《Documenting Software Architectures 2nd》

《Documenting Software Architectures 2nd》

About the Cover xxi

Foreword to the Second Edition xxiii

Foreword to the First Edition xxv

Preface xxix

Acknowledgments xxxiii

Reader’s Guide xxxv

Prologue: Software Architectures and Documentation 1

The prologue establishes the necessary concepts and vocabulary for the

remainder of the book. It discusses how software architecture documentation

is used and why it is important. It defines the concepts that

provide the foundation of the book’s approach to documentation. It also

contains seven basic rules for sound documentation.

P.1 A Short Overview of Software Architecture 1

P.1.1 Overview 1

P.1.2 Architecture and Quality Attributes 2

Coming to Terms: What Is Software Architecture? 3

Perspectives: What’s the Difference Between Architecture and Design? 6

P.2 A Short Overview of Architecture Documentation 9

P.2.1 Why Document Software Architecture? 9

Coming to Terms: Specification, Representation, Description, Documentation 10

P.2.2 Uses and Audiences for Architecture

Documentation 12

P.2.3 Architecture Documentation and Quality

Attributes 17

P.2.4 Economics of Architecture Documentation 18

P.2.5 The Views and Beyond “Method” 19

P.2.6 Views and Beyond in an Agile Environment 20

P.2.7 Architectures That Change Faster Than You

Can Document Them 20

P.3 Architecture Views 22

Coming to Terms: A Short History of Architecture Views 23

P.4 Architecture Styles 25

P.4.1 Three Categories of Styles 29

Coming to Terms: Module, Component 29

Coming to Terms: “Architecture Style” and “Architecture Pattern” 32

P.5 Seven Rules for Sound Documentation 36

Perspectives: Beware Notations Everyone “Just Knows” 38

Perspectives: Quivering at Arrows 41

P.6 Summary Checklist 45

P.7 Discussion Questions 46

P.8 For Further Reading 47

Part I A Collection of Software Architecture Styles 49

Part I introduces the basic tools for software architecture documentation: architecture

styles. A style is a specialization of element and relationship types,

together with constraints on how they may be used. By identifying element and

relationship types, styles identify the architecture structures that architects design

to achieve the system’s quality and behavioral goals. There are three fundamental

kinds of structures: module structures, component-and-connector structures,

and allocation structures. Within each category reside a number of architecture

styles. The introduction to Part I includes a brief catalog of the styles that are

described in Chapters 1–5.

I.1 Three Categories of Styles 49

I.2 Style Guides: A Standard Organization for Explaining

a Style 50

I.3 Choosing Which Element and Relation Properties to

Document 52

I.4 Notations for Architecture Views 53

I.5 Examples 54

Chapter 1 Module Views 55

A module is an implementation unit of software that provides a coherent

unit of functionality. Modules form the basis of many standard architecture

views. This chapter defines modules and outlines the information

required for documenting module views.

1.1 Overview 55

1.2 Elements, Relations, and Properties of Module Views 56

1.2.1 Elements 56

1.2.2 Relations 57

1.2.3 Properties 57

1.3 What Module Views Are For 59

1.4 Notations for Module Views 60

1.4.1 Informal Notations 60

1.4.2 Unified Modeling Language 61

1.4.3 Dependency Structure Matrix 62

1.4.4 Entity-Relationship Diagram 62

1.5 Relation to Other Views 63

1.6 Summary Checklist 63

1.7 Discussion Questions 64

1.8 For Further Reading 64

Chapter 2 A Tour of Some Module Styles 65

This chapter introduces some common and important styles in the

module category. Each style is presented in terms of how it specializes

the overall elements and relations found in module styles.

2.1 Decomposition Style 65

2.1.1 Overview 65

2.1.2 Elements, Relations, and Properties 66

2.1.3 What the Decomposition Style Is For 67

2.1.4 Notations for the Decomposition Style 67

2.1.5 Relation to Other Styles 68

2.1.6 Examples Using the Decomposition Style 69

Coming to Terms: Subsystem 73

2.2 Uses Style 74

2.2.1 Overview 74

2.2.2 Elements, Relations, and Properties 75

2.2.3 What the Uses Style Is For 75

2.2.4 Notations for the Uses Style 76

2.2.5 Relation to Other Styles 79

2.2.6 Examples Showing the Uses Style 79

Coming to Terms: Uses 81

2.3 Generalization Style 82

2.3.1 Overview 82

2.3.2 Elements, Relations, and Properties 83

2.3.3 What the Generalization Style Is For 84

2.3.4 Notations for the Generalization Style 84

2.3.5 Relation to Other Styles 84

2.3.6 Examples Using the Generalization Style 85

2.4 Layered Style 87

2.4.1 Overview 87

2.4.2 Elements, Relations, and Properties 89

2.4.3 What the Layered Style Is For 90

2.4.4 Notations for the Layered Style 92

2.4.5 Relation to Other Styles 96

2.4.6 Examples Using the Layered Style 97

Coming to Terms: Virtual Machines 99

Perspectives: Calling Higher Layers 100

Perspectives: Using a DSM to Maintain a Layered Architecture 101

2.5 Aspects Style 104

2.5.1 Overview 104

2.5.2 Elements, Relations, and Properties 104

2.5.3 What the Aspects Style Is For 105

2.5.4 Notations for the Aspects Style 105

2.5.5 Relation to Other Styles 106

2.5.6 Examples Using the Aspects Style 106

Coming to Terms: Aspect-Oriented Programming 107

2.6 Data Model 109

2.6.1 Overview 109

2.6.2 Elements, Relations, and Properties 111

2.6.3 What the Data Model Is For 114

2.6.4 Notations for the Data Model Style 116

2.6.5 Relations to Other Styles 117

2.6.6 Examples 118

Coming to Terms: Entity 118

2.7 Summary Checklist 120

2.8 Discussion Questions 120

2.9 For Further Reading 121

Chapter 3 Component-and-Connector Views 123

Component-and-connector views represent units of execution plus the

pathways and protocols of their interaction. This chapter defines components

and connectors and describes the rules for documenting them.

3.1 Overview 123

3.2 Elements, Relations, and Properties of C&C Views 126

3.2.1 Elements 127

3.2.2 Component-and-Connector Types and

Instances 129

3.2.3 Relations 131

3.2.4 Properties 133

Perspectives: Are Complex Connectors Necessary? 135

3.3 What C&C Views Are For 136

Perspectives: Choosing Connector Abstractions 137

3.4 Notations for C&C Views 139

3.4.1 Informal Notations 139

3.4.2 Formal Notations 139

3.4.3 Semiformal Notations: UML 139

Perspectives: Data Flow and Control Flow Models 146

Contents ■ xiii

3.5 Relation to Other Kinds of Views 148

3.6 Summary Checklist 150

3.7 Discussion Questions 151

3.8 For Further Reading 152

Chapter 4 A Tour of Some Component-and-Connector Styles 155

This chapter introduces some important component-and-connector

(C&C) styles. The chapter describes how each style is a specialization of

the generic elements and relations of C&C styles, discusses what makes

each style useful, and explains how each style is documented.

4.1 An Introduction to C&C Styles 155

4.2 Data Flow Styles 157

4.2.1 Pipe-and-Filter Style 158

4.3 Call-Return Styles 161

4.3.1 Client-Server Style 162

4.3.2 Peer-to-Peer Style 166

4.3.3 Service-Oriented Architecture Style 169

4.4 Event-Based Styles 172

4.4.1 Publish-Subscribe Style 174

4.5 Repository Styles 178

4.5.1 Shared-Data Style 178

4.6 Crosscutting Issues for C&C Styles 182

4.6.1 Communicating Processes 182

4.6.2 Tiers 183

4.6.3 Dynamic Creation and Destruction 184

4.7 Summary Checklist 185

4.8 Discussion Questions 186

4.9 For Further Reading 187

Chapter 5 Allocation Views and a Tour of Some

Allocation Styles 189

Software architects are often obliged to document nonsoftware structures

and show how the software designs are mapped to the structures:

the computing environment in which their software will run, the organizational

environment in which it will be developed, and so on. This chapter

introduces the allocation view category, which is used to express the

allocation of software elements to nonsoftware structures, and three major

allocation styles.

5.1 Overview 189

5.2 Deployment Style 191

5.2.1 Overview 191

5.2.2 Elements, Relations, and Properties 192

5.2.3 What the Deployment Style Is For 194

xiv ■ Contents

5.2.4 Notation for the Deployment Style 196

5.2.5 Relation to Other Styles 197

5.3 Install Style 198

5.3.1 Overview 198

5.3.2 Elements, Relations, and Properties 199

5.3.3 What the Install Style Is For 200

5.3.4 Notations for the Install Style 200

5.3.5 Relation to Other Styles 202

5.4 Work Assignment Style 202

5.4.1 Overview 202

5.4.2 Elements, Relations, and Properties 202

5.4.3 What a Work Assignment Style Is For 203

5.4.4 Notations for the Work Assignment Style 203

5.4.5 Relation to Other Styles 204

Perspectives: Why Is a Work Assignment View Architectural? 205

5.5 Other Allocation Styles 206

Perspectives: Coordination Views 209

5.6 Summary Checklist 213

5.7 Discussion Questions 213

5.8 For Further Reading 214

Part II Beyond Structure: Completing the

Documentation 215

Part II concentrates on the rest of the information an architect should include in

architecture documentation, such as context diagrams, variation points, interfaces,

and software behavior.

Chapter 6 Beyond the Basics 217

This chapter introduces documentation approaches to handle some special

architecture issues and situations, such as breaking a view into chunks,

documenting context and variation points, and combining views.

6.1 Refinement 218

6.1.1 Decomposition Refinement 218

6.1.2 Implementation Refinement 219

6.1.3 Spectrum of Design 220

6.1.4 Style Specialization 221

6.2 Descriptive Completeness 222

6.3 Documenting Context Diagrams 225

6.3.1 Create Context Diagrams Using the

Vocabulary of the View 226

6.3.2 Content of a Context Diagram 228

6.3.3 Context Diagrams and Other Supporting

Documentation 229

6.3.4 Notations for Context Diagrams 229

Contents ■ xv

6.4 Documenting Variation Points 231

6.4.1 What Are Variation Points? 231

6.4.2 Variation Mechanisms 232

Coming to Terms: Product-Line Architectures 234

6.4.3 Dynamism and Dynamic Architectures 234

6.4.4 Documenting Variation Points 235

6.5 Documenting Architectural Decisions 239

6.5.1 Why Document Architectural Decisions? 239

6.5.2 A Template for Documenting Architectural

Decisions 239

6.5.3 Documenting Alternatives 242

6.5.4 Which Decisions to Document 242

Perspectives: “It may sound like a lot of effort to do this, but here’s how

we do it in the trenches.” 244

6.5.5 The Payback for Documenting Architectural

Decisions 245

Perspectives: From Documenting Architectures to Architecting As

Decision Making 246

Perspectives: An Ontology of Architecture Decisions 247

6.6 Combining Views 250

6.6.1 Types of Associations Between Views 251

6.6.2 Combined Views 252

6.6.3 When to Combine Views 254

6.6.4 Examples of Combined Views 255

6.7 Summary Checklist 258

6.8 Discussion Questions 259

6.9 For Further Reading 260

Chapter 7 Documenting Software Interfaces 261

The interfaces of the elements are critical parts of any architecture, and

documenting them is an important responsibility for the architect. This

chapter tells you how to specify an interface.

7.1 Overview 261

Coming to Terms: Provided vs. Required Interfaces 264

7.2 Interface Documentation 265

7.2.1 Showing the Existence of Interfaces in

Diagrams 268

7.3 A Standard Organization for Interface Documentation 271

Coming to Terms: Error Handling 277

7.4 Stakeholders of Interface Documentation 278

7.5 Conveying Syntactic Information 279

7.6 Conveying Semantic Information 280

Coming to Terms: Signature, Interface, API 280

xvi ■ Contents

7.7 Examples of Interface Documentation 281

7.7.1 Zip Component API 281

7.7.2 Interface to a SOAP Web Service 285

7.8 Summary Checklist 285

7.9 Discussion Questions 286

7.10 For Further Reading 286

Chapter 8 Documenting Behavior 289

Documenting behavior is an essential counterpoint to documenting

structure. This chapter covers the techniques and notations available for

expressing the behavior of elements, groups of elements, and the system

as a whole.

8.1 Beyond Structure 289

8.2 How to Document Behavior 290

8.2.1 Step 1: Decide What Kinds of Questions

You Need to Answer 290

8.2.2 Step 2: Determine What Types of

Information Are Available or Can Be

Constrained 291

8.2.3 Step 3: Choose a Notation 293

8.3 Notations for Documenting Behavior 295

8.3.1 Notations for Capturing Traces 295

8.3.2 Notations for Capturing Comprehensive

Models 303

8.4 Where to Document Behavior 306

8.5 Why to Document Behavior 306

8.5.1 Driving Development Activities 306

8.5.2 Analysis 307

8.6 Summary Checklist 308

8.7 Discussion Questions 309

8.8 For Further Reading 311

Part III Building the Architecture Documentation 313

Part III covers what you have to do to create and maintain the documentation

artifacts: choosing views to include, laying out and packaging the information,

and reviewing the document.

Chapter 9 Choosing the Views 315

This chapter provides guidance for selecting views, given the intended use

of an architecture: analysis, reconstruction, achieving common understanding,

the basis for deriving code, and so on.

9.1 Stakeholders and Their Documentation Needs 316

Contents ■ xvii

9.2 A Method for Choosing the Views 326

Perspectives: Listening to the Stakeholders 327

9.3 Example 329

Perspectives: How Not to Introduce an Architecture 333

9.4 Summary Checklist 335

9.5 Discussion Questions 335

9.6 For Further Reading 335

Chapter 10 Building the Documentation Package 337

This chapter explains how the documentation is organized to serve its

stakeholders. The chapter shows how the elements discussed in the

prior chapters fit together to produce usable documentation. The chapter

includes templates for architecture documentation.

10.1 Documenting a View 337

10.1.1 A Standard Organization for Documenting

a View 337

Perspectives: From Context Diagrams to a Context View 341

10.1.2 Useful Variations in the Standard Organization

for a View 344

10.1.3 Avoiding Unnecessary Repetition Across

Views or View Packets 349

10.2 Documentation Beyond Views 350

10.2.1 A Standard Organization for Documenting

Information Beyond Views 351

10.2.2 Useful Variations in the Standard Organization

for Documentation Beyond Views 356

10.3 Documenting a Mapping to Requirements 357

Perspectives: A Mapping to Requirements: You Might Already Have It 362

10.4 Packaging the Architecture Documentation 362

10.4.1 Packaging Schemes 362

10.4.2 Online Documentation, Hypertext, and Wikis 365

Coming to Terms: Wiki 366

10.4.3 Configuration Management 368

10.4.4 Follow a Release Strategy 368

Perspectives: Presentation Is Also Important 369

Perspectives: Tooling Requirements 370

10.5 Summary Checklist 372

10.6 For Further Reading 373

Chapter 11 Reviewing an Architecture Document 375

This chapter describes a step-by-step approach for conducting a structured

review of an architecture document, and it includes a large selection

of review questions.

11.1 Steps of the Procedure 376

Coming to Terms: Active Design Reviews 380

xviii ■ Contents

11.2 Sample Question Sets for Reviewing the

Architecture Document 382

11.2.1 Example Question Set for Capturing the

Right Stakeholders and Concerns 385

11.2.2 Example Question Set for Supporting

Evaluation 386

11.2.3 Example Question Set for Supporting

Development 389

11.2.4 Example Question Set for Reviewing for

Conformance to ISO/IEC 42010 391

11.3 An Example of Constructing and Conducting a Review 393

11.4 Summary Checklist 395

11.5 Discussion Questions 396

11.6 For Further Reading 396

Epilogue: Using Views and Beyond with Other Approaches 399

The epilogue compares the “Views and Beyond” approach to other documentation

approaches. It ties related work to the prescriptions given in

this book.

E.1 ISO/IEC 42010, née ANSI/IEEE Std 1471-2000 400

E.1.1 Overview 400

E.1.2 42010 and Views and Beyond 404

E.2 Rational Unified Process/Kruchten 4+1 406

E.2.1 RUP/4+1 and Views and Beyond 406

E.3 Using the Rozanski and Woods Viewpoint Set 408

Coming to Terms: Architecture Perspectives 410

E.3.1 Rozanski and Woods Viewpoints and Views

and Beyond 411

E.4 Documenting Architecture in an Agile Development

Project 414

E.4.1 Overview 414

E.4.2 Agile Development and Views and Beyond 415

E.5 U.S. Department of Defense Architecture Framework 419

E.5.1 Overview of DoDAF 419

E.5.2 DoDAF and Software Architecture 421

E.5.3 DoDAF and Views and Beyond 421

E.5.4 A Strategy to Use DoDAF to Document

Software Architecture 426

E.6 Where Architecture Documentation Ends 428

E.7 A Final Word 429

E.8 For Further Reading 429

Contents ■ xix

Appendix A UML—Unified Modeling Language 431

This appendix gives an overview of the Unified Modeling Language and

tells how it should be used to document the architecture constructs

described in this book.

A.1 Introduction 431

A.2 Documenting a Module View 433

A.2.1 Decomposition Style 433

A.2.2 Uses Style 433

A.2.3 Generalization Style 434

A.2.4 Layered Style 434

A.2.5 Aspects Style 434

A.2.6 Data Model Style 435

Perspectives: UML Class Diagrams: Too Much, Too Little 436

A.3 Documenting a Component-and-Connector View 438

A.4 Documenting an Allocation View 443

A.4.1 Deployment Style 443

A.4.2 Install and Implementation Styles 445

A.4.3 Work Assignment Style 446

A.5 Documenting Behavior 449

A.5.1 Activity Diagram 450

A.5.2 Sequence Diagram 450

A.5.3 Communication Diagram 453

A.5.4 Timing Diagram 454

A.5.5 Interaction Overview Diagram 455

A.5.6 State Machine Diagram 457

A.5.7 Use Case Diagram 458

A.6 Documenting Interfaces 460

Perspectives: UML Tools 461

Appendix B SysML—Systems Modeling Language 465

The Systems Modeling Language (SysML) is a general-purpose systems

modeling language intended to support a broad range of analysis and

design activities for systems engineering applications. This appendix

gives a short overview of using SysML to represent an architecture.

B.1 Architecture Documentation 466

B.2 Requirements 466

B.3 Documenting a Module View 468

B.4 Documenting a Component-and-Connector View 469

B.5 Documenting an Allocation View 470

B.6 Documenting Behavior 471

B.7 Documenting Interfaces 472

B.8 Summary 472

xx ■ Contents

Appendix C AADL—The SAE Architecture Analysis and

Design Language 473

The Architecture Analysis and Design Language (AADL) provides a textual

and graphical language to represent the runtime architecture of software

systems as a component-based model in terms of tasks and their

interactions, the hardware platform on which the system executes, and the

physical environment with which it interfaces. This appendix summarizes

AADL and briefly describes how it can be used to document architectures.

C.1 Introduction 473

C.2 Documenting a Module Style 475

C.3 Documenting a Component-and-Connector View 478

C.4 Documenting a Deployment View 481

C.5 Documenting Behavior 482

C.6 Documenting Interfaces 484

C.7 Summary 484

Acronyms 487

Glossary 491

References 497

About the Authors 509

About the Contributors 513

Index 517

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