Each test consisted of retrieving a subset of data from the list using one of a number of different data access methods. This section shows the different methods that were tested.
Note: The code samples included in the following sections are intended to show the process used to conduct tests. The code may not comply with coding best practices, and should not be used in a production environment without careful review and testing.
The list was viewed using a browser and the predefined Office SharePoint Server 2007 interface. A special tool, which is described in the Test Harness section later in this white paper, was developed to accurately capture how long it takes to view that information and browse through pages of data.
列表使用浏览器和MOSS2007预定义接口展示。测试中使用的特殊工具Test Harness,是被用作准确获取查看信息和浏览页面数据时花费时的,这将在白皮书的后面详细介绍,
The Office SharePoint Server 2007 object model (
The following sample code was used for this method.
'get the site
Dim curSite As SPSite = New SPSite("http://myPortal")
'get the web
Dim curWeb As SPWeb = curSite.OpenWeb()
'get our list
Dim curList As SPList = curWeb.Lists(New Guid("myListGUID"))
'get the collection of items in the list
Dim curItems As SPListItemCollection = curList.Items
'enumerate the items in the list
For Each curItem As SPListItem In curItems
'do some comparison in here to see if it's an item we need
The following sample code was used for this method.
'get the site
Dim curSite As SPSite = New SPSite("http://myPortal")
'get the web
Dim curWeb As SPWeb = curSite.OpenWeb()
'create our query
Dim curQry As SPQuery = New SPQuery()
'configure the query
curQry.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Expense_x0020_Category'/><Value Type='Text'>
curQry.RowLimit = 100
'get our list
Dim curList As SPList = curWeb.Lists(New Guid("myListGUID"))
'get the collection of items in the list
Dim curItems As SPListItemCollection = curList.GetItems(curQry)
'enumerate the items in the list
For Each curItem As SPListItem In curItems
'do something with each match
This is one of two methods that test using a Microsoft ADO.NET DataTable to work with the data. In this case an instance of the list is obtained with an SPList object. The data from it is then retrieved into a DataTable by calling the GetDataTable() method on the Items property —for example, SPList.Items.GetDataTable(). The DataTable’s DefaultView has a property called RowFilter that was then set to find the items. To keep the methodology between data access methods consistent, the DataTable was not cached between tests —it was filled each time by calling the GetDataTable() method. In a real-world scenario this test would have performed better had the DataTable been cached after the data was first retrieved, but it serves as a valuable point in comparison testing about the cost of this approach versus retrieving a DataTable from a selection of data that’s already filtered.
The following sample code was used for this method.
'get the site
Dim curSite As SPSite = New SPSite("http://myPortal")
'get the web
Dim curWeb As SPWeb = curSite.OpenWeb()
'get our list
Dim curList As SPList = curWeb.Lists(New Guid("myListGUID"))
'get the item in a datatable
Dim dt As DataTable = curList.Items.GetDataTable()
'get a dataview for filtering
Dim dv As DataView = dt.DefaultView
dv.RowFilter = "Expense_x0020_Category='Hotel'"
'enumerate matches
For rowNum As Integer = 0 To dv.Count - 1
'do something with each match
This method is similar to the SPList with DataTable method, but with a twist. An instance of the list is retrieved through an SPList object. An SPQuery object is created to build a query, and that query is executed against the SPList object, which returns an SPListItems collection. The data from that collection is then retrieved into a DataTable by using the GetDataTable() method on the SPListItems collection.
The following sample code was used for this method.
'get the site
Dim curSite As SPSite = New SPSite("http://myPortal")
'get the web
Dim curWeb As SPWeb = curSite.OpenWeb()
'create our query
Dim curQry As SPQuery = New SPQuery()
'configure the query
curQry.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Expense_x0020_Category'/><Value Type='Text'>Hotel</Value></Eq></Where>"
curQry.RowLimit = 100
'get our list
Dim curList As SPList = curWeb.Lists(New Guid("myListGUID"))
'get the collection of items in the list
Dim curItems As SPListItemCollection = curList.GetItems(curQry)
'get the item in a datatable
Dim dt As DataTable = curItems.GetDataTable()
'enumerate matches
For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
'do something with each match
The Lists Web service, which comes with Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 and Office SharePoint Server 2007, was used to retrieve the data. A Collaborative Application Markup Language (CAML) query was created and submitted along with the list identifier, and an XML result set was returned from the Lists Web service.
The following sample code was used for this method.
'create a new xml doc we can use to create query nodes
Dim xDoc As New XmlDocument
'create our query node
Dim xQry As XmlNode = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "Query", "")
'set the query constraints
xQry.InnerXml = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Expense_x0020_Category'/><Value Type='Text'>Hotel</Value></Eq></Where>"
'create the Web service proxy that is mapped to Lists.asmx
Using ws As New wsLists.Lists()
'configure it
ws.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials
ws.Url = "http://myPortal/_vti_bin/lists.asmx"
'create the optional elements
Dim xView As XmlNode = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "ViewFields", "")
Dim xQryOpt As XmlNode = xDoc.CreateNode(XmlNodeType.Element, "QueryOptions", "")
'query the server
Dim xNode As XmlNode = ws.GetListItems("myListID", "", xQry, xView, "", xQryOpt, "")
'enumerate returned items
For nodeCount As Integer = 0 To xNode.ChildNodes.Count - 1
'do something with each match
End Using
The following sample code was used for this method.
'get the site
Dim curSite As SPSite = New SPSite("http://myPortal")
'get the web
Dim curWeb As SPWeb = curSite.OpenWeb()
'get our list
Dim curList As SPList = curWeb.Lists(New Guid("myListGUID"))
Dim qry As New FullTextSqlQuery(curSite)
Dim SQL As String = "SELECT Title, Rank, Size, Description, Write, Path, Deductible,
'do token replacement
SQL = SQL.Replace("#SITEURL#", "http://myPortal/")
SQL = SQL.Replace("#LISTURL#", curList.Title)
SQL = SQL.Replace("#DEFAULT#", "AND FREETEXT (""ExpenseCategory"",'""Hotel""')")
qry.QueryText = SQL
qry.RowLimit = 100
qry.ResultTypes = ResultType.RelevantResults
'execute the query
Dim rtc As ResultTableCollection = qry.Execute()
Dim rt As ResultTable = rtc(ResultType.RelevantResults)
Dim dt As New DataTable()
dt.Load(rt, LoadOption.OverwriteChanges)
'enumerate matches
For Each dr As DataRow In dt.Rows
'do something with each match
One approach to retrieving list data in Office SharePoint Server 2007 that’s not very well known is the use of the PortalSiteMapProvider class. It was originally created to help cache content for navigation. However, it also provides a nice automatic caching infrastructure for retrieving list data. The class includes a method called GetCachedListItemsByQuery that was used in this test. This method first retrieves data from a list based on an SPQuery object that is provided as a parameter to the method call. The method then looks in its cache to see if the items already exist. If they do, the method returns the cached results, and if not, it queries the list, stores the results in cache and returns them from the method call.
The following sample code was used for this method. Note that it is different from all of the previous examples in that you cannot use the PortalSiteMapProvider class in Windows forms applications.
下面的代码使用本方法。请注意,这里和之前所有的代码不同的是,PortalSiteMapProvider类不能在Win Form应用中使用。
'get the current web
Dim curWeb As SPWeb = SPControl.GetContextWeb(HttpContext.Current)
'create the query
Dim curQry As New SPQuery()
curQry.Query = "<Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Expense_x0020_Category'/><Value Type='Text'>Hotel</Value></Eq></Where>"
'get the portal map provider stuff
Dim ps As PortalSiteMapProvider = PortalSiteMapProvider.WebSiteMapProvider
Dim pNode As PortalWebSiteMapNode = TryCast(ps.FindSiteMapNode(curWeb.ServerRelativeUrl), PortalWebSiteMapNode)
'get the items
pItems = ps.GetCachedListItemsByQuery(pNode, "myListName_NotID", curQry, curWeb)
'enumerate all matches
For Each pItem As PortalListItemSiteMapNode In pItems
'do something with each match