

[root@localhost opt]# cd redmine-3.0.3-0/

[root@localhost redmine-3.0.3-0]# ls

apache2 mysql           README.txt  uninstall

apps           git                perl            ruby        uninstall.dat

changelog.txt  img                php             scripts     use_redmine

common         licenses           postgresql      sqlite

config  properties.ini  subversion

[root@localhost redmine-3.0.3-0]# ./ 

usage: ./ help

       ./ (start|stop|restart|status)

       ./ (start|stop|restart|status) mysql

       ./ (start|stop|restart|status) apache

       ./ (start|stop|restart|status) subversion

help       - this screen

start      - start the service(s)

stop       - stop  the service(s)

restart    - restart or start the service(s)

status     - show the status of the service(s)

步骤2:如果是设置所有的服务,直接操作./ + start/stop/restart/status就可以了,如下所示:

[root@localhost redmine-3.0.3-0]# ./ status

subversion already running

apache already running

mysql already running

[root@localhost redmine-3.0.3-0]# ./ restart

/opt/redmine-3.0.3-0/subversion/scripts/ : subversion stopped

Syntax OK

/opt/redmine-3.0.3-0/apache2/scripts/ : httpd stopped

/opt/redmine-3.0.3-0/mysql/scripts/ : mysql stopped

170209 15:23:53 mysqld_safe Logging to '/opt/redmine-3.0.3-0/mysql/data/mysqld.log'.

170209 15:23:53 mysqld_safe Starting mysqld.bin daemon with databases from /opt/redmine-3.0.3-0/mysql/data

/opt/redmine-3.0.3-0/mysql/scripts/ : mysql  started at port 3306

Syntax OK

/opt/redmine-3.0.3-0/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started at port 80

/opt/redmine-3.0.3-0/subversion/scripts/ : subversion started at port 3690

步骤3:如果是设置单独的服务,直接操作./ + start/stop/restart/status + apache/mysql/subversion就可以了,例如apache服务的关闭、状态查询和开启,如下所示:

[root@localhost redmine-3.0.3-0]# ./ stop apache

Syntax OK

/opt/redmine-3.0.3-0/apache2/scripts/ : httpd stopped

[root@localhost redmine-3.0.3-0]# ./ status apache

apache not running

[root@localhost redmine-3.0.3-0]# ./ start apache

Syntax OK

/opt/redmine-3.0.3-0/apache2/scripts/ : httpd started at port 80
