



(function(){        //闭包
function load_script(xyUrl, callback){
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    script.type = 'text/javascript';
    script.src = xyUrl;
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            script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = null;
            if ( head && script.parentNode ) {
                head.removeChild( script );
    // Use insertBefore instead of appendChild  to circumvent an IE6 bug.
    head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild );
function translate(point,type,callback){
    var callbackName = 'cbk_' + Math.round(Math.random() * 10000);    //随机函数名
    var xyUrl = "http://api.map.baidu.com/ag/coord/convert?from="+ type + "&to=4&x=" + point.lng + "&y=" + point.lat + "&callback=BMap.Convertor." + callbackName;
    BMap.Convertor[callbackName] = function(xyResult){
        delete BMap.Convertor[callbackName];    //调用完需要删除改函数
        var point = new BMap.Point(xyResult.x, xyResult.y);
        callback && callback(point);

window.BMap = window.BMap || {};
BMap.Convertor = {};
BMap.Convertor.translate = translate;
// JavaScript Document
GetMapContent = function (name, address, telephone, workTime, code, cid, schoolId,tiaozhuan) {
    return '
' + '

' + name + '

' + '

' + address + '

' + '

工作时间:' + workTime + '

' + '

咨询电话:' + telephone + '

' + '

' + // '查看校区详情' + '了解课程详情' + '

' + '
'; }; $(function () { window.markers = []; var oadr = document.getElementById('arealist'); //var ad = oadr.getElementsByTagName('dt'); var o_child = document.getElementById('schoollist'); //var ad_child = o_child.getElementsByTagName('li'); var o_list = $('#choicea'); var a_list = o_list.find('li'); var x = 116.417856; var y = 39.981264; var ggPoint = new BMap.Point(x, y); var opts = { offset: new BMap.Size(0, -10) }; var map = null; var icon = new BMap.Icon("images/map_icon.png", new BMap.Size(58, 68), { // 指定定位位置。 // 当标注显示在地图上时,其所指向的地理位置距离图标左上 // 角各偏移10像素和25像素。您可以看到在本例中该位置即是 // 图标中央下端的尖角位置。 offset: new BMap.Size(0, 0), // 设置图片偏移。 // 当您需要从一幅较大的图片中截取某部分作为标注图标时,您 // 需要指定大图的偏移位置,此做法与css sprites技术类似。 imageOffset: new BMap.Size(0, 0) // 设置图片偏移 } ); window.icon = icon; window.opts = opts; function initialize2(point) { //alert(point.lng + "," + point.lat); map = new BMap.Map("map"); // 创建Map实例 window.map = map; // // 初始化地图,设置中心点坐标和地图级别。 if (a_list.length > 0) { map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(a_list.eq(0).attr("x"), a_list.eq(0).attr("y")), 12); } else { map.centerAndZoom(point, 14); } map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); //启用滚轮放大缩小 map.addControl(new BMap.NavigationControl()); // 添加平移缩放控件 map.enableScrollWheelZoom(); //启用滚轮放大缩小,默认禁用 map.enableContinuousZoom(); //启用地图惯性拖拽,默认禁用 map.setCurrentCity("北京"); for (var i = 0; i < a_list.length; i++) { var p = new BMap.Point(a_list.eq(i).attr("x"), a_list.eq(i).attr("y")); addMarker(p, i, icon); } } //坐标转换完之后的回调函数 translateCallback = function (point) { initialize2(point); }; BMap.Convertor.translate(ggPoint, 2, translateCallback); function addMarker(p, i, icon) { marker = new BMap.Marker(p, { icon: icon }); window.markers.push(marker); map.addOverlay(marker); marker.addEventListener("click", function () { a_list.eq(i).click(); }); } for (var i = 0; i < a_list.length; i++) { a_list[i].onmouseover = function () { //odta.style.display = 'block'; }; a_list[i].onclick = function () { for (var i = 0; i < a_list.length; i++) { a_list[i].className = ''; } this.className = 'active'; if ($(this).attr("x") != "" && $(this).attr("y") != "") { content = GetMapContent($(this).attr("title"), $(this).attr("address"), $(this).attr("telephone"), $(this).attr("worktime"), $(this).attr("code"), $(this).attr("cid"), $(this).attr("schoolId")); var clickpoint = new BMap.Point($(this).attr("x"), $(this).attr("y"),15); addMarker(clickpoint, i, icon); map.openInfoWindow(new BMap.InfoWindow(content, opts), clickpoint); map.panTo(clickpoint); window.map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point($(this).attr("x"), $(this).attr("y")),19); //map.setCenter(clickpoint); // map.centerAndZoom(clickpoint,12); } }; } }) window.rePaintMarkers = function (xiaoqutype, liuxue, areaid,dangqiandom,xx,yy) { var showschool = $("#"+dangqiandom).find("li"); if (window.map && window.map !== undefined && window.map.closeInfoWindow) { window.map.closeInfoWindow(); } //去除标志物 if (window.markers !== undefined) { for(var i = 0; i < window.markers.length; i++) { var marker = window.markers[i]; marker.remove(); } } window.markers = []; //循环加上目前点击区域的marker //定位到当前区域 console.log(dangqiandom); if (showschool.length > 0 && window.map.centerAndZoom) { if(dangqiandom=='caoyang'){ window.map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(showschool.eq(0).attr("x"),showschool.eq(0).attr("y")),12); }else if(dangqiandom=='haidian'){ window.map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(showschool.eq(5).attr("x"),showschool.eq(5).attr("y")),13); }else if(dangqiandom=='changping'){ window.map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(showschool.eq(0).attr("x"),showschool.eq(0).attr("y")),11); }else{ window.map.centerAndZoom(new BMap.Point(showschool.eq(0).attr("x"),showschool.eq(0).attr("y")),13); } } //给当前点击的对象添加marker if (window.map.centerAndZoom) { //循环加上dian for (var i = 0; i < showschool.length; i++) { // 给marker加点击事件监听 var point = new BMap.Point(showschool.eq(i).attr("x"), showschool.eq(i).attr("y")); var marker = new BMap.Marker(point, {icon: window.icon}); window.markers.push(marker); window.map.addOverlay(marker); var content = GetMapContent($(showschool[i]).attr("title"), $(showschool[i]).attr("address"), $(showschool[i]).attr("telephone"), $(showschool[i]).attr("worktime"), $(showschool[i]).attr("code"), $(showschool[i]).attr("cid"),$(showschool[i]).attr("schoolId")); var i = i; (function(point, content,i) { marker.addEventListener("click", function (e) { showschool.eq(i).click(); }); })(point, content,i); } } }
