Pandas 模块 - 读写(4)-从数据库读写数据-read_sql/to_sql


4. 从数据库读写数据-read_sql/to_sql

4.1 .read_sql() 语法

4.2  .read_sql() 范例

4.2.1 必不可少的 sql 和 con

​ 4.2.2 相似的 index_col

4.2.3 很有用的 coerce_float

​ 4.2.4 特别的 params

 4.2.5 有用的的 parse_dates

4.2.6 相似的 columns

4.2.7 相似的 chunksize

4.3 .to_sql() 语法

4.4 .to_sql() 范例

4. 从数据库读写数据-read_sql/to_sql

4.1 .read_sql() 语法

.read_sql 的用法比较简单,大概因为数据库的数据基本上都是比较规整的。参数具体用法请见范例。

Help on function read_sql in module

read_sql(sql, con, index_col=None, coerce_float=True, params=None, parse_dates=None, columns=None, chunksize: Union[int, NoneType] = None) -> Union[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame, Iterator[pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]]
    Read SQL query or database table into a DataFrame.
    This function is a convenience wrapper around ``read_sql_table`` and
    ``read_sql_query`` (for backward compatibility). It will delegate
    to the specific function depending on the provided input. A SQL query
    will be routed to ``read_sql_query``, while a database table name will
    be routed to ``read_sql_table``. Note that the delegated function might
    have more specific notes about their functionality not listed here.
    sql : str or SQLAlchemy Selectable (select or text object)
        SQL query to be executed or a table name.
    con : SQLAlchemy connectable, str, or sqlite3 connection
        Using SQLAlchemy makes it possible to use any DB supported by that
        library. If a DBAPI2 object, only sqlite3 is supported. The user is responsible
        for engine disposal and connection closure for the SQLAlchemy connectable; str
        connections are closed automatically. See
        `here `_.
    index_col : str or list of str, optional, default: None
        Column(s) to set as index(MultiIndex).
    coerce_float : bool, default True
        Attempts to convert values of non-string, non-numeric objects (like
        decimal.Decimal) to floating point, useful for SQL result sets.
    params : list, tuple or dict, optional, default: None
        List of parameters to pass to execute method.  The syntax used
        to pass parameters is database driver dependent. Check your
        database driver documentation for which of the five syntax styles,
        described in PEP 249's paramstyle, is supported.
        Eg. for psycopg2, uses %(name)s so use params={'name' : 'value'}.
    parse_dates : list or dict, default: None
        - List of column names to parse as dates.
        - Dict of ``{column_name: format string}`` where format string is
          strftime compatible in case of parsing string times, or is one of
          (D, s, ns, ms, us) in case of parsing integer timestamps.
        - Dict of ``{column_name: arg dict}``, where the arg dict corresponds
          to the keyword arguments of :func:`pandas.to_datetime`
          Especially useful with databases without native Datetime support,
          such as SQLite.
    columns : list, default: None
        List of column names to select from SQL table (only used when reading
        a table).
    chunksize : int, default None
        If specified, return an iterator where `chunksize` is the
        number of rows to include in each chunk.

4.2  .read_sql() 范例

4.2.1 必不可少的 sql 和 con

        如果大家直接之前曾经用 Python 操作过数据库,应该比较熟悉各种 Python 数据库接口。

        Python 标准数据库接口为 Python DB-API,Python DB-API为开发人员提供了数据库应用编程接口。我比较喜欢MySQL 数据库,在 Python 2.* 阶段可以用第三方库 MySQLdb,在 3.* 阶段推荐使用第三方库 pymysql。我也使用的pymysql,后面所有代码都是如此。

        sql : str or SQLAlchemy Selectable (select or text object) SQL query to be executed or a table name.

        con : SQLAlchemy connectable, str, or sqlite3 connection Using SQLAlchemy makes it possible to use any DB supported by that library. If a DBAPI2 object, only sqlite3 is supported. The user is responsible for engine disposal and connection closure for the SQLAlchemy connectable; str


Pandas 模块 - 读写(4)-从数据库读写数据-read_sql/to_sql_第1张图片


conn=pymysql.connect(host="",# IP 地址指向本地数据库,如果是远程数据库,
                    user="root", # 用户名
                    password="wxf123",# 密码
                    database="ivydb") # 数据库名
data=pd.read_sql('''SELECT * FROM  human;''', # 简单明了的 sql 语句
                con = conn) # 把数据库的入口传给它


Pandas 模块 - 读写(4)-从数据库读写数据-read_sql/to_sql_第2张图片 4.2.2 相似的 index_col

          index_col : str or list of str, optional, default: None Column(s) to set as index(MultiIndex).

        此处的 index_col 作用和 read_csv/read_excel等函数是一致的,但是需要注意,此处不接受数值,只接受字符串或者字符串的列表。大家想想数据库的特质就明白了,不管是 csv 还是 excel表或者 txt 文档都可能有很多不规范的数据,数据库基本上就是整整齐齐的了,每一列都有列名。


data=pd.read_sql('''SELECT * FROM  human;''', con = conn,index_col="id")


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4.2.3 很有用的 coerce_float


        coerce_float : bool, default True Attempts to convert values of non-string, non-numeric objects (like decimal.Decimal) to floating point, useful for SQL result sets.

当前 Mysql 库数据如下:

Pandas 模块 - 读写(4)-从数据库读写数据-read_sql/to_sql_第4张图片

大家可以看到  coerce_float 为 True 和为 False 结果是不一样的

Pandas 模块 - 读写(4)-从数据库读写数据-read_sql/to_sql_第5张图片

Pandas 模块 - 读写(4)-从数据库读写数据-read_sql/to_sql_第6张图片 4.2.4 特别的 params

params : list, tuple or dict, optional, default: None
        List of parameters to pass to execute method.  The syntax used
        to pass parameters is database driver dependent. Check your
        database driver documentation for which of the five syntax styles,
        described in PEP 249's paramstyle, is supported.
        Eg. for psycopg2, uses %(name)s so use params={'name' : 'value'}.

params 参数可以是一个列表,元组或字典,默认是 None。这些被传递的参数用于执行某些策略。但是并非所有数据库驱动程序都支持所有这些可能性,支持哪种语法取决于您使用的驱动程序

当前 Mysql 数据库数据如下

Pandas 模块 - 读写(4)-从数据库读写数据-read_sql/to_sql_第7张图片


#  %(low)s and %(high)s 配合 params 
data=pd.read_sql('''SELECT * FROM  test_order WHERE cost BETWEEN %(low)s and %(high)s;''', 
                 con = conn,


 Pandas 模块 - 读写(4)-从数据库读写数据-read_sql/to_sql_第8张图片

 4.2.5 有用的的 parse_dates

parse_dates : list or dict, default: None,列表或者字典,默认为 None


- List of column names to parse as dates. 希望解析成dates的列名列表,表示以默认format转换这些列

- Dict of ``{column_name: format string}`` where format string is strftime compatible in case of parsing string times, or is one of (D, s, ns, ms, us) in case of parsing integer timestamps.

``{column_name: format string}``格式的字典,将指定的列c转换为对应的格式f,一个format例子为"%Y:%m:%H:%M:%S"

- Dict of ``{column_name: arg dict}``, where the arg dict corresponds to the keyword arguments of :func:`pandas.to_datetime` Especially useful with databases without native Datetime support, such as SQLite.

4.2.6 相似的 columns

columns : list, default: None

List of column names to select from SQL table (only used when reading a table).



4.2.7 相似的 chunksize

chunksize : int, default None  int

If specified, return an iterator where `chunksize` is the number of rows to include in each chunk.

类型,默认为 None,一旦指定,返回一个 迭代器,这个迭代器每个 chunk 内迭代 chunksize 个 行。


Pandas 模块 - 读写(4)-从数据库读写数据-read_sql/to_sql_第9张图片



data=pd.read_sql('''SELECT * FROM  human;''', 
                 con = conn,




for tmp in data:


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4.3 .to_sql() 语法

Help on function to_sql in module pandas.core.generic:

to_sql(self, name: 'str', con, schema=None, if_exists: 'str' = 'fail', index: 'bool_t' = True, index_label=None, chunksize=None, dtype=None, method=None) -> 'None'
    Write records stored in a DataFrame to a SQL database.
    Databases supported by SQLAlchemy [1]_ are supported. Tables can be
    newly created, appended to, or overwritten.
    name : str
        Name of SQL table.
    con : sqlalchemy.engine.(Engine or Connection) or sqlite3.Connection
        Using SQLAlchemy makes it possible to use any DB supported by that
        library. Legacy support is provided for sqlite3.Connection objects. The user
        is responsible for engine disposal and connection closure for the SQLAlchemy
        connectable See `here                 `_.
    schema : str, optional
        Specify the schema (if database flavor supports this). If None, use
        default schema.
    if_exists : {'fail', 'replace', 'append'}, default 'fail'
        How to behave if the table already exists.
        * fail: Raise a ValueError.
        * replace: Drop the table before inserting new values.
        * append: Insert new values to the existing table.
    index : bool, default True
        Write DataFrame index as a column. Uses `index_label` as the column
        name in the table.
    index_label : str or sequence, default None
        Column label for index column(s). If None is given (default) and
        `index` is True, then the index names are used.
        A sequence should be given if the DataFrame uses MultiIndex.
    chunksize : int, optional
        Specify the number of rows in each batch to be written at a time.
        By default, all rows will be written at once.
    dtype : dict or scalar, optional
        Specifying the datatype for columns. If a dictionary is used, the
        keys should be the column names and the values should be the
        SQLAlchemy types or strings for the sqlite3 legacy mode. If a
        scalar is provided, it will be applied to all columns.
    method : {None, 'multi', callable}, optional
        Controls the SQL insertion clause used:
        * None : Uses standard SQL ``INSERT`` clause (one per row).
        * 'multi': Pass multiple values in a single ``INSERT`` clause.
        * callable with signature ``(pd_table, conn, keys, data_iter)``.

4.4 .to_sql() 范例


from sqlalchemy import create_engine
#engine = create_engine("mysql+pymysql://【此处填用户名】:【此处填密码】@【此处填host】:【此处填port】/【此处填数据库的名称】?charset=utf8")
engine = create_engine("mysql+pymysql://root:wxf123@localhost:3306/ivydb?charset=utf8", echo=True)
result=data.to_sql("human2", con = engine)


2021-11-21 13:42:19,617 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'sql_mode'
2021-11-21 13:42:19,618 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [raw sql] {}
2021-11-21 13:42:19,626 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'lower_case_table_names'
2021-11-21 13:42:19,627 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [generated in 0.00130s] {}
2021-11-21 13:42:19,636 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT DATABASE()
2021-11-21 13:42:19,638 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [raw sql] {}
2021-11-21 13:42:19,647 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine SELECT COUNT(*) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = %(table_schema)s AND table_name = %(table_name)s
2021-11-21 13:42:19,648 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [generated in 0.00135s] {'table_schema': 'ivydb', 'table_name': 'human2'}
2021-11-21 13:42:19,657 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine BEGIN (implicit)
2021-11-21 13:42:19,661 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine 
	id BIGINT, 
	title TEXT, 
	age BIGINT, 
	location TEXT, 
	comment DATE

2021-11-21 13:42:19,662 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [no key 0.00123s] {}
2021-11-21 13:42:19,713 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine CREATE INDEX ix_human2_id ON human2 (id)
2021-11-21 13:42:19,714 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [no key 0.00092s] {}
2021-11-21 13:42:19,756 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine COMMIT
2021-11-21 13:42:19,760 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine BEGIN (implicit)
2021-11-21 13:42:19,761 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine INSERT INTO human2 (id, title, age, location, comment) VALUES (%(id)s, %(title)s, %(age)s, %(location)s, %(comment)s)
2021-11-21 13:42:19,763 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine [generated in 0.00113s] ({'id': 1, 'title': 'Teacher', 'age': 36, 'location': 'Beijing', 'comment':, 1, 1)}, {'id': 2, 'title': 'NewMan', 'age': 3, 'location': 'Shanghai', 'comment':, 2, 1)}, {'id': 3, 'title': 'Policeman', 'age': 33, 'location': 'Beijing', 'comment':, 5, 9)}, {'id': 4, 'title': 'CodingMan', 'age': 32, 'location': 'Nanjing', 'comment':, 1, 1)}, {'id': 5, 'title': 'Officer', 'age': 28, 'location': 'GuangZhou', 'comment':, 1, 1)}, {'id': 6, 'title': 'Farmer', 'age': 54, 'location': 'ShangDong', 'comment':, 1, 1)}, {'id': 7, 'title': 'Trader', 'age': 31, 'location': 'GuangZhou', 'comment':, 8, 19)}, {'id': 8, 'title': 'Thief', 'age': 20, 'location': 'ShangDong', 'comment':, 1, 1)}, {'id': 9, 'title': 'Builder', 'age': 27, 'location': 'Beijing', 'comment':, 8, 19)}, {'id': 10, 'title': 'Singer', 'age': 22, 'location': 'Nanjing', 'comment':, 1, 1)})
2021-11-21 13:42:19,766 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.Engine COMMIT

 Pandas 模块 - 读写(4)-从数据库读写数据-read_sql/to_sql_第11张图片



