


然而,英国人可能并没有那么“欢迎”他的到来,伦敦街头上演了大规模的抗议示威活动。更有甚者,抗议者们特地准备了一个超大的“特朗普宝宝(Trump baby)”气球,随时准备着让它“上天”!

据报道,此举得到了伦敦市长萨迪克汗(Sadiq Khan)的批准。

The mayor of London has giventhe green light to plans for a giant blimp depicting President Donald Trump as a diapered baby to fly over the British capital during his visit on July 13.

○ give the green light to sth 给…开绿灯,准许,许可



"The mayor supports the right to peaceful protest and understands that this can take many different forms," a spokesman for Khan told the Guardian.



大标题就开始讽刺,“London gives a warm, orange welcome to Donald Trump”,伦敦对特朗普的到来表示“热烈”欢迎,天空飘来一片“橙”。

小标题也很有意思,“Oversized and over here”,oversized 超大号的,过大的,大概就是指“巨婴”气球宝宝的到来。

实际上,《经济学人》对标题的起法总有讲究,这个标题借用了英国人对美国大兵二战时的一个描述“Overpaid, oversexed and over here”,大概就是,你们“钱太多,XX太旺盛,还越过大洋跑到了这里。”有意思的是,美国人也作了反击,称英国人你们“Underpaid, undersexed and under Eisenhower.




A GIANT, inflatable “Trump baby”, snarling and clutching a smartphone in its tiny orange hand, is ready to greet America’s president during his visit on July 12th-15th.

从图中我们也可以看出,这个“特朗普宝宝”大张着嘴巴像在怒吼(snarling),右手紧握手机(clutching a smartphone),穿着尿布(a diapered baby)...


○ snarl /snɑːl/ 在此处表示“咆哮着说(话),怒吼

举个‘Shut up,’ he snarled. “住口。”他怒吼道。

○ clutch 表示“紧握,紧抓

举个 he was clutching a bottle of champagne. 她手里紧紧抓着一瓶香槟酒。


hold 握住,抓住;抱住(to have something in your hand, hands, or arms)

grip紧握,紧抓(to hold something very tightly and not let it go)

clutch 紧握,紧抓〔尤因不想摔掉或失去某物〕(to hold something tightly, especially because you do not want to drop or lose it)

The authorities in London have given protesters permission to fly the blimp over Parliament Square.

○ 这里的“give permission to do”和上文的“give the green light to sth”表达相同的含义

But Mr Trump will spend hardly any time in the capital, instead meeting the prime minister at her country house, Chequers, and seeing the queen at Windsor Castle, before heading to Scotland for a spot of golf.



○ Chequers

契克斯庄园(Chequers Court)是英国首相的官方乡间别墅,位于英国白金汉郡艾尔斯伯里镇(Ellesborough)东南方的奇尔顿(Chiltern Hills)山脚下。--百度百科

American officials may be keen to spare Mr Trump's blushes in front of protesters.

○ spare sb's blushes 意思是“不使(某人)脸红,避免让(某人)难为情”,英文解释为“to avoid making someone feel embarrassed

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