

  • Idea - (see Traditional above, it's the same)
  • Business Case - (see Traditional above, it's the same)
  • Bid & Proposal - (see Traditional above, it's the same mostly, except the contract type may differ)
  • Early Agile Development (Pre-Release of first version)
    • Sprints - use the Scrum Method to deliver increments of working product iteratively until release ready
      • Sprint Planning - Product Owner and Team plan work for the sprint
      • Sprint Development - Team designs, builds, and tests increments of work in a fixed time period
      • Sprint Retro & Review - Customer reviews the work and team reviews the sprint for improvement
    • Deploy First Version to Production - this first version is often called the minimum viable product (MVP)
  • Continuous Delivery (Post-Release of first version)
    • The same team(s) supports development and operations or "DevOps"
    • These are still executed using the Sprint model, only the team must account for supporting Operations
    • Development
      • Create - try something new or build fixes
      • Verify - ensure that it works
      • Package - get it ready for release
    • Operations
      • Release - deploy the new features/enhancements/bug fixes
      • Configure - ensure operations and test features on/off
      • Monitor - monitor performance of functionality
      • Plan - prioritize the next improvement or fix
    • Disposal - (see Traditional above, it's the same)
