React-Native热更新 - 3分钟教你实现

> 哈哈,今天是大猪在写的第一篇文章,步入正题,此文使用当前最新版本的`RN`与`Code-Push`进行演示,其中的参数不会过多进行详细解释,更多参数解释可参考其它文章,这里只保证APP能正常进行热更新操作,方便快速入门,跟着大猪一起来快活吧。


## 操作指南

以下操作在Mac系统上完成的,毕竟 大猪 工作多年之后终于买得起一个Mac了。

1. 创建`React-Native`项目


react-native init dounineApp


2. 安装`code-push-cli`


npm install -g code-push-cli


3. 注册`code-push`帐号


code-push register

Please login to Mobile Center in the browser window we've just opened.

Enter your token from the browser:

#会弹出一个浏览器,让你注册,可以使用github帐号对其进行授权,授权成功会给一串Token,点击复制,在控制进行粘贴回车(或者使用code-push login命令)。



Enter your token from the browser:  b0c9ba1f91dd232xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Successfully logged-in. Your session file was written to /Users/huanghuanlai/.code-push.config. You can run the code-push logout command at any time to delete this file and terminate your session.



4. 在`code-push`添加一个ios的app


code-push app add dounineApp-ios ios react-native


Successfully added the "dounineApp-ios" app, along with the following default deployments:


│ Name      │ Deployment Key                                                  │


│ Production │ yMAPMAjXpfXoTfxCd0Su9c4-U4lU6dec4087-57cf-4c9d-b0dc-ad38ce431e1d │


│ Staging    │ IjC3_iRGEZE8-9ikmBZ4ITJTz9wn6dec4087-57cf-4c9d-b0dc-ad38ce431e1d │



5. 继续在`code-push`添加一个android的app


code-push app add dounineApp-android android react-native


Successfully added the "dounineApp-android" app, along with the following default deployments:


│ Name      │ Deployment Key                                                  │


│ Production │ PZVCGLlVW-0FtdoCF-3ZDWLcX58L6dec4087-57cf-4c9d-b0dc-ad38ce431e1d │


│ Staging    │ T0NshYi9X8nRkIe_cIRZGbAut90a6dec4087-57cf-4c9d-b0dc-ad38ce431e1d │



6. 在项目根目录添加`react-native-code-push`


npm install react-native-code-push --save


yarn add react-native-code-push


7. link react-native-code-push


react-native link

Scanning folders for symlinks in /Users/huanghuanlai/dounine/oschina/dounineApp/node_modules (8ms)

? What is your CodePush deployment key for Android (hit to ignore) T0NshYi9X8nRkIe_cIRZGbAut90a6dec4087-57cf-4c9d-b0dc-ad38ce431e1d

#将刚才添加的Android App的Deployment Key复制粘贴到这里,复制名为Staging测试Deployment Key。

rnpm-install info Linking react-native-code-push android dependency

rnpm-install info Android module react-native-code-push has been successfully linked

rnpm-install info Linking react-native-code-push ios dependency

rnpm-install WARN ERRGROUP Group 'Frameworks' does not exist in your Xcode project. We have created it automatically for you.

rnpm-install info iOS module react-native-code-push has been successfully linked

Running ios postlink script

? What is your CodePush deployment key for iOS (hit to ignore) IjC3_iRGEZE8-9ikmBZ4ITJTz9wn6dec4087-57cf-4c9d-b0dc-ad38ce431e1d

#继续复制Ios的Deployment Key

Running android postlink script


8. 在`react-native`的`App.js`文件添加自动更新代码


import codePush from "react-native-code-push";

const codePushOptions = { checkFrequency: codePush.CheckFrequency.MANUAL };

export default class App extends Component<{}> {



updateDialog: true,

installMode: codePush.InstallMode.IMMEDIATE,



deploymentKey: 'IjC3_iRGEZE8-9ikmBZ4ITJTz9wn6dec4087-57cf-4c9d-b0dc-ad38ce431e1d',





9. 运行项目在ios模拟器上


react-native run-ios







10. 发布一个ios新版本


code-push release-react dounineApp-ios ios




Detecting ios app version:

Using the target binary version value "1.0" from "ios/dounineApp/Info.plist".

Running "react-native bundle" command:

node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js bundle --assets-dest /var/folders/m_/xcdff0xd62j4l2xbn_nfz00w0000gn/T/CodePush --bundle-output /var/folders/m_/xcdff0xd62j4l2xbn_nfz00w0000gn/T/CodePush/main.jsbundle --dev false --entry-file index.js --platform ios

Scanning folders for symlinks in /Users/huanghuanlai/dounine/oschina/dounineApp/node_modules (10ms)

Scanning folders for symlinks in /Users/huanghuanlai/dounine/oschina/dounineApp/node_modules (10ms)

Loading dependency graph, done.

bundle: start

bundle: finish

bundle: Writing bundle output to: /var/folders/m_/xcdff0xd62j4l2xbn_nfz00w0000gn/T/CodePush/main.jsbundle

bundle: Done writing bundle output

Releasing update contents to CodePush:

Upload progress:[==================================================] 100% 0.0s

Successfully released an update containing the "/var/folders/m_/xcdff0xd62j4l2xbn_nfz00w0000gn/T/CodePush" directory to the "Staging" deployment of the "dounineApp-ios" app.


11. 重新Load刷新应用


12. 安卓发布








react-native run-android




code-push release-react dounineApp-android android




福利 [项目源码](



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