2018-11-05 TOEFL Writing 10天突破新托福Essay Day 6---句式变化

方法 解释 常用单词
状语前置 把副词、介词、现在分词、动词不定式放在句首 By.../Undoubtedly/ Without doubt/Simply stated/ Simply put/Given the choice/Apart from/Except for/In addition to/ Besides/In an ideal world,/ Oddly engouh/ Strangely engouh,/ Ideally/ In theory/ Theoretically/ In practice/ In reality/ In actuality/ Basically,/ Realistically,/ Evidently/ Appraently/ Traditionally,/ Specifically/ Essentially,/ In essence,/ Ultimately,/ Frankly/ Undeniably,/ Indisputably,/ Arguably,/ Consequently,/On the whole,/ As a rule,
同位语 引入同位副词,短语,介词短语,连词从句 because of this, in large part because/partly because/simply, /fundamentally,/namely,/if any,/depending on sth.
倒装 Not only/Only/Under no circumstances/ On no account/Never + should/would/can
形容词加副词 用于更加强调 increasingly/ merely/ solely/ approximately/ markedlly/ substantially/ considerably/ slightly/ marginally/ fractionally
强调 it is...that.../it is...who...
虚拟语气 https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E8%99%9A%E6%8B%9F%E8%AF%AD%E6%B0%94/504985?fr=aladdin
of + n. 说明某种特征或属性 be of use/importance/help/value/interest/significance/necessity/quality
被动 It has been confirmed that/It can be argued that/It has been noted that/It's observed that/It's believed that/ It's commonly accepted that/ It's generally recognized that/ It is reported that/ It's estimated that...
词性变化 动词变名词;名词变形容词;名词派生词 aspirte to>aspiration;applicable>applicability;disastrous>disaster
副词连用 intellectually and emotionally; physically and mentally
点线勾勒 :——
the+形容词 the elderly; the unkown; the needy; the unemployed; the weak; the neglected
双重否定 表肯定 it's not unrealistic;it is not uncommon that; it was not unusual; not surprisingly,

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