[The Threshold 播客总结] Manifesting Google 做到Google


[The Threshold 播客总结] Manifesting Google 做到Google_第1张图片

Google recently announced AMP for Email, which enhances email functionality, and Stadia, a gaming service. These products exemplify the pursuit of universal connectivity, and ties back to the original meaning of the word googol (a very very large number). As shown by its search engine and large number of startups, the "googol" spirit penetrates the company. Quite a portion of its teams work without geographic boundaries, and Google manage these teams scientifically. While not doing many thing like a "business", the company does stick to its original vision. For instance, it rejected YouTube's initiative to change payment scheme for its contributors to prevent the 'filter bubble' problem.

谷歌最近宣布了可以让电邮功能更强大的 AMP for Email,还有游戏系统Stadia。这些产品都印证了谷歌对全网连接的追求,并扣住了googol这个词的本意(一个很大很大的数)。真如它的搜索引擎和拥有众多的初创,googol的精神充斥着整个公司。很多团队是不受地点限制的,而公司也使用科学的方法来管理它们。Google并不一定会做那些感觉上很“商业”的举动,而它却紧守者着最初的愿景。例如,公司曾拒绝了YouTube一项改变对贡献者付费制度的提议,说那样会加剧“过滤闭环”的问题。

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