The willpower instinct CH3 3/3

昨天说到大脑有时候会和我们开玩笑,欺骗我们。所以反过来,我们也可以用一些小手段来哄哄大脑,让他听我们的话。比如:不吃一包饼干就可以赚100块。这时候你的自控力应该会因为这100块大大提升!其实这也是I want power。

It turns out that the metaphorical muscle of willpower can also be coaxed into persevering longer with the right inspiration.

所以在做一件事情时我们要赋予这件事一个极具诱惑力的目标。这样如果在过程中遇到苦难我们就可能因为这个伟大的目标再坚持一会儿。关于这一点,正在看的7 habits of highly effective people也提到了,habit 2:To begin with the end. 


1. How will you benefit from succeeding at this challenge? Greater health, happiness, freedom, financial security, or success?

2. Who will benefit if you succeed at this challenge?


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