JS笔记(1) 基础概念



var me = 'Felix'

console.log('hello word',me,",haha");


输出结果:hello word Felix ,haha

// Anything following double slashes is an English-language comment.

// Read the comments carefully: they explain the JavaScript code.

// variable is a symbolic name for a value.

// Variables are declared with the var keyword:

var x;                     // Declare a variable named x.

// Values can be assigned to variables with an = sign

x = 0;                     // Now the variable x has the value 0

x                          // => 0: A variable evaluates to its value.

// JavaScript supports several types of values

x = 1;                     // Numbers.

x = 0.01;                  // Just one Number type for integers and reals.

x = "hello world";         // Strings of text in quotation marks.

x = 'JavaScript';          // Single quote marks also delimit strings.

x = true;                  // Boolean values.

x = false;                 // The other Boolean value.

4    |    Chapter 1: Introduction to JavaScriptx = null;                  // Null is a special value that means "no value".

x = undefined;             // Undefined is like null.





3.对象类型的属性、或者数组的元素都可以通过"."或者[""]访问。初始化object类型用={};如果{}里面无内容,表示空对象(没有属性的对象),但是可以用赋值的方法增加属性,如ob.newproperty = "test";



var points = [             // 存放两个对象

    {x:0, y:0},             

    {x:1, y:1}

1 var data = {               // 本对象有两个属性

2   trial1: [[1,2], [3,4]],  // 每个对象的值都是数组

3   trial2: [[2,3], [4,5]]   // 数组里面的元素还是一个数组

4 };

6.函数的定义和赋参数是用 function name(paras){}格式,函数可以赋值到变量。如下面代码:

1 var square = function(x) { // Functions are values and can be assigned to vars

2     return x*x;            // Compute the function's value

3 };                         // Semicolon marks the end of the assignment.

4 square(plus1(y))           // => 16: invoke two functions in one expression


1 // When functions are assigned to the properties of an object, we call

2 // them "methods".  All JavaScript objects have methods:

3 var a = [];                // Create an empty array

4 a.push(1,2,3);             // The push() method adds elements to an array

5 a.reverse();               // Another method: reverse the order of elements


points.dist = function() { // Define a method to compute distance between points

    var p1 = this[0];      // First element of array we're invoked on

    var p2 = this[1];      // Second element of the "this" object

    var a = p2.x-p1.x;     // Difference in X coordinates

    var b = p2.y-p1.y;     // Difference in Y coordinates

    return Math.sqrt(a*a + // The Pythagorean theorem

                     b*b); // Math.sqrt() computes the square root


points.dist()              // => 1.414: distance between our 2 points



function Point(x,y) {      //按照惯例,构造函数以大写字母开始    this.x = x;            //this 关键字指向新初始化的对象

    this.y = y;            // Store function arguments as object properties

}                          // No return is necessary

// Use a constructor function with the keyword "new" to create instances

var p = new Point(1, 1);   // The geometric point (1,1)

// Define methods for Point objects by assigning them to the prototype

// object associated with the constructor function.

Point.prototype.r = function() {  

    return Math.sqrt(      // Return the square root of x² + y²

        this.x * this.x +  // This is the Point object on which the method...

        this.y * this.y    // ...is invoked.



// Now the Point object p (and all future Point objects) inherits the method r()

p.r()                      // => 1.414...



