
RHEL 5用rpm包,直接安装后配置数据及缓存目录即可。

RHEL 6用tar包+配置文件,本文是在RHEL 6上安装IEE的向导。

tar -xvf infobright-4.0.6-x86_64.tar

mv infobright-4.0.6-x86_64 /usr/local/

mv my-ib.cnf /etc/

mv mysqld-ib /etc/init.d/

chmod u+x /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib



/etc/init.d/mysqld-ib start


/etc/init.d/mysqld-ib stop


ln -s /usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/bin/mysql /usr/local/bin/mysql-ib 


# pwd(切到软件目录)
# ./第一次运行,更改IEE数据库的数据目录)
Infobright post configuration


Using postconfig you can:


(1) Move existing data directory to other location,

(2) Move existing cache directory to other location,

(3) Configure server socket,

(4) Configure server port,

(5) Relocate datadir path to an existing data directory.

Please type 'y' for option that you want or press ctrl+c for exit.

Current configuration:


Current config file: [/etc/my-ib.cnf]

Current brighthouse.ini file: [/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/data/brighthouse.ini]

Current datadir: [/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/data]

Current CacheFolder in brighthouse.ini file: [/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/cache]

Current socket: [/tmp/mysql-ib.sock]

Current port: [5029]


(1) Do you want to copy current datadir [/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/data] to a new location? [y/n]:y

Give new datadir path (e.g. /opt/datadirnewpath/data):/ieedata/data

(2) Option to change CacheFolder is disabled when option 1 is chosen!

(3) Do you want to change current socket [/tmp/mysql-ib.sock]? [y/n]:n

(4) Do you want to change current port [5029]? [y/n]:n

(5) Relocation is disabled when options 1-4 are chosen!


Datadir(/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/data) is going to be copied to /ieedata/data


Please confirm to proceed? [y/n]:y

Copying /usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/data to /ieedata/data done.

You can now remove/backup your old /usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/data ...

# ./第二次运行,更改IEE数据库的cache目录)
Infobright post configuration


Using postconfig you can:


(1) Move existing data directory to other location,

(2) Move existing cache directory to other location,

(3) Configure server socket,

(4) Configure server port,

(5) Relocate datadir path to an existing data directory.

Please type 'y' for option that you want or press ctrl+c for exit.

Current configuration:


Current config file: [/etc/my-ib.cnf]

Current brighthouse.ini file: [/ieedata/data/brighthouse.ini]

Current datadir: [/ieedata/data]

Current CacheFolder in brighthouse.ini file: [/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/cache]

Current socket: [/tmp/mysql-ib.sock]

Current port: [5029]


(1) Do you want to copy current datadir [/ieedata/data] to a new location? [y/n]:n

(2) Do you want to move current CacheFolder [/usr/local/infobright-4.0.6-x86_64/cache] to a new location? [y/n]:y 

Give new CacheFolder path:/ieedata/cache

(3) Do you want to change current socket [/tmp/mysql-ib.sock]? [y/n]:n

(4) Do you want to change current port [5029]? [y/n]:n

(5) Relocation is disabled when options 1-4 are chosen!


New CacheFolder is going to be /ieedata/cache


Please confirm to proceed? [y/n]:y

Creating new cachedir /ieedata/cache done.

# /etc/init.d/mysqld-ib start
# mysql-ib
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.

Your MySQL connection id is 3

Server version: 5.1.40 build number (revision)=IB_4.0.6_r16086_16275(iee - commercial) (static)

Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.

mysql> grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%' identified by '123456'  WITH GRANT OPTION;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

mysql> flush privileges;

Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)



character set : utf8 -- UTF-8 Unicode

collation : utf8_bin

