There are many reasons to live within Apple’s walled garden, and Apple Pay is one of them. Here we’re going to run through the steps that must be taken to set up, and then use, Apple Pay on an iPhone.
住在苹果围墙花园中的原因很多,Apple Pay是其中之一。 在这里,我们将逐步介绍在iPhone上设置和使用Apple Pay必须采取的步骤。
Apple Pay is Apple’s way of making it easier for its users to spend money, and even though that doesn’t necessarily sound like a great thing, it can be a real life changer. With Apple Pay in tow, depending on your location, leaving home without a wallet is possible, and if you’re particularly forgetful, that can be huge. Contactless payment via Apple Pay and other such technologies is ubiquitous in many parts of the world, and the United States is starting to catch up, too. That means that Apple Pay is more helpful than ever.
Apple Pay是Apple简化用户消费方式的一种方式,即使这听起来不一定很棒,但它确实可以改变生活。 使用Apple Pay拖拉拖车,取决于您所在的位置,可以不用钱包离开家,如果您特别健忘,那可能会很大。 通过Apple Pay和其他此类技术进行的非接触式支付在世界许多地方无处不在,美国也开始迎头赶上。 这意味着Apple Pay比以往任何时候都更有帮助。
Setting up Apple Pay is one of the first things you should do when getting a new iPhone, though making payments has changed slightly with some of Apple’s most recent iPhone releases. Fear not though—we’re going to hold your hand the whole way through. Let’s get started.
设置Apple Pay是购买新iPhone时应该做的第一件事,尽管在某些最新的iPhone版本中,付款方式有所变化。 不过不要害怕-我们将在整个过程中握住您的手。 让我们开始吧。
To get the ball rolling, open the Wallet app and then tap the “Plus” icon in the top-right corner.
The next screen will tell you a little bit about Apple Pay and what it can do. Tap the “Continue” button to move on.
下一个屏幕将告诉您有关Apple Pay及其功能的一些信息。 点击“继续”按钮继续。
Now, you’ll need the physical card that you want to add to Apple Pay. You can either scan the card by placing it inside the frame and using your iPhone’s camera or tap the “Enter Card Details Manually” button. If you follow the latter route, you will be asked to enter all pertinent information—card number, your name, expiration date, and security code.
现在,您将需要添加到Apple Pay的实体卡。 您可以通过将卡片放在框架中并使用iPhone的相机进行扫描,也可以点击“手动输入卡片详细信息”按钮。 如果遵循后一种方法,将要求您输入所有相关信息,包括卡号,您的姓名,有效期和安全代码。
After all of your details are entered, your bank will need to verify your card. This should all be done automatically (and happen quickly) but may differ depending on your bank. Follow the on-screen instructions, and you shouldn’t have any issues.
输入所有详细信息后,您的银行将需要验证您的卡。 这应该全部自动完成(并Swift进行),但可能因银行而异。 按照屏幕上的说明进行操作,就不会有任何问题。
Once you have completed the process, your card will be ready for use in the Wallet app.
To use Apple Pay online, simply follow the merchant’s steps to the point where you’re prompted to authenticate for Apple Pay. The steps at this point are the same as making a purchase in-store.
要在线使用Apple Pay,只需按照商家的步骤操作,直到提示您进行Apple Pay身份验证为止。 此时的步骤与在店内购买相同。
To make a purchase in-store using a locked iPhone X, iPhone XR, or iPhone XS, double-click the side button and then look at your iPhone. The Wallet app will open and display your default card. By looking at your iPhone, Face ID will successfully authenticate the purchase. However, if you’re using an iPhone with Touch ID, double-press the Home button while the device is locked and then rest your finger on the button to authenticate Apple Pay.
要使用锁定的iPhone X,iPhone XR或iPhone XS在商店内进行购买,请双击侧面按钮,然后查看您的iPhone。 电子钱包应用将打开并显示您的默认卡。 通过查看您的iPhone,Face ID将成功验证购买。 但是,如果您使用的是带Touch ID的iPhone,请在设备锁定时双击“主页”按钮,然后将手指放在该按钮上以对Apple Pay进行身份验证。
If you’re in a physical store, hold your iPhone against the contactless reader. Generally, you don’t need to touch the reader for the transaction to take place although some older readers may be less forgiving here. Once the purchase is complete, you will hear a chime and see a checkmark appear on-screen alongside the word “Done.”
如果您在实体店中,请将iPhone紧贴非接触式阅读器。 通常,您无需触摸阅读器即可进行交易,尽管一些老读者可能对此不太宽容。 购买完成后,您会听到提示音,并在屏幕上看到“完成”字样旁边的对号。