c72ea6457dfeaeb41d1f810b1aee614a88f496e064c418c8edc2928382894
length of hmac_sha3_256 is 32
hash hmac sha3_256 base64 is 0kxy6mRX3+rrQdH4ELGu5hSoj0luBkxBjI7cKSg4KJQ=
length of sha256_base64 is 44
hash256 base64 is 1yxVytzF1ng6H8N2+d5gWO05RUDaVY0SxqdN64D6kPM=