Level3 Unit3 Part1 Vocabulary -Forms of life

Level3 Unit3 Part1 Vocabulary -Forms of life

mammals(哺乳类动物) are covered by hair or fur(毛皮),have a backbone(脊椎) and are warm-blooded(温血的).

All female(雌性) mammals(哺乳动物) produce milk for their young.

Reptiles(爬行动物) are covered by scales(鳞片) and include snakes,lizards(蜥蜴) and turtles(乌龟).

Reptiles have a backbone and are cold-blooded,which means they often rely on(依靠) external(外部的) sources of heat(热度).

Birds are covered by feathers and are warm-blooded.

Most birds can fly and many types of birds migrate[ˈmaɪgreɪt] 迁徙 great distances.

Most insects such as ants and bees have a small,3-part body with 3 pairs of legs.

Some insects, like mosquitoes , spread(传播) diseases that cause the deaths of many humans.

Unlike animals,plants get the energy that they need from the sun.

Plants convert light energy,along with carbon-dioxide(二氧化碳) and water,into chemical energy.

Mosquitoes cause the deaths of more humans than any other animal.

Insects such as ants and bees live in well-organized(组织有序) colonies(聚居地).

Most mammals live on land,but some live in the sea.

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