

Guideline 1.7

    Create localized version of the resources within your plug-in.

Error Handling

 Guideline 1.8

    When an error occurs which requires either an explicit user input or immediate attention from users, communicate the occurrence with a modal dialog.

 Guideline 1.9

    If a programming error occurs in the product, communicate the occurrence with a dialog, and log it.

Visual Design
 Guideline 2.1

    Re-use the core visual concepts to maintain consistent representation and meaning across Eclipse plug-ins.
再利用核心的可视化概念以维持统一的表述,并通过Eclipse Plug-ins实现。

Icon Palettes
 Guideline 2.2

    Use the Eclipse 256 color palette for creating the active or selected state of all icon types.
使用Eclipse 256色色板建立激活/选中的图标。
 Guideline 2.3

    Use the Eclipse 8 color palette for creating the enabled state of perspective, view, toolbar, toolbar wizard, and local toolbar icons.
使用Eclipse 8色色板建立可使用透视图,View,toolbar,toolbar wizard以及toolbar图标。

 Guideline 2.4

    Use the Eclipse 2 color palette for creating the disabled state of toolbar, toolbar wizard, and local toolbar icons.
用Eclipse 2色色板建立不可使用的toolbar, toolbar wizard, and local toolbar 图标

Icon Types
 Guideline 2.5

    Use the appropriate icon type in the location it is designed for within the user interface.

Icon Size & Placement

 Guideline 2.6

    Follow the specific size specifications for each type of icon.

 Guideline 2.7

    Cut the icons with the specific placement shown to ensure alignment in the user interface.

Icon Positioning

 Guideline 2.8

    Follow the positioning guidelines for the different types of icons for optimal alignment of these elements relative to one another.

Icon Positioning

 Guideline 2.9

    Use the Eclipse special blue 183 color palette for creating wizard graphics.

Wizard Size & Placement

 Guideline 2.10

    Follow the specific size specifications for wizard graphics.

 Guideline 2.11

    Cut the wizard graphics with the specific placement shown to ensure alignment in the wizard banner area.

Implementation Conventions
 Guideline 2.12

    Follow the predefined directory structure and naming convention.

 Guideline 2.13

    Keep the original directory names provided.

 Guideline 2.14

    Minimize duplication of graphics within a plugin by keeping all graphics in one, or few, first level user interface directories.

 Guideline 2.15

    Use the active, enabled, and disabled states provided.
 Guideline 2.16

    Abbreviate file name instead of using the full icon name, e.g. New Interface becomes "newint".

 Guideline 2.17

    Use lower case characters in your file names, e.g. DTD becomes "dtd".
 Guideline 2.18

    Use 10 characters or less in your file names if possible (underscores count as a character).
 Guideline 2.19

    Use a file name suffix that describes its location or function in the tool, e.g. newint_wiz.
 Guideline 2.20

    Use transparent *.gif format for all user interface icons and wizard graphics, unless the context requires a different file format.

 Guideline 2.21

    Keep the original file names provided.

Component Development
 Guideline 3.1

    Each command must have a label, tool tip, and full color image.  The label and tool tip must use Headline style capitalization.
 Guideline 3.2

    The command tooltip should describe the result of the command, not the current state of the command. Use the text same as that for the command label.
命令的tooltip要描述执行的结果而不是当前命令状态。command label也如此。
 Guideline 3.3

    Adopt the labeling terminology of the workbench for New, Delete and Add commands.
使用workbench的标签术语(New,Delete and Add)。
 Guideline 3.4

    An command should only be enabled if it can be completed successfully.
 Guideline 3.5

    Command enablement should be quick.  If command enablement cannot be quick, enable the command optimistically and display an appropriate message if the command is invoked, but cannot be completed.
Guideline 4.1

    When a dialog opens, set the initial focus to the first input control in the container. If there are no input controls, the initial focus should be assigned to the default button.

Guideline 4.2

    Slush Bucket widget (or Twin Box) should flow from left to right with the source objects on the left hand side. It should have the >, <, >>, << control buttons in this order.


 Guideline 5.1

    Use a wizard for any task consisting of many steps, which must be completed in a specific order.

 Guideline 5.2

    Each wizard must contain a header with a banner graphic and a text area for user feedback.  It must also contain Back, Next, Finish, and Cancel buttons in the footer.

 Guideline 5.3

    Start the wizard with a prompt, not an error message.
 Guideline 5.4

    Seed the fields within the wizard using the current workbench state.

 Guideline 5.5

    Validate the wizard data in tab order.  Display a prompt when information is absent, and an error when information is invalid.
 Guideline 5.6

    Only enable the Next / Finish buttons if all required information in the dialog is present and valid.

 Guideline 5.7

    Remove all programming message ID's from wizard text.

 Guideline 5.8

    Use a Browse Button whenever an existing object is referenced in a wizard.

 Guideline 5.9

    If a new file is created, open the file in an editor.  If a group of files are created, open the most important, or central file in an editor. Open the readme.html file upon creation of an example project.

 Guideline 5.10

    If a new project is created, prompt users and change the active perspective to suit the project type.

 Guideline 5.11

    If a new object is created, select and reveal the new object in the appropriate view.
 Guideline 5.12

    Create folder objects in a wizard if reasonable defaults can be defined.

 Guideline 5.13

    Use the term "Project name" for the input field label when the item must be a Project; otherwise, use the term "Folder name". Do not qualify the term.
