

Ⅰ. Turn the following terms, abbreviations and proper nouns into Chinese. (15 points)

1. demographic statistics


2. stamp duty


3. simulation laboratory


4. ozone layer


5. functional equivalence


6. game theory


7. war correspondent


8. job intermediary


9. Interlingual translation


10. the conservation of energy


11. International Protocol


12. APEC

【答案】亚太经贸合作组织 (Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation)查看答案

13. CPI

【答案】消费物价指数 (Consumer Price Index)查看答案

14. Byzantine art


15. power politics


Ⅱ. Turn the following terms, abbreviations and proper nouns into English. (15 points)

1. 领土完整

【答案】territorial integrity查看答案

2. 贸易技术壁垒

【答案】technical barriers to trade查看答案

3. 分期付款


4. 原油

【答案】crude oil查看答案

5. 房地产

【答案】real estate查看答案

6. 反倾销


7. 养老基金

【答案】pension fund查看答案

8. 记者招待会

【答案】press conference查看答案

9. 急救站

【答案】first-aid station查看答案

10. 国内生产总值

【答案】Gross Domestic Product (GDP)查看答案

11. 三维空间

【答案】three-dimensional space查看答案

12. 前沿技术

【答案】cutting-edge technology
